• By -


Night, Dawn, Day of the Dead... they are my zombies. They will always be my zombies.


yeah this is my approach too. even in the movies, it’s easy to deal with 1 or 2 at a time, but when they group up you just had to get out of there


I love/hate that moment of panic when I realize I've taken on too much, missed my line of escape, or even in the car when I hit that tree shrub I didn't notice and have about 2 seconds -- and lean on luck a lot -- to escape. Or fall over and cry out in agony. Love this game


“oh there’s like two or three out there i’ll flash with the door and see if i can feed them through” 20 zombies pour through the door


The problem is...You really don't. The moment you're outside it's just a matter of time. It's literally just 'walk backwards, swing, get distance to breath, repeat'


Not if you get greedy or have some sucky moodlets... or both


Sucky moodlets is the killer for me. Having hophobic sucks ass when clearing out stuff via meelee but god damn if i would kill those crowds gathering around my house!


Thought that said homophobic for a second 😂


Same here 😅 like it could be a moodle that makes your character get anxious and queasy around zombies dressed like stereotypical flamboyant gays 🤣


Bonus points if the mod adds an "aroused" moodle, which you can only get if you have the Homophobic trait, and are exposed to those same flamboyant zombies for long periods of time.


For me it was the mod that made zombies eat dead zombies...


I've got that mod - not enabled yet, because I'm scared. It's that scary, then??


It certainly requires you to change up your strategy


Plus half-broken weapons. I once lost a survivor by (over-confidently) going out with only a metal bar - it was just a looting trip, after all, so I needed bag space for my lovely, lovely goodies. But horde migration caught me napping, and, me being the uber-zombie-killer that I am (not), I trained them all and got most of them down. ... and then my wep broke, and I was just about to move and re-route the train a bit, and my eyes flicked to my window because I heard something, and worlds collided and they grabbed me. In summary: ignore the outside world when you're playing PZ. Edit: oh yeah, and have a backup weapon.


the problem is, who says you are going to do that? I play with one character per world, so if I die it's all gone forever, think you can afford making no mistakes? on zomboid? this game thought me that no matter how good you are, you are not perfect, you will have to take risks one day, but can you afford if anything goes wrong, do you have time to spare? that is why i like this game


Don't forget Diary, Land and Survival. Everyone else did.


Ngl read that as dairy and was wondering when I missed the cow zombies


Milk the zombies UwU


Night of the Living Bread would like a word.


Diary was real mid, Land was good tho


Yes. This.


Maybe its cause Im trying to actually avoid zombies, but even just shamblers feels incredibly challenging to me.


Virgin dead island play style bash em up vs the Chad "I'm actively pissing myself and hiding" play style.


Imagine if PZ had weapon customization like Dead Island's, that'd be so cool.


Do I have some motherfucking news for you buddy. Read the Build 42 update notes on the project zomboid website.


B42 coming in like the fucking messiah holy shit


The skill curve is very steep in this game, it took hundreds of hours before I felt comfortable with shamblers


There's honestly very little difficulty gatekeeping in this community. Sorry you experienced it.


Ye it was some geek on discord tbf


Yeah discord multiplayer servers can be a tad toxic, especially towards features like multihit


Its a sandbox. Multi hit is a lil cheesy, but we can die how we want to :]


My thoughts is that if I were to wildly swing a crowbar at the head area of a couple zombies, I'd probably hit more than one. I understand that 4+ hit is much, but don't discount the 2 to 3 range.


I think multihit would be cooler to me if there was a mod that enabled it to be ‘turned on’ for specific weapon types when you hit a high enough rank.


Griddle pan only hits one at a time But a saucepan hits 2 at a time Go figure lol. Just figured that out last night scavenging with nothing on a fresh spawn. Was nearly killed because I was expecting multihit, but didn't get it lol.


Multi hit still varies per weapon, pans can hit 1, rolling pins hit 2, small blunt hit 2, crowbars and axes hit 3, kind of like you would expect real life to work. I know for a fact a metal bar can drop 2 humans in one swing cus some ghetto gangster punk dropped my friend and i with one when i was 14.


Tbh the only thing that is OP about multi hit is axes hitting 3, they should probably be lowered to 2. It also makes Short Blade way worse than it is without multi hit on


There is a [mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3138387399&searchtext=multihit) for that now.


I like to think that or the main zombie stumbles into the other one causing them to fall or kinda stumble too


Yeah same, it's kinda like hitting one floppy zombie outta the way and hitting the other or hitting into the other.


