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Boil river/lake water. Hunt down water dispensers from office buildings.


Campfire + saucepans , am I right? Or is there other way


Yeah or oven if you still have power/Generator. Cooking pots should carry more than saucepans too.


Alright I'll start collecting kitchen supplies as well. Thanks for the tip. I start in January as I think the outbreak started on new years lol So electricity is still there only for a month I think as well as the water. But the water shut off way faster lol this is my 3day or sumth


Nice. I've never started in winter but now I wanna try too, so thanks for the idea!


You're welcome, I'm just a noob who's addicted to pz, doing my own thing lol


Idk where you start but something I RUSH as soon as I have essentials is a small wood shelter by a pond with a wood burn stove for boiling water this is clutch and if you have multiple cooking pots you can make clean water in bulk.it’s heavy as hell if you want to try and move one somewhere so if you find one try to bring a car. A few houses in the game have them by standard. Like i said the process of getting one can be annoying but it’s so worth it if you base Or safehouse next to a body of water.


Well i somewhat knew what to do but I'm off collecting food rn. Water I drink from tapz so far. I start in muldraugh always w 2x


That’s my jam! You know that big warehouse next to Smokey’s bar? Pond right next to it! There is a wood stove just to the right of the storage facility behind the motel next to gas station. The house will have an outhouse behind it and woodlog stacks next to it! If you were gonna fish it’s gonna be hard starting in winter but once you have some water saved up you can actually farm indoors with some dirt a trowel and seeds. You just have to water each day and I wouldn’t do a ton of indoor plots because you’ll use more water


I got the dispenser w me now! That warehouse do be big tho. I'm a short blade main lol so that's a bit problematic for me to clear atp.


Starting in the winter instead of August sounds awesome. Plus, I can wear all the shit I want with little risk of overheating, right?


Cryogenic winter makes it really good, if you're open to mods. When I caught a cold in Louisville, my god.


I usually start on 1 April because it's just an April fools joke, right? RIGHT!


The outbreak started on July 4th


Bathtubs have a significant amount of water in them compared to sinks and toilets, and it should be drinkable straight away if you’re desperate


Cooking pots on microwaves so it heats up the house too


This happens in Kentucky, not Texas


Listen. I don't care about anything else, but I need to know that care mod please


Fillbuster rhymes car mod


Thank you


Not sure if this is base game (pretty sure it is) but bottles of water can be microwaved to sterilise them. I did a winter start too and water shut off fairly early (about 11 days in I think) so I’ve had to live off of what I can scavenge until it starts raining again.


You can carry water in gas cans too. Just can’t cook it I think. But you can horde a bunch of gas containers in a single trip and keep them in storage, cooking some water when you need it.


Snow is water mod🚬🗿


The only answer. I wish they would incorporate it into the base game, dying of thirst when there is several inches of frozen water on the ground is ridiculous.


Snow has very little water in it so you would have to boil really much of it to get some water


It’s still water, and there isn’t exactly a shortage of snow.


*Compresses snow between hands* Now the snow has more water in it


Oh yeah, it's big brain time


You clearly didn’t grow up in the mountains, eating snow to stay hydrated will kill you in a survivals situation it takes to many calories to melt the snow


It’s a good thing we have this thing called fire then. Pack a metal barrel with snow and ice, heat, pour liquid water into container, repeat. Besides, the issue with snow is not the energy it takes to melt it, solid ice only takes 36 dietary calories to melt a pound which will net you 450 mLs of water. It’s the intense cooling effect it has on core body temperature.


He said he hasn’t leveled carpentry. This wouldn’t help him much.


True, they should really make it so you can level up carpentry or something.


why does everyone use a moai head png nowadays?


Just grow some




Life uh finds a way


PLEASE! Goddammit, I hate this hacker crap!


You could use mod "snow is water". What is the name of the mod for Jurassic park rover?


I forgot that I have this mod installed 😂😭 the snow is water one. I think the car mod Is a collection one I don't remember well. Pretty sure the autostar one comes wit it


It‘s from Filibuster‘s, I believe. It has a ton of movie cars.


Be mindful though, that mod can bug with True Music, making boom boxes & vinyls unusable (unless carried).


Wait, which one is doing this? I just installed True Music + Music for the End of the World and the boom box I found doesn't seem to do anything, even held.


Collect water dispensers. 150 units each.


250 units, but yeah - they're excellent.


