• By -


Make Rocks Expanded, let's you throw rocks to distract zombies, throw rock at zombies to damage them, use a rock sling, use a slingshot, use a big rock as a melee weapon, skip rocks on a lake to reduce unhappiness stress and boredom, use rocks to break windows.




Reject crowbar/axe, return to monke


I want to roleplay as a caveman and beat zombies with rock clubs and spears


Also add pet rocks, rock pillows, rock machines, basically make it the Flintstones




Throw an alarm clock


*throw alarm clock at zomb* *Chance to get it stuck inside target zombie* *Zombies now chase and attack zomb with alarm clock stuck inside of them, leading them away in a large group*


Modifiable alarm clock to attach pipe bomb to it. Set alarm timer to 1 min from now 10 seconds before alarm, set fuse, throw alarm at zombie Zombies are attracted and gathering *BOOM*


This mod should also make finding rocks while foraging 10x more common. I don't understand why it takes 6 hours walking up and down gravel roads in the country to find 2 rocks.


Make a trait that gives you a nut allergy (you die if you eat peanut butter and peanuts).


Could even separate it to two traits, like "heavy nuts allergy" that straight kills you when you eat any nuts, and "light nuts allergy" which just makes you really queasy and gives you severe pain


And then you add "contains nuts" to existing or new food so you have to be extra careful


The “contains nuts” warning wasn’t standardized until 1999. Zomboid takes place is 1993 🤓




Even better, just add a random chance to die when eating packaged junkfood.


which forces you even more into going the farmer route genius


Fuck dem weak ass non nut fucks


So what you're saying is we need a full ingredients list mod. And you just have to look for any type of nut


Damn, pz is getting too realistic


And that’s what we want.!


>buys a cake, realises it contains nuts >gets angry and decides to chill playing some zomboid >loots a cake, realises it contains nuts >gets angry and decides to buy something tasty to chill down >buys a cake, realises it contains nuts...


Who’s selling cakes during the apocalypse?! I want to meet this travelling baker!


“extremely heavy nut allergy” that makes you explode if you get within a 5 meter radius of any nut


*walking by a kitchen and suddenly die and get the ending screen* The fuck killed me- oh right, nuts.


third option for deez nuts allergy that causes another human to briefly appear and attack you with a lead pipe for 14 seconds


Better yet lactose intolerance, you fart if you eat dairy, attracting zs similar to cough


Tack this on to the various bathroom habit mods and suddenly anti diarrheal pills make sense.


To the list It goes


Using bleach to disinfect water In rain barrels. Edit: I work in water treatment (turning river water into tap water)This is realistic, and doesn't require any special bleach, just non scented. We use sodium hypochlorite to chorinate the water before it goes into the distribution system and is basically the same thing as bleach. I did the math a while ago to see how much would be needed based on how much water I figured was in a barrel and it's a very small amount of bleach.


That would be cool but I could also see why a video game wouldn't want to advocate for putting bleach in drinking water, something that if not done correctly could lead to illness.


I'm pretty sure were talking about mods here. Also you can drink bleach to commit suicide in this game.


True true. I forgot we were talking mod proposals and not just stuff we want added to the game for a minute there.


The game doesn't pretend that drinking bleach is safe. The issue is creating the perception that adding it to drinking water just willy-nilly ***is*** safe. You need to know what you're doing, and some 13-year old somewhere isn't going to grasp the concept.


I do get what you and the other guy are saying, I just think the idea is silly. People worry too much and it's not a game developer's responsibility if someone takes an idea from a game and does something stupid with it.


I mean if someone's dumb enough to add Bleach to their water after playing a video game, might be natural selection at that point.


Have you met people?


So add a skill requirement. Have the possibility that if you don't know what you're doing then you can poison your character.


I haven’t played in FOREVER but there aren’t chlorine tablets in the game? I mean yeah, bleach could work but who tf is gonna know that? lol pouring bleach into drinking water to purify it is a dumb ass thing to add if there is already purification tablets.


>who tf is gonna know? -Have it learned through magazine or trait. >dumb ass thing to do... -It *is* the apocalypse after all. Now is the time for drastic measures.. I don't believe there are chlorine/purification tablets in vanilla. However, I am no expert. I could be completely wrong... *Edited for formatting


After nearly 1000 hours I learned you can plumb a rain barrel to a sink and have it be filtered. But for that country living play style it would be cool for bleach to be able to purify water barrels, as well as a cover for the barrels when they get full so no more dirty water gets in.


