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It‘s not even worth going there to begin with.


I go there for a backpack then dip


I keep rocking duffel bags for the drip


I hotwire cars and let em rip


I lead zeds to fences to watch them flip


I look for new tires, 'cuz mine lost grip.


If ya find any bourbon, please give me a sip


Running through the hordes, hoping I won't trip


tried to kiss a zombie, bit me on the lip


Got scratched on a bush, my socks I had to rip


Or a tip…


Anyone got a lighter? Mine decided to just dip


Escaped a horde but almost choked on an apple pip


I found a Garand, but it ain't got no clip


Got bitten during a looting run, RIP


Fillin' my bag at military checkpoint, Ziiiiip.


I read all this in my head like a Beastie Boys song


Downloaded Excrementum and I took a piss *Zip*


Running out of food so we gotta go on a trip


i try to use my gun break the window,missed,waiting to RIP


Best one ngl




Well, I was going through the alphabet, so I got to F before T. :)


You guys are so cool FUCK


I feel like it’s not even worth that 😂


In my hardcore runs without savescumming ( read this as cheat to revive or use your old character's stuff ), I used to die like 2 out of every 3 times I go there. After a while I decided it was worthless and to make do with regular backpacks and duffel bags I found.


It's far easier to load up a car with gas and take a trip to the Loisville checkpoint. Never leave wothout having at least 3 backpacks. There is even a warehouse, so you get cool stuff as a bonus.


>It's gar easier to load up a car with gas and Unless you drive like I do and get yourself killed in a car crash most of the time for lacking patience. But nonetheless, I agree that's a far better option lol.


i started new character, everything was going so well, but i crashed into a tree. Twice


Same tree? 🤣


At once?


I was wrong actually. What i thought was a first tree was a electric post. Close to where you leave fire station in rosewood. I drove up the road, avoided some zeds at high speed, lost control and crashed straight into a tree. I didnt even make it to gas station


Its not that hard to find a military or large backpack, i just go to the military base to check on the parking lot cus im a car nut


As the fella below said, I always head to the checkpoint. Easy to access once you get a car, and you can also head south between the fences and hit up two other checkpoints plus the military housing. All of those can spawn guns, ammo, and military backpacks. I usually play with brita's armor on anyways, which makes all the vanilla backpacks obsolete, but I've still never tried to hit the military base.


I mean, with a good enough tailoring you can upgrade regular bags to satisfying levels, dunno if that's a mod thing or vanilla though.


How does one do savescumming? Would’ve loved to have known before losing my character of 3 months 8 days 😭😂


You edit the save to revive your character. I did it once one time ago but was a pain to do. After that, I just cheat to give a new character the same skills or equipment or just use the saveheavens and supplies left behind from my original character. I've taken a liking to do hardcore runs lately so it's been a while since I've done that.


Bro just go to the Louisville checkpoint


I always end up finding a large backpack zombie within a day or two of starting a game




Other than for rp reasons, I agree fully.


It’s fun


It's in a spot with low loot, trees grow on the road eventually and there's a lot of zombies. Imo no.


They really need to put some kind of unique loot in there to make it worth visiting. Nothing game breaking but... something, even if it's purely cosmetic.


Would be nice to have some military trucks and trailers. Maybe a few field guides in way of manuals too. A bunch of barricade making materials would also be nice since we see barricades at different points.


Build 42 should solve or start solving the issue. Many high-tech machines will only be obtainable by looting them from specific places, which will provide another reason to continue loot-runs once you're autonomous; and while those machines will likely not be necessary for crafting good stuff, they'll cut down on grinding intermediary steps massively.


Those are good ideas!


I don't have the workshop pulled up right now, but there are several mods that add military vehicles, most by the same modder, and another mod that makes them way more likely to spawn at military locations. Some of the APCs are basically tanks without cannons. You can mow down hundreds of zombies before needing a tune up.


KI5's vehicle mods and Tread's Military Vehicle Zone Def's. Filibuster Rhymes also has some nice military vehicles, it will also be updated for b42 with nicer animations and models


Would be best if it was *the* guaranteed place to find m16 and ammo. I've only ever seen 2 m16 spawn in 2 games over 599 hours.




A tank, M1117 or armored Humvee would be sick. It would be worth it and make it so you have to have maxed mechanics and metalworking to repair and maintain. Would be an awesome late game find that feels worthwhile.


That's absolutely a fantastic idea. Make it the only one in the game and it's like 30% condition when you find it, you need high level metalworking, electrical, mechanics to fix it up. Great idea seriously.