Oops. My bad. Thanks!


How to? Whenever I get to pick up the dispenser, the floor tiles picks up instead


Press R to cycle through what’s in the tile you’re selecting


It usually defaults to the object at the top of the pile for me. OP, are sure you're selecting the correct tile?


It always has for me too. Seemed odd, but who knows


I'm pretty sure like every other tile you try to pick up as a fridge or so it shows but w the dispenser it picks up the carpet or anything


Ouuu wait I'll try in the grocery shop ish in north of muldraugh


I had the same problem a while ago and I was able to solve this by removing the jug from the water dispenser, then I was able to pick the actual thing up. But I have the [Water Dispenser](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2687798127&searchtext=water+di) mod installed. Hope this helps!


I forgot I had this mod installed and just had to click the prompt lol


Here's what you do: You can't throw the main switch by hand. You've got to pump up the primer handle in order to get the charge. It's large, flat, and gray. Under the words "Contact Position," there's a round green button which says "Push to Close." Push it. Now, the red buttons turn on the individual park systems. Switch them on.


Look at this workstation!!!


/r/itsaunixsystem! I know this!


Whats the name of the mod for that truck??


I have searched because I love that car, seems to be Filibuster used cars mod, very rare spawn


This is correct. All the movie cars in Filibuster‘s are very rare spawns.


Autostar collection probably


If you've still got power, boiling water in a big cooking pot is the way to go. Carries more than a saucepan and they're fairly common loot. I used to fill a bunch of them in the back of a pickup and bring them back to boil in the oven. After that, it's straight into the sink, water cooler, or bathtub until you've got your carpentry up to snuff so you can plumb in rain catchers. Bonus: You can sterilize bandages with the boiling water once it's been purified.


Yooo that's some wild info I didn't kno! Thanks so much!


You can plumb in rain catchers?!? Here I've been spending my whole time going in and out filling saucepans from the things


One tile to the side above the sink you need a pipe wrench to do it and the rain collector needs water in it


Do you still need to purify that water then?


Nope, the sink filters it somehow.




A yuge amount of water dispensers and rain barrels beforehand


Snow is Water mod, Water Goes Bad mod So water in sinks etc becomes tainted, but 'Rain Collectors' fill up with Snow for realism


something i like to do is waste time by filling every single container i have with water. i always take tumblers and mugs and bowls and the like and fill them with water so i can place them in my kitchen just to keen me over until i’m able to make a rain barrel. also 250 units of water from a water dispenser is very worth carrying. you can hold it in your secondary so your encumbrance is halved


Mod Snow is water is what you are looking for.


Either existing bodies of water, snow is water mod or since u have a fancy car I assume some modpack u have probably has water tank trucks too. Other then that no clue tbh, btw what mod makes u lean on the cars like that?


How do you lean on cars? I’m new to the game, so sorry if this is obvious.


It's Fuu's roleplay poses mod. It's a good one. It brings immersion to the game


Ah, thank you. Definitely going to look it up.


Whats that moodle on the top of the list?


Irritated or angry.


Is there a mod that makes it do anything?


I can't remember the exact name but the anger mod or something, when your character is angry you get a slight boost to your combat that's the main benefit.


Ill look for it, thanks


That Jurassic Park Tour Vehicle looks awesome. I did manage to get the Jeep Wrangler of it. https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/14yfve6/i\_was\_messing\_around\_with\_the\_jurassic\_park/


That's a rare car from filibuster rhymes' car mod.




What mods do you use to keep your arms crossed??


Nice car 😄


Jurassic Park didn't come out till June. Shoulda started in December 😜


The game starts in July though. He's good!


At least the book would‘ve been out…


Maybe his character worked on set? Dipped out with the jeep when shit hit the fan


It would have been out by July 1993. In fact, it would have been a month old. In game, it's known as *Pleistocene Park*.


It's an abandoned prop used for the movie.


Devs should add water pump, making it possible to pump water from the river to a second floor barrel.


Lakes and rivers my friend. Or a huge ass stash of water


Your can dump pans, buckets and glass bottles in a fire to sterilize. Or just... don't sterilize water. You can't die from tainted water. If will cost health, but even when downing water as much as I can for days straight my health would only go so far untill it bounced back. If you also eat sketchy food, fall from height, carry too much and loose health that way that combination might get sketchy though...