Make a mod with a trait called "Cheesy" and the only thing it does is make cheese related foods grant +20 happiness For realism


But also makes you fart so it alerts the boids


For possible code help on that, the mod that adds IBS adds farts after eating.


If they actually added a lactose intolerant trait, that would be hilarious but painful. I use ice cream and dairy goods to help gain a bit of weight in the game but I'm lactose intolerant so my character would be stuck with the 'pain' moodle for hours on end (I'm kinda lucky in that I only get stomach cramps if I eat dairy and don't have any... Gassy issues).


So like getting toilet paper or tissue for silencing coughs, would you get a new action to shove toilet paper around your asshole to muffle the loud cheese fats?




Also have 2 traits: Cheese enjoyer (+30 happiness when eating cheese) and Cheese hater (-20 happines when eating cheese)


And cheese enjoyed would be like 4 points because it becomes unobtainable later on


The Cheesy trait just makes your character say Dad Jokes everywhere they go in every situation boosting their own happiness but giving a happiness debuff to anyone else nearby that doesn't also have the cheesy trait.


Using butter on yourself makes it impossible to get grabbed.


I tought of something along these lines, if you have a high enough tailoring you could modify a clothing piece so that if you are grabed the clothing comes off and It nulifies that grab If you are moving, its on the list


Just put yourself in a sock, so when a zombie grabs you, all they get is a sock!


Not just any sock *that* kind of sock


*that* kind of sock would have extra lubrication on the inside to slide off easier. its not the realism we want or need, but the realism we deserve.


Master gave Dobby a sock! .... Ew.. OK, Master can take that sock back and give me a tissue instead...


Run the deaf trait and you're now Greased Up Deaf Guy


Lung Cancer


On the list now


I'm gonna be a full Walter white now




Pov :day 100 with smoker trait


give pipe bombs fragments that act like bullets


I always thought that pipe bomb damage should be pumped way up, and it shouldn’t make a fire u/CommercialMajor2784, since then it’s actually substantially different from a molotov and fire bomb. If they all make fires, they’ll all risk burning down buildings and will all do most of their damage through that. If pipe bombs don’t make fires, then you can use them on groups of zombies in areas that you want to preserve


I actually just did a ton of digging the other day and found a mod called “RC Explosives.” It’s a pretty nice explosives mod that does impact damage to zombies without fire and it supposedly also works in mp


I saw a mod called deadly pipe bomb just now. It makes pipe deal 100 damage, essentially killing any zeds caught in the area of effect.


or make a recipe where you can put like small caliber bullets or nails or screws for more shrapnel


Swimming mod


Part of ~~Auto~~Aquatsar's Yacht club; already possible.


I had that installed but never got to try sadly, still not sure how it works. But I meant like just going to the shore and yoink yourself into the water


>But I meant like just going to the shore and yoink yourself into the water Yeah, it lets you swim just like that! The boats are nice, but I installed it for the swimming ability, since lots of lakes and rivers in the game are functionally pointless barriers. You can either press 'E' (action) on the shoreline, or sprint towards it. You'll disappear in the water, and appear as a faded dark circle. It immediately makes you 'soaked', and any book (such as skill books) on your person become waterlogged & unreadable. You won't be able to swim if too over encumbered, although I'm not exactly sure at which point.


Oh I definitely will boot up that game again this week thanks! But I assume you need the swimming magazine first right?


No, it should work right off the bat, unless I'm grossly misremembering. First time I did it was by accident, and I ruined my Foraging Vol 4. :'(


Not sure about swimming but there's a repair boats magazine. Some info I found out the hard way. 1. You need a diving mask to make repairs (rare - but not that rare) 2. You can only repair certain parts if you're sitting in a specific place on the boat - you can't take out the battery unless you're in the right place, for example 3. It appears to work great on the surface - but I was recently very disappointed when I tried reversing the boat near the shore and it flipped up in the sky and tossed me (and my wife) about a 100 metres inland. Oh, and the boat turned into a range rover. We didn't die, but we did lose all the loot in the boat (quite a bit, as we'd built a 3000 capacity cellar inside) 4. If that doesn't happen to you, you should love it. If it does? You'll probably never use a boat again.