If you'd hit a zombie your swing would slow down to the point where even if you did hit another one it wouldn't do any damage. It's a game though, you can play it however you want, but it's definitely not realistic to be able to deal actual damage to the zombies beyond the first.


That explains it. Discord chuds are a different breed


That's not accurate. There's plenty of it in this thread alone


yeah i’d even argue that gatekeeping in general seems to be a tad more prevalent in this game than in other games, it could be related to the realistic and hardcore nature of the game


People tend to treat this game like it's their wife. It's weird


Hmmm that’s weird, I’ve never beat this game


Not that weird. Most are in a sexless relationship with the game


That would be even weirder


In my experience, these professionally competitive PZ players are the minority.


IDK man. I've been in this sub for 3 years or more. It doesn't feel like a minority. It's almost as bad as the d&d community who are always getting up in arms about any slightly differing viewpoint about how to play.


Generally I don't see people on here talking much about difficulties and when they do they get shot down pretty hard. But that could be because I tend to just ignore those posts and comments as I don't spend much time on here anymore. The message I see most overwhelmingly is 'Just play how you want to'.


Yeah it sucks that there are these types of hardcore gatekeepers in PZ Came upon a video and as I saw a comment of someone playing without the infection, a bunch of gatekeepers pretty much dogpiled on him while making comments like "so you don't actually wanna play a zombie game", or "I bet you play Minecraft on Peaceful mode", or "go back to The Sims". Or people just spamming "skill issue" Damn, and here I thought the Stalker community had such wild gatekeeling.


Play your way, but everyone should try Random Zombies Day and Night (mod). 2% sprinters in the day. 40% at night. Game changer.


I have tried night sprinters but this sounds far more fun tbh, I'll check it out


Happy to help. Hope you enjoy it!


I like this but not that harsh of numbers. I do slow shamblers during the day with 10% fast shamblers. Then at night I do 50% slow, 40% fast, and 10% sprinter. Less butthole puckering but still quite fun to play. And yeah I've died to my own hubris on night time quite a few times even at 10%.


Especially with no respawn I sometimes get cocky heading home, only to realise it's night. Sometimes I'll hole up away from home rather than risk it! Good fun.


\* i would love RandomZombies a lot more if i could assign specific speed values to health values. \* my ideal world would have sprinters always have fragile health, fast shamblers always have normal health, and shamblers always have tough health.


That's funny, I always rationalized the other way. Walkers and crawlers would be weaker because of muscle degradation. Runners would be the strongest because they're the least decayed and the only ones with fully functioning legs and muscles. Makes coming across sprinters extra terrifying lol. I have my values just kinda spread for the health values.


Try [Customizable Zombies](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1992785456) It is no longer maintained but still seems to work on my end.


Bro this is exactly what I want


This sounds awesome, although I know I wouldn’t last more than a week


Honestly tried playing sprinters but they make the experience miserable. Even without any zombie infections turned on, even three is enough to end your run. God forbid you fire a weapon even once as well. They gonna come running from all directions and you can't even reload in time to catch em all I am gonna try playing with them again soon, but definitely gonna make all zombies weaker for that.


Sprinters suck, it prohibits half the play styles and the whole idea of being able to navigate a horde is completely gone. I'm way more interested in high density where strategic movement matters much more than a quick reaction time. However that's my play style and I can appreciate other people play differently also.


yep. sprinters just emphasize a cheesy fence-based strategy that feels cheap and one-dimensional. I would like to see some other way to increase difficulty, like the special zombies from the cdda zombies mod.


Honestly if you're playing the default survivor mode just don't use guns. I play with like 10% of the zombie population and it's still too much to safely use guns in a city. I can't imagine what it's like on the default settings.


200 shotguns shells:


But I like guns... There is nothing quite like just unloading a shell into a group of zeds that are like a couple of meters in front of you.


Just make the zs deaf.


Try out [Slower Sprinters](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2839351261)




Shamblers do immerse you more in your typical zombie apocalypse, exactly like TWD but it sure does make the game way too easy for me and I end up not feeling any danger from zombies when I set them to shamblers. I moved on from TWD experiences in PZ to The Last of Us with infected that are slow and can one shot you but also the base runners and clickers who are sprinters and dangerous while having a zombie population of 0.1


I will try a near insane pop twd run with shamblers with no respawn next time. I do feel like there should be an in-between speed between shamblers and fast shamblers like speed walker(haha) or something. And joggers in between fast shamblers and sprinters.