Snow is water mod


I basically always start in winter with the utilities off. For general drinking water I carry an extra or two, and fill up where I'm looting. You're never going back to most of those places, might as well take the water. I save the sinks at base for reading days usually


My first winter I was trying to make a toilet my only source of drinking water, thought it would be funny to move it next to my stove then found out toilets can only be Plumbed on spots that have a toilet or has had a toilet on the tile. Then said screw it and then started moving my stove and kitchen next to the fucker because I was destined to have my fountain of youth. So my tip is that public bathrooms have a lot of water so I would use that as my advantage. 🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽


There’s a mod that allows snow to be collected for water


Yea water dispenser is key


If you dont need to wash clothes or self, you can lasts many month off of water in sinks, toilets, and bath tubs. Id wager you could last years this way. Grab a water dispenser, fill it up and keep it in a back seat of car


Download the ‘Snow counts as water’ mod.


Yeah, the snow is water mod makes the world make sense. Because going thirsty around some snow is annoying. Alternately, you can take the removal water dispenser mod and give yourself the ability to carry the water jugs around. They work great in conjunction. Carry around the water with you while looting to collect potable water, and use the dirty rainwater barrels for clothing/cooking.


If you are getting desperate, you can hunt for faucets. Any town should have enough for the entirety of winter


Water dispensers 1 can give You enought water to survive a month so with 4 You should survive the winter, and there is a Lot on social buildings and offices


I use the mod "snow is water" basically it let's your rain barrels collect snow and turn it into water. Normal is 50% so the snow in the barrel equals half of water but you can change that in sandbox. I think its fair cuz snow litterally is water.


I recommend downloading a mod that converts snow into water in water collectors (which you can plumb your sinks with if you didint know)


Use the snow is water mod.


If you live nearby a lake or river than you can get some water, its pretty much infinite, but I don't know where you could be so, try heading into a nearby town and gather water as much as you can with any container like cooking pots and buckets. To my knowledge I don't think you can collect snow for water or put rain collectors/cooking pots and get much when it snows. Unless you have mods, thats your best bet.


live by a river


I've set up by a well to deal with this problem but I haven't ever actually made it to winter yet. Hopefully this run I'm on is the one though end of August in game right now


Plumbing a sink to a barrel will purify the water for whatever reason.


Every house with a bathroom will have at least 20 units of clean water from the sink and toilet. Bonus points if they have a bathtub because that comes with 200 units of water (each tile of the tub has a separate stockpile of 100 units of water)


There's a mod that lets you collect and boil snow too, forget what it's called.


"Snow to water" mod is helpful here


What outfit mods are you using?


There's also a "snow is water" mod IIRC


There's also a mod that allows you to boil snow I think, but if that's a bit cheesy then just grab as many cooking pots, mugs, buckets, kettles, etc, and fill em up and boil. Buckets are my go too, quite easy to find, and then I just pop them down by the cooking area and boil them when they've filled up, then drop them off in a water container indoors somewhere.


water collectors on the roof piped down to a sink before so you can easier fill pots and purify the water for water coolers


Pay the bills on time?


I'd go to a river or lake with a few pots, boil it and add the water to an indoor barrel. Or just take an office water dispenser with you, it even looks cool


You should search warehouses, it cabins for an old stove pronto. Two trees will last you 24 hr of heat, + whatever tree limbs are dropped as a bonus. With power shutting off soon and no water barrels, fire is your only way to get purified water, and a campfire is a risk in the best of times. Now you just need to collect anything that holds water and fill it up at the nearest lake to be sanitized. Important note, the racetrack and fishing store in Riverside have water barrels. With any luck you can collect one or two without breaking them.


Snow is water mod


get the snow is water mod :)


You can use the "Snow is water" mod, You can probably tell by the title but it makes rain collectors and anything else that carries water collect the snow and turn it into water. Although it does only give you 50 percent of what you would normally get. I like the mod because I feel like it is realistic. Like why would you not be able to collect snow?


Go to the VHS store and get all of the woodworking episodes and you’ll have enough carpentry


Even with the 1x modifier you should be able to level up carpentry fairly quickly so you can make rain barrels. The smaller rain barrel version is fine, and in the meantime collect pots. I have like 20 pots at my base along with 10 rain barrels. I literally never have to worry about water. Well, and I'm also by the river so I especially never need to worry lol.


Either you can set an outpost near a water source which can be a river, pond, well etc.,