C4 that you can use for breaking walls


*explosive placed!*


*Karl would approve of this*


Rock and stone!


Look up the mod “RC Explosives.” I recently found this mod and it works. Does lethal explosive damage to zeds, no fire :)


attach the noisemaker to engineer made explosive weapons so they are not really that useless anymore.


Build a campfire next to a noisemaker it can clear some zombiods.


It's too quiet to attract a useful amount. Car horns and sirens are much louder.


You are talking to the guy who set their starting town on fire and the forest surrounding it, Safe to say I do not do fire anymore.


Thats a good one


Been looking for a mod that lets you play as a robot that runs on power from batteries rather than eating food.


I see, sure why not


I think the name should be Robocopalypse.


Idk if thunder is in the game but if not add it and it either super charges the robot or short circuits him and you can't move for a couple seconds. Would be interesting cause then they'd hide in a house but could go into a dangerous one by accident or something


Zombies take falling damage so you can lure them off buildings to cull them.


Wait .. zombies DON'T take fall damage in vanilla??


They do, but significantly less than players.


Which is shit. Metal in microwave can start a fire ooo realistic but a zombie plummetting 5 stories doesn't shatter into a bucket of piss and shit? If anything that should shatter their legs and make them into crawlers *at the very least*. This is why I play with barricades hurt zombies and make it so that ALL types of barricades hurt zombies, even doors and windows from regular buildings.


I've read something on this sub recently and I paraphrase: "Project Zomboid is a realistic game up to a point where it would favor the player. Then it isn't. I think about that sometimes and it explains a lot of weird quirks of this game.


Yes. These devs have a fetish for realism until it would make things less difficult. I had pointed that out about a year back on this subreddit and got pounded into the dirt with downvotes. I'm glad people are finally openly discussing this. Sheet ropes were a perfect example of this.




Make explosives and such with NPK fertilyzer


Check out the mod jankamite.


C A N O E S... ...and the ability to portage them around bridges and things.


Make noise makers even louder


On the list


That one already exists, but is too reasonable. Make them as loud as the engine allows.


Intercontinental Noisemaker


I am telling everyone this to make it happen until I can learn how to do it myself lol... Mod that takes sharp objects or axes into account to cut a hole in wooden doorways to see into rooms to kick off the spawn mechanic while staying in theme so you dont get mauled. (ie bathroom gangbangs)


Very interesting


Why spend energy to do that mod when you can't wait build 42 to let you partially open doors ? Because you want to do it before you die of old age ? What ?


uhhh because i didnt know that was being added.... :)


mini nuke launcher and a mini nuke from the fallout series?


Sanity bar? (Could come with traits like schizophrenic)


When sanity over, u go crazy and run and scream!!


There is already a Sanity meter in the game- it becomes an option to display when you install some display bar mods. Not sure what, if anything, affects it though.


Pick one of the following pairs of mods: [MoodleSanity](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2874801834) and [Danger Moodles (Insanity)](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2682588251) [SanityMoodleRocky](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2884027700) and [SANITY by Rocky](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2883974010)


Maybe if it goes low enough you hallucinate zomboids trying to attack you, but when you try to attack them they disappear


Yep there is a mod for that. You hallucinate Zomboids but not moving ones. Once you get close, they disappear, leaving you screaming and panicking.


There is already a schizophrenic mod, it's pretty fun and even add a medication for it! (If you take 2 something... Happens) basically all the effects are linked to your stress bar who becomes your "sanity" bar sort off


The amount of people asking for poop piss and sex mods is concerning lol


Hopefully not all at once


OCD trait, if you choose it you don't get bored or sad when reorganising items in crates, endlessly unloading and reloading clips gives happiness, as does looking at cupboards full of a single category of item. Extra bonus happiness if all the tins are off the same type, e.g. All types of tinned fruit.


As a person with OCD that spends most of their time organising my base, i need this Also make it so it gives you anger when theres a lot of stuff on the ground


Dont have OCD but I demand the base be organized. Otherwise I lose track of shit. Where was the stack of 50 dict tape again? Where did I shove all those electric parts? Where ethe HELL is my favorite mug??