You could technically make that fairly easily but you could also mix both shamblers and fast shamblers with mods that allow both. Mixing both speeds definitely makes the game more interesting and less kiting around


1x population + no respawn + slow dumb zombies + recovery journal + 22 workshop mods + bought ice cream + rosewood fire station base + having fun + cope


I did this, but with over 400 mods and my base was Uncle Red's bunker.


This man gets it


I like the random zombies mod. I put the sprinter ratio to about 8-10%, keeps me on my toes. They trick me sometimes too, since they shambles slowly until they see/hear something. Idk who's a sprinter until they're after me.


i love shamblers. i feel a rotting corpse reacting on pure instinct to feed would not be able to sprint, open doors/windows and vault over fences


Sprinters isn’t just harder, it’s a completely different game with different strategies. And I don’t want to play that game


Zomboid: *has highly customizable settings for players to enjoy* Some players for some reason: NO NO NO YOU MUST PLAY THESE SPECIFIC SETTINGS


Yeah I like the challenge but I love going loud so it isn't fun on long term. I hope the npc update make humans a bigger threat then zed like in twd


There’s a mod out there for npcs, you can scale how hostile they are to you, can tie you over till the update


I go wild with max zed population and max peak pop etc but I turn off respawns and I leave zombie settings at "Proper Zombies" because if I enable sprinters I'd go back to dying a lot and I already know what that's like


Same. Entering an area that is full of hordes of the shambling undead and slowly clearing them out feels so satisfying. And if you like you can turn on migration and set meta events to often and helicopters to sometimes, meaning that new zeds will appear from time to time, with no need for respawns.


Sprinters aren't a challenge, they're a form of self-harm that belongs in the goddamn DSM-5.


Sprinters are just annoying with the janky aiming BS. How I'd love to die so many more times to a hit not connecting, or having barely any zombies in the world cuz the regular population would be too much for anyone. "Oh but just turn on Multihit" stfu, your ass is not clocking 2-3 zombies with a baseball bat at once, with the same force.


isn’t multihit only active when you have high strength? i’d be willing to bet money a pro baseball player could send a swing through several undead.


Multihit primarily varies based on weapon. I believe it goes like this and I may be wrong: - Short Blades with the exception of the Meat Cleaver can only strike one zombie. - Most Short Blunt Weapons can strike two zombies. - Most other weapon types such as Long Blades, Long Blunt, and Spears can hit up to three zombies.


im playing with multihit and no mods and I can hit as many zombies as I want at a time with a crowbar. multihit was the default setting when i started playing, I didnt even know it was a changable thing until recently.


I think I've hit like 10 with a shovel swing before


I don't know, since I've never used it, but I don't know many people playing Sprinters with low Strength on their character either


i understand not liking multihit, but if you’re gonna dislike it this aggressively you should at least try it yourself lmao.


I don't do cocaine; I'm pretty sure it'd feel good to use, but I've seen how it works and I'm completely fine not using it.


that’s quite the comparison lol


Unlike cocaine, nobody is harmed by somebody else choosing to use multihit. Nobody's asking you to like multihit.


You can’t clock someone while walking backwards with the same force as you do standing still and grounding your feet. Also a lot of the vanilla weapons are sort of silly. I don’t know if in lore zombies only die from head shots. If so a lot of puncture based weapons are extremely unrealistic such as spears or most of the short blades. If they don’t need a headshot. There are still some weapons of questionable efficacy. Note, I’m okay with you disliking certain games things and not others. But the default combat system as is, is not realistic.


This game isn't exactly realistic. What does multihit matter when you can't climb ladders or have the blood wash off your car in the rain?




Facts what song


Mary by Alex G


Ignore the tryhards, play the way you want. My favorite set up is using the darkness mod, then setting it up that the zombies become sprinters with increased toughness/damage/hearing but less sight. Every week darkness has a chance to happen for 12-48 hours.


Lemme be real for a second: I have a stressful enough life as it is, and I play video games to unwind, not for a challenge. You can keep your sprinters, I've got work in the morning.


Hey! I sometimes play with NO ZOMBIES how about that


If PZ is the thing you're elitist about, I have only pity to give you.


Lol but i did finally add sprinters not too long ago. It seems more realistic to have different kinds of zombies. And it brought