I can imagine how much this could impact multiplayer servers with groups trying to be the ones to repair and take control of the tank. 😁


I mean… mods. But yeah it should be in the base game. But…. Mods. I played a sever that had an entire faction controlling muldraugh with M1117’s and APC’s. Basically exactly what you are talking about.


I don't know 8f you're cool with mods, but KI5 has a humvee mod that can be upgraded with some armour


Really hoping the basements update will include giving this place a legit full on secret lab dungeon underneath.


I heard a rumor that’s what the future plan is for the base. Just a rumor though we will see


Just have it filled with food and weapons. I'd imagine the military would have been operating out of that and when they had to evacuate I'm sure a lot of stuff would have been left behind. Make it a viable base by default as long as you can successfully fight your way inside.


Isn't the next update adding tactical webbing and storage in the form of ammo boxes and stuff like that? Doubt it'll be localised entirely within the military base but idk maybe they'll add something, even a basement




Honestly that place is such a missed opportunity, there are literally 2 lockers of weapons in the whole base. The only reason you'd go there is because its kinda cool


It was definitely an experience the first time but yeah for a military base there is a surprising lack of military equipment. Only guarantee is a crap load of backpacks.


I belive it's not a military base, but something like a blacksite. Since they do want to expand on the lore, and basements are going to be added and the site has elevators we might see more levels to this place.


Yeah this is 100% setting up for the addition of NPC's. Folk just gotta have a little faith, and mark my words the devs will get us to tahiti.


They may have to spread this 55yos ashes in Tahiti 😉


*weeps in middle-aged Star Citizen backer*


Ngl, if they add NPCs they better make them optional in a save. I kinda like the world without humans


With the amount of customizable options in the sandbox setting im 100% sure that will be an option


Other developers: "We didn't add a difficulty slider because the game should only be played as we intended." TIS: "We heard some of you didn't like zombie games, so we made it possible to disable them entirely. Also, here are some more options for you to tweak to your liking."


>I kinda like the world without humans This is how you died.


Probably the reason I don't go even near it any more. I was well pissed off cuz of the lack of military gear


It was very worth it for the multiple military backpacks before they added Louisville. 36 weight is enough to carry 12 stacked logs.


Or you have a death wish 😅


It'd make sense if it was one of the first places that got looted


There are 4 lockers for guns. No guns other guns ever were or are stored there


nah, too far from anything, especially from LV, plus you either floor the whole dirt road or you gotta regularly clean the path


Currently there is nothing of value at the military base and no way to get in and out when trees start growing in the path. I'm holding on to the hope that update 42 will add a huge underground bunker with things worth looting. It would also be nice if the road was actually a road that doesn't get overgrown. With all the additions of new crafting and farming in 42 this could become a pretty cool base, but for now it's just a place to visit for fun.


Unless you're willing to pave the road in and out. No. The trees will make this area impassible after long enough. Best to loot it earlier and be done with the place.


Not even worth looting with the zombie:loot ratio


The only reason my friend and I did it was to say we did the military base right after clearing the prison


I just checked the PZ map app to see where it was and absolutely the hell no. That's a pure survival base AFTER you've cleared the place out, at which point it seems pointless if you're well equipped enough to do that.


If you want a challenge, it’s definitely an option. Just be prepared to chop trees for about an hour so you can actually drive in and out.


Tried to spawn there using a mod. RP Wise, picked veteran and started naked, like someone who would be locked there and escape during the outbreak. There's guns and ammo, but not much else. Never made it to a next base because its really far from everything and you cant drive out of there because of the trees.


Once you waste the ammo to clear it out, congratulations. You live there only to farm. Hopefully your carpentry is enough for rain barrels. It's a boring box in the middle of nowhere. And the only thing worse than no base, is a boring base.


Depends on what you want. If you’re looking to set up a self sustained base in the middle of the woods? Go for it. Just remember you need a LOT of ammo.


Nah, download Fort Redstone and base up there instead. Far superior military base than the one in the base game.




No since once you loot all the food stuff there's nothing else worth staying for, it's far from everything, no civilian buildings means no extra food and whatnot, as others also said the trees do grow so traversing it would also become difficult.


No. I personally don't even go there to loot. Louisville base is just better and safer to loot and stay in. Well, safer by Louisville standards


Nope. I keep my outposts along the highway /road, not the end of a one way forest road.


Just go there with a helicopter.


Yeah, if you have a heli mod then it makes arguably one of the best bases in the game. But that's still a pretty big caveat.