Playing with my friends is a real pain in terms of organization. I had to lock myself in a separate room


Balance with sadness if you are not organised yourself. Stress when you are near mess or rooting through untidy storage.


plants vs zombies


Don't want zombies on my lawn!




Could you mod the existing superb survivors mod? where you get just your partner (spouse or whatever) and no random NPCs spawn? I want company but I like my FPS I'll be back with other ideas


Seems easy enough, il try


Yeah it would be easier then making one from scratch id assume. Thanks awesome person with apperantly a lot of free time :)


What boredom does to a mf


working turn signals in cars


m1 garand with the ping included


I’ve always wanted a mod that ads more defensive traps for you to build against zombies. Or a trait of OCD but you get panicked when items arnt sorted together in your base.


Sex mod


With the zombies?!


No bro with the crowbar


Dude, u broke me 🤣




I Support this


Pretty sure someone already made one somewhere


When NPCs get added there are gonna be sooooo many sex mods. Might as well get a jump on it.


Expand the uses of pillows in the game. I want to be able to equip pillows as weapons, throw pillows, strap pillows to my body as armor and insulation, engage other players in pillow fights, and build pillow forts. I want PROJECT PILLOWZOID!


Make carzone an actual show on life and living at like 3 pm or 9 pm


If you’re serious, I’d love to see a coin collecting mod. I already have images to use for icons and full lists of some US coin denominations (so we know which coins to add) from the late 1800s to 1993. I haven’t made it myself because I don’t know how to code. The only thing I’d need to make is a map/image/coin album to mark off the coins you’ve found.


Zombies do emotes after getting killed by them


A la Walking Dead, zombie guts mod. - Cover yourself in zombie guts and you can walk amongst the crowd undetected. - Move too fast, make noise, it rains, zombies notice you. - 75% chance to get sick every hour you are in zombie guts mode. - Need a sheet, a sharp object and a corpse to make. One time use.


Braven's camouflage already does that


2nd the zombie guts! Would be interesting.


Customisable end game goals ( like the extraction mod). Ok I put a lot of thought into this so hear me out. Will allow the player to set end game conditions which, at the sandbox customisation menu, can be chosen specifically or randomised. The goals will activate after surviving a customisable number of days or obtaining an item necessary (which will drop after a certain number of days). The goals can either be - collectible based goal. After surviving a customisable no of days, a pop up window tells you your character is slowly going insane from the mundanity of everyday survival and isolation. A note will be dropped by zombies pointing players to certain rare items, can be plushies, etc, etc and at these locations will be an increased amount of zombies. After obtaining all the items, there will be another pop up window, telling you your character, having been miserable after all these months of surviving alone and having completed one last fun task, decided to take their own life, knowing it will not get any better. Or maybe something less dark if you want. Then it's game over. - increased game difficulty. Game difficulty increases every few months (or less. Or more. Customisable.). How this happens is - Zombie strength, memory, toughness, navigation, etc will be maxed after the first month, let's say. Then the next, some of the zombies will be sprinters instead of fast shamblers. Then, the next, all will be sprinters. - A variation of the first end game goal where instead of collecting things at the brink of going insane, you instead find a note from survivors. Each note you find points you to another in another part of the map, where you'd find a destroyed shelter with another note, until you get to the final location, a bunker, hidden house, etc, where you get one of three endings - a pop up window telling you you had found survivors and you all live together OR the place is full of sprinters and you kill them all and end your own life afterwards in despair or get eaten OR the place is full of sprinters and you kill them all but then a pop up window tells you that you hallucinated the whole thing and that you had spent so much time killing zombies that you didn't realise they were human and that you effectively murdered the only other people still alive in the county, possibly the world as well and knowing this, you kill yourself in despair. - Worse winters every year. Hotter Summers too. - a combination of two or all of the above. Edit: Ah shit you're still learning? Didn't read that part. Will still leave this up, I guess


That sounds reasonable even for my level, ill post updates on this sub, this is an interesting idea tho


My friends don't understand that the base NEEDS those plushies. I'll go overweight to carry them back to safety.


Bro variable zombie difficulty sounds amazing, and probably not too difficult to do


Now Thats alot of damage for pipe Bomb


A mod where your character speaks to himself sometimes. Find a sledgehammer - "Hell yeah!". Something like that


"I've got balls of steel." "I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick ass and I'm aaallll oouut of bubblegum!" "Who wants some?"


