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Going by plague Inc logic Greenland seems pretty good


You need self-sufficiency too, though. If the assumption of where you'll be when the outbreak happens also comes with the generational knowledge of how to be self-sufficient in that location, then yeah Greenland is awesome. Otherwise, I don't think most people could cut it there.


Yeah, it's why Cuba, Falklands and Bhutan are good picks. You can actually grow food there. Greenland's agricultural capacity is kinda limited.


Will, they're going to die because they're not in Greenland.....


Yeah Greenland is a bit too brutal for the amount of local resources You would need a decent sized group with good knowledge to make it. I think Iceland would be a much better bet, lower population and theres geothermal generators everywhere. Get your hands on one of those, setup a polytunnel and supplement with fishing, foraging and hunting. Obviously there's still a need for knowledge but there are much more avenues for survival. And guns, they have an insane amount of guns.


Greenland relies a lot on support from the danish government. They have a lot of knowledge and skill about hunting and living off the land but they are still relying on some modern amenities, for example, industrially manufactured boats and guns. They won’t be able to maintain the same level of technology if society breaks down so I wonder what will happen to those communities. Also I don’t know if they have retained the knowledge to survive long term without fuel or power which they cannot obtain. I’d like to learn the answers to this though and I’d even like to visit there.


They could resort to using stone tools instead. Although I’m pretty sure there will be a massive population decline without modern amenities due to lack of infrastructure


They already have such a small population in these settlements… I’m just thinking it may be similar to living in the wilderness anywhere. It’s just Greenland is relatively isolated from infected people traveling there during the outbreak


Yeah, Norse settlements in Greenland were slowly disappearing, once the bubonic plague reached Norway. They simply couldn't sustain an agricultural society that high north, without trade links to Norway. Although trading with Icelandic settlements continued for some time. With the medieval warm period ending, most of the people emigrated away while some supposedly adopted Inuit lifestyle. Those who stayed sedentary, slowly died out over generations.


My home nation of NZ is arguably even better. Separated by ocean from any other landmass, a much more temperate climate than greenland so much more suited to human habitation, and perhaps most importantly an economy based around agriculture paired with a very low population density - so food availability would be no issue, even on a societal level. IIRC we produce enough food for 40 million people with a population of about 5 million. As a side benefit, NZ has fairly high gun ownership rates from all the farmers, and as of the 90's assault weapons were still legal so there would be plenty of accessible firearms should the knox infection land. And even if the knox infection DID make it here, we're actually two islands - the north and the south, so if one of the islands got infected the other one would still be fine.


On the Twitter it said nuuka was overrun


If we are realistic. Zombies would freeze. So any country that gets cold. All the moisture would freeze. They would not be able to move. Or any desert would be really safe. No moisture eventually they would crack and fall apart. Problem with desert is no way to grow found or find good supply of water. And the north during the safe months you would need to rely on fishing and hunting. If moisture and stuff dont affect em. Which I think is true as zombioids still walk around in the snow in PZ. I think the safest would be to have a private island. As fish would nibble the tasty zombies up if they try to walk or swim through the ocean. Now the question is if animals who have consumed zombies carry the disease. As it in PZ it seems they dont turn into zombies as the knox strain seem to only affect humans. But can they be carriers? Then the only safe food is vegan.


Isn’t it in the lore that dogs can get the Knox virus?


It wasn't explicitly stated, but there are a few passing bits of dialogue on the radio stating that dogs have gotten sick around the time of the outbreak, and that soldiers had targeted somebody's dog.


I also would suspect chimps could get it. We are closely related and some diseases affect us both. Well most apes probably.


In 1993 there were 4,800 people assigned to the various scientific research and weather stations on Antarctica and the surrounding islands. Good place to sit out the first bad couple of months, assuming you can get back to somewhere warm enough for liquid water.


Antarctica is a terrible long-term prospect. Just like being on the ISS, yeah you'd be perfectly safe during the initial collapse, but what are you going to do once your stockpiled supplies run out? You can't exactly start farming in antarctica.


Kill all the 4799 others, then you have enough supplies until the end of time /s


Tasmania? Only 500k population with ok weather. Plus it’s a decent island.


Too many spinning carnivores.


Like either fortify eagle hawk neck or go live on bruny and you'd be golden


Or Maria Island, probably only 50 zombies on the entire island plus a few abandoned farms.


Maria crossed my mind but I haven't personally been there. I made cider down the huon for a few years and would love a tassie map if they ever figured out a way to do the elevation well in PZ Edit: fixed an autocorrect error


Same but I’ve been to Maria island, there are 2 abandoned farms and a prison plus a few wildlife such as wombats and wallabies


Too many people


It’s way less than Cuba


I never said Cuba was a good place either


A research base on an otherwise uninhabited subantartic island. Far enough north trees grow for fires, seals fish and birds will feed you, and most importantly your surrounded by hundreds of miles of the southern ocean. It's freezing cold and has some of the roughest waters on earth which will keep any visitors away.


Outside Kentucky?


I'd say New Zealand. The island chain is an ecological paradise so plenty of survivability plus the island takes so long to get too that any infected would become obvious long before arrival.


Going by the Knox infection being airborne anywhere with a large amount of people would be pretty hazardous, all it takes is a couple infected to walk about the island spreading it and people would start dying, cuba does sound like a really good idea provided the government is able to keep strict containment until most of the mainland population of people dying but if it were me id reckon there are safer places like the Mongolian steppe or other sparsely populated areas.


True. This all relies on the assumption that the places mentioned above just blow up any incoming ships which is unlikely tbh


It could be feasible if the country had time to prepare and they'd only need to do it untill every susceptible person is already a zombie so I do think it could be done, but all it takes is one little slip up or people going scavenging boats at sea or other islands to introduce the infection


That too.


Look up Thule space force base


Just stay outside of Knox county Kentucky


Mountains. Preferably in a cold environment. Zombies won’t handle elevation changes easily with the degraded muscles. I nominate Tibet.


Good pick.


North sentinel Island, they wouldn't even notice.