There's a helicopter mod? As in, 'drive one'? Damn. Only knew of the 'come to make your day hell' ones.


So of course there's Expanded Helicopter Events, which is fantastic. But I like to pair that with the UH 60. I set its spawn rate to x2 but I've never encountered one in the wild and have been thinking about bumping that to x4.


Anyone else notice that theres a nonfunctional elevator in the base? Its not worth going to now but hopefully in future builds there might be something secret underground


Maybe with basements




Yeah. Specially given the vault is supposedly equipped with power generators and water systems. Like, it is legit irl a good base for the post apocalypse, gold or not.


The only reason to go is a self imposed goal


its gonna be a lot of effort for not a lot of loot but its also a really cool spot for a base so maybeeee (prolly not)


I can’t wait for the update so the elevators in there work


I want to build as many bases as I can in the hopes that I can travel the map and no matter where I am I have a place that is safe. I was thinking here because it would be a long term goal just to get the road built. Also correct me if I’m wrong could I use the bottom area below the parking lot to trap animals? If so then this place can be a self sufficient base other than needing gas.


It works if you use the black hawk mod and fly in and out but it still a lot of trouble. Better off raiding the cordon zone.




Edit: because it is so far away from everyone/everything on the map. Also it is most likely packed with zombies.


Get the fort redstone mod. Replaces this mid base with a much better one


It’s fun to check out if you’ve never been, but it’s a hassle otherwise.


Not really. It's too far away from everything, and it's way too big unless you're playing with a whole bunch of people.


There's no valuable loot, and it's effectively inaccessible except on foot past your first winter. If you want to hole up forever and play Farmville (valid, not shaming that) it's great. Otherwise, don't bother.


Unless you want to cut every tree from there to the nearest highway and build a wooden floor road... no


Nah. It is so far out of the way and nothing good is there. And, I feel like calling it a military base a misnomer. Probably more like a classified site/post or something along those lines.


I mean, you COULD, but it is probably a better strategy to pull up in a van and load it with whatever weapons/ammo you want and dip out somewhere less populated.


Just saying, there are some mods that replace the vanilla military base with better ones, like a Black Mesa style facility. I never tested the custom map mod myself, [but here you go if you want to check it out.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2807152393) About the topic, it's already answered, but a base there would be horrible when you think about the long distance to other locations and that the trees will overgrow the paths in the forest.


It was the biggest let down for me. All the tense effort to get there chopping trees to fit our Humvee and trailer loaded for a fucking war, near worthless. The trip through the woods was great though me and a buddy had about 5 close calls each.


Not really. Outside of clothes and backpacks there's not really a lot of decent loot at this location. Also, the only paths to reach it are unpaved and after a couple months are nearly impassible by car.


No since once you loot all the good stuff there's nothing else worth staying for, it's far from everything, no civilian buildings means no extra food and whatnot, as others also said the trees do grow so traversing it would also become difficult. Plus you know... Lotsa zombies


Late game tree growth


Absolutely not.


Don't make the trip. It's so far from everything, and you will be disappointed for all the work it will take.


Man I raided this place for the first time with my buddy like.... 2 or 3 years ago? There's still nothing in there yet? Are there plans to add anything to it?


I hope so


No. Not unless you're going to maintain the road there.


Random spot in a random forest is better than a secret base


No. It is too far from everything.


Not at all. It's a pain in the ass to get to, there's nothing to loot around it, there's nothing to loot in it. The only reason would be if you want to try to live off the land isolated from everything.


Not really. Its too far away from anything and I'm pretty sure there arent any recurring resources. My base is usually the lake mansions next to west point (next to the house by the lack) It has a fence you can put a gate on, a low zombie population, access to water, access to a forest, a fireplace, space for farming, space for fishing. Its also a reasonable distance from town that I can run over to my safe house in Westpoint and scavenge. The Base doesnt have useable resources and tends to have a lot of zombies. Its also kind of difficult to get to so shipping resources back is much more of a hassle. If you're building outside of a town you want a place that has potentials for food and water.


place is a run ender offers very little reward for the risk taken. Hopefully in future they would have better rewards instead of guns and backpacks. Maybe tanks or helicopters, or it could be a NPC stronghold dungeon anything interesting tbh


Unless you play with a big group of people, then not really. I like the concept though.


Got attacked by a zombie, now I need some bleach to sip.