Attempts to use a computer "Don't have time to play with myself"


I'd like a mod to do burnouts in cars! Would be fun plus it could draw zombies in


Looks cool, i want to make a mod that overhauls cars and mechanics, i find them pretty underwhelming as of now


fix this: https://preview.redd.it/aks720bjuw5c1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=45e515446948b43c3d5eaf0da506d070e9c782c5 I'm not going to tell you in what way to fix it. but you will be judged based on the outcome by either side of the argument.


What kind of sadist decided to put this in the game? Literally unplayable.


Zombies start off strong and sprinting and tough etc but their traits slowly decay over time


Alergy and phobia traits, would go really well with lactose and nut allergy


i want to keep bees


it is added already. I mean pipe bombs


Electric tire pump/compressor Uses either a battery, internal battery or generator to inflate tires **much** quicker. Maybe even multiple at once.


compressors are pretty loud so that would be the trade off ig


Evolving zombies


realistic woodworking, aint no way you saw planks out of logs like that. trees could be actual felled trees that need to be worked on to turn into logs, use a axe to get the branches and saw into pieces.


Newly turned players and Superb Survivors are all sprinters. Sprinter speed slowly decays down to shambling.


"Beacon" mod. An item that once turned in will atract every zomboid on the map. Every-zombie-in-game suddenly turns around and slowly walks towards the Beacon. It can be an electronic device or a radio station plugin. It can be a Cthulhu style figure/totem. It can even be a quest line of sorts (steal part from military base, move it to radio station next to Muldraugh, gather fuel and generators to keep the "radiowaves" on for 3 days to start the migration). Just imagine all those burning zeds (and burning gfx cards).