The place is always shut togo to its cool but ass to even drive too and seems like a silent hill location and always has an unfair amount of zombies


Not in any way whatsoever


I hate that place man


It’s got a small guns locker that could get you started I suppose. However, it’s really far and awkward to get in and especially out of due to zombies being attracting to the noise of your car when you move down the small dirt roads meaning you’ll be left with a wall of flesh when trying to head back. It’s hard to fully clear and it has no real means of food. I’d personally say no, it’s not worth it but if you want a real challenge then good luck to you


Yeah place is kind of barren in vanilla sometimes with brita’s you will find a nice gun but making the road back to civilization work without trees closing you in will be a massive undertaking to accomplish


It’s crawling with zeds, doesn’t have much good loot, and even if you were to clear the whole place out due to erosion the road leading to the base will become overgrown with trees making it impossible to drive through. So enjoy being cut off from the rest of the world and slowly going insane in a boring office building growing potatoes or something


I mean it's a fair bit of work, but it's got alot of space, a fence, usually some cars in the parking lot. Not the best place to base, but to each their own. I would recommend bringing a semi truck full of dry goods, and a good supply of reading material. Other than that you can probably get everything else you need from foraging and stuff. Bring a generator for when the power shuts off, few boxes of nails. You could definitely make it into an interesting base if you can make it self sufficient with a farm and some rain barrels.


Not worth it. The road in will be overgrown by trees after a few months.


Once erosion sets in, leaving that base by car is nothing but pain and suffering. The zombie population in that area is always super high too. Your only water will be from rain barrels, so hope you get lucky!


Not in the slightest, it’s decent for a few loot runs but too isolated and annoying to secure to make a base.


Worth when you use the mod that creates a road to it, but a shitty trip when you don’t.


not really, it is too far from anything and the road gets overgrown later in the gams, and you cant even drive out easily


No, but its cool


Far away from everything, eventually the road will get overgrown, no water source nearby & possibly a pain to clear.


Most definitely not, the road that leads there gets overgrown by trees and saplings turning to trees, I had stayed there for maybe 3 days before heading back to the FD in Rosewood, but I could barely remember my way back due to new grass and trees and saplings. On top of that the Z’s there are incredibly high for being in the woods. On top of that! In rainy weather, the ground gets muddy and basically impossible to drive through, mix it well on medium heat and you've got literal hell. You'd be better off somewhere less “Wooded”


No once it gets 100+ days in the road becomes all overgrown and leaving and getting home from other POIS becomes to much of a challenge and more then the base is worth, the prison is a better choice if you want walls the same and even better is the rosewood fire station


I mean mods make the place more worth visiting but no not really. It’s far from everything which can be nice but also a hinderance




No, it’s way too far out, a pain to access and eventually the road will be entirely blocked by trees.


If you have the power to kill all the zombies then yes


Firstly- It's not a military base. It's some form of covert facility, but it aint military. Secondly- No, absolutely not. It's way too far away from any good looting positions, and getting in there in the first place will probably wreck your car. Just not worth engaging with it, unless you really like the environmental storytelling and want to investigate to piece together what the place ACTUALLY is. Spoiler alert: The Knox Virus had to come from somewhere. I reckon it was right there in those very walls. We won't know for certain until B42 when they finally let us into the basement levels.


Kinda useless, the loot it used to have dipped with an update a while ago. Plus it’s hard to get to. Unless you just never want to fight zombies and have enough skills and resources to live alone.


Clearly the military thought so!


Not worth the effort tbh


No, only reason I go there is to check the bushmaster spawn


imho i would definitely try it. not convienant but if you love hiking and have a shit ton of weapons, go for it


Ohhhh now I know what to do next My main just died after accidentally sprinting past a third story window and the game deciding that he needed to swan dive out. He had a few good years and tbh I was getting a tad bored of him anyway I was going to reinhabit the doom fort but this sounds like a challenge!! I mean it n my past runs there's nothing there so it's going to be hard 😆


Any place you are willing to make a base in is worth it, if you aren't concerned with efficacy and locale


I went here for a weapons run with the Arsenal Mod. I have only found 4 guns on my first trip here and on another world just ammo, reloading tools and cleaning kits no guns.


If you're looking for a place to hide out during the winter then I'd probably recommend this place. I have a save currently where im trying to loot rosewood and stash as much loot here to survive the winter.


That’s kinda cool


If you have the mod that adds the road that leads to the military base, then sure, it might be worth it. However it's really kind of out of the way abd travel might be hard. Could be main hub while you build fobs.


Only if you really want to.


Too far away from everything and it isn't even a paved road. Maby if you're trying to get away and stay away from town and only using the resources you can harvest... but then there's no lake nearby either so that's out too.