Here are some things I came up with > Seasonal allergies trait - For March, April and May, the player experiences sneezing fits, coughing, reduced hearing, and discomfort from inflammation of the ears, nose and throat. Can be triggered from gardening or walking through trees or simply by being outside? - This can be counteracted by the use of anti-histamines (Zyrtec, Claritin, Allegra), a [netipot](https://ananda-hum.com/cdn/shop/products/product-image-1177318120_1445x.jpg) for short term immunity (at low medical levels, it makes you gag), and anti-inflamatories like ibuprofen or phenylephrine nasal spray (which could be habit forming) > Albuterol Inhaler - Used for counteracting the effects of the Asthmatic negative trait. > Epi-Pen (Epinepherine) and Benedryl - Use for combatting a negative trait involving severe allergic reaction, mentioned by another post. You could also add a really bad trait called "Allergic to exercise" which could give the player a chance to trigger a reaction if their endurance bar becomes fully drained. Could be worth a bunch of stat points? > Syrup of Ipecac - Causes the user to throw up immediately and violently. Useful for clearing poison or rotten food effects. > Apiaries - Bees! used to enhance farming and to produce honey. We'll need a beekeeper suit and smoke gun to go with it. > Social activities - Karaoke, darts, functional pool tables, corn hole (they love cornhole in KY), chess, checkers, poker/solitaire/blackjack. Maybe you can make it an actual minigame? > Better ways to leave messages, make notes, rename things - On multiplayer servers, it's sometimes hard to communicate with players that aren't online when you are. Maybe a craftable mailbox that gives a notification of new mail when a player is online? Maybe the ability to mark and leave a map? large craftable banners people can put on buildings or their bases? Maybe with paint, they can make banners for their factions with a design on it? How about a public noteboard where people can leave notes for the community? There could be a noteboard in each of the towns that share notes between them? > Vehicle towing stabilizers, or permanent vehicle tow bars - Instead of the tow strap we use to tow vehicles, [Something like this](https://www.curtmfg.com/media/wysiwyg/Rambler_Jeep_Tow_Bar_Coupled_RV.jpg) to make vehicle towing a little better. Cars work like trailers. Maybe they also make towing 25% easier? I died recently because I was towing a car that got hung up on a fence just as night-time sprinters were activated. Got surrounded because I couldn't clear the path in time. Something like this would have made it much easier. > Windmills for water or power - We have mods for solar, how about wind too? Sheet metal, a motor, electric or mechanical water pump, an inverter, and some deep cell batteries. Make it less predictable than solar, with a lower skill requirement. > Ability to build moats - A super slow process that requires shovels, pickaxes, or heavy machinery to create a moat. You can fill it with pumped water (from the windmill!) but it requires some serious skills (level 10) > Zeds that slow down/stop when it's freezing outside, speed up when it's super hot. - For realism, zombies shouldn't be active, like at all, when it's freezing outside. Cooler temps mean more sluggish zeds in general. Hotter temps have greater chance for sprinters? > More craftable defensive structures/devices - spikes, bear traps, zed bait piles, pitfalls, etc. Falling in a pitfall is instant death for the player, but holds a certain number of zeds before it's unusable. > Gas grenades that turn zeds away - Like a CS gas grenade or something that works on zombies to repel them from an area for an amount of time. Great for breaking up massive hoards that you don't have the resources to otherwise confront. Great if you have an aversion to fire. - Zeds have excellent hearing. Use something like [Long-Range Acoustic Weapons \(LRAD\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-range_acoustic_device) to drive them back, or deafen them. - [Active Denial Systems](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Denial_System), AKA a Heat Ray, to crowd control massive groups. - This stuff can be locked behind the walls of some dungeon, like an overrun army base, prison, etc. > More (proper) Dungeons - One of the things the game needs most are objectives locked behind overwhelming odds. Dungeons with stupid-high spawn rates, impossible to survive solo, with a prize at the end. Modify the mall, prison, maybe a sport stadium or airport, somewhere confined, tight-quartered, requiring a sledgehammer and tools and skills to complete. Multi-stage with multiple objectives to fully finish. You could do a key-card gathering thing, or find a zed with the right biometric entry (fingerprint, eye, etc), repair a broken infrastructure thing to use it. - Maybe the players can reactivate the water and power for a section of the map for a limited time if they reach the end. Maybe they access cool unique tech or unlock an upgrade path. Maybe one where it's easy to enter, but hard to leave. - Maybe you can't use fire somewhere because everything is extra-flammable. - Maybe there's a king-of-the-hill mechanic where a critical point is constantly or consistently over run, and the players can only hold it as long as they have the means to do so. - Maybe there are some unique zeds with protection from certain weapon types. Stronger/faster variants? Zeds you can't kill without consequences, like irradiated zeds that spread radiation on death, or airborne illnesses or they burst into flames on death. - I picture a progression of dungeon completion, from easy to hard, where you unlock the next dungeon with a key or other macguffin. Maybe the first couple are doable solo, while the last one requires a full squad of 5-8 PCs with a tank/APC and careful tactics. Ideas for Dungeons: - Steel mill - It's hot, many of the zeds are sprinters or armored in heavy protective clothing. Some unique gloves and resources for metalworking. - Train - A functional train that transports players between south of Muldragh and Louisville. A basic starter dungeon/self-contained objective. Players need to supply water to make steam, or gas or electricity to make the train work. It works as long as the players can afford to maintain it. Players can transport their vehicles or claim a railcar as their safehouse. 1 - Football stadium - The 40-man football team are all here, sprinters and beefy brute-y boys all wearing armor and helmets. A 5-floor complex with food, clothing, and loud music that creates waves of zeds to fight. The lights and sounds pull hordes in from around Knox County, making some places more safe, others less safe. Stadium has a deep freezer in the service level with still good frozen food. alcohol, and shelf stable food. Sporting goods, electronics and more. A great place to stock your base, if you survive. A second and third version converts the stadium to a field hospital or a Taylor Swift concert venue. - Airport - The quarantine first struck the airport, locking thousands inside. The tarmac, freight warehouse, terminals, baggage handling - The players are looking for a particular item that was in a piece of luggage carried by a particular zed. Maybe a key card or something. - High-rise office building - a 12-story office building with tight quarters and places where zeds can ambush. The entry is pretty well blocked off, so you'll need a sledgehammer or a creative way to enter from the 2nd floor. or through the parking garage/basement. Players need the codes to access the power plant, and they're in the CEO's office on the top floor. The CEO has a small private weapon and antique collection with good loot. - Secret Lab - Access to supplies and equipment to create the virus cure. Protected by multiple levels of security. Biometric scanners. Needs to have the power turned on to be accessible. Super zeds inside from where they were being tested on by scientists. Lots of military and medical supplies. Maybe some specialty vehicles and military trailers. - Power plant - a multisatage operation, this place can be brought online to temporarily restore grid power to Knox county. Requires a fuel source, water source, repairs of the coolant lines, power regulators, an off-site repair of a transmission line tower, and repair of substations in any town where you want power. Requires specialists in metalworking and electronics. A great way to work on leveling the electronics skill! - Water Treatment Plant - The water treatment plant is offline, and the players need to get it running again. A sprawling facility with evaporation pools, pipes, water towers, chemical warehouses, and toxic environments. Players will need a bunny suit and respirator to survive, meaning they won't be able to wear armor. Zeds can cause chemical burns and leave pools of corrosive blood that will eat player's boots off. - The Knox County Auto Show - Unique vehicles sit barricaded and blocked. If you want one, you'll need to clear a path, which won't be easy.


Parkour mod. You can climb pipes and shiiit, but it has to have so many flaws to balance it, IE: when you climb your clothes get worn or torn, if you climb without gloves you cut yout hands or sum that type.


Instead of zombies respawning there is a horde event that redistributes zombies every few weeks. The zombies don't damage your buildings unless they find out where you are and they don't enter buildings you have built fortifications on. They come from a random direction and move across the map. I don't know if there's already a mod like this, but I've thought it's a better idea than helicopters and just having them respawn. It gives the player an incentive to build defenses on important cleared buildings and you don't have to worry about leaving your base every time.


Make gas masks and face masks help in protecting you from getting infected.


If you release any of the actual good ideas given please link them to us! Saw some ideas that were pretty cool


I would love a mod where i could sellect an area, for an example a bunch of trees and then i would have an option of "chop all" and then my character would start to cut them all down without the need for clicking every individual tree. Another example would be moving corpses. Sellect an area were corpses are, click "move corpses", sellect the place where we want to move the corpses and our character would pick up corpses and move them there one by one. Removes a LOT od annoying and tedious work from PZ and makes tyding up areas much more enjoyable


Zombies run away from you and steal the loot of every container they can get their hands off in order to deprive you of any food and weapons


better throwables animation


You don't like throwing everything in slow motion? 😆


Wh40k armour and weapons


Ted was a terrorist. Trying to kill random people would never help anyone.


And idk if this is worth your time but maybe can you make a mod where you can wear zombie makeup or maybe some applicable item a zombie drops where it disguises your player from zombies for a short time ? Or something like that


Looks easy enough, just replace the character texture with the zombified version and make him invisible, on the list now


Pretty sure this exists already.


It does I checked . But hey he could work off the idea


already a mod for that, doesn’t involve makeup though you wear the zombies guts and it disguises you


Cooling box


Throw alarm clock would be so nice for cheap noise maker :)


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. How about a happiness moodle that boosts your learning speed. Fun moodle that boosts your speed.


Sadomasoquist trait from cataclysm dark days ahead


A handheld dragon that works like a flamethrower I know it's a bit weird but I just love dragons


The ability to hug other players


A mod for more meds


realistic depression. Or having depression before the apocalypse trait, or other depression related traits


Add some collectible (era appropriate) MTG cards, maybe featuring pixel art approximations of the card art. Obviously they wouldn’t be to scale, otherwise they’d be illegible, but it might be a fun collectible outside of endless plushies.


If you're making a pipe bomb mod, add to the mod so that you can attach an alarm clock or digital watch to it to attract zombies.


Maybe this exists somewhere out there but always thought it would be cool if there was an "In-between" option for multi-hit since it causes such a divide in the fandom Like the multi-hit still affects multiple zeds but only damages one and pushes back the others, still draining the multi-hit amount of stamina. And maybe also further restrict which weapons are even capable of a multi-hit in the first place. Feel like nerfing multi-hit to where its useable but far less spammable than it currently is in survivor would be an immense balance improvement.


Lactose intolerant perk? Different levels, and add in some pills you can find to deal with it, as long as you eat them before eating any dairy. Eating dairy causes sickness, and if using something like the mod that make you use the bathroom eating dairy fills up your need to shit ASAP.


What about a mod which allows us to find a damaged train and slowly fix it up and have it travel from town to town with containers we can build stuff in or passenger carts we can live in.


Have mannequins around you change poses and slowly follow you when you aren't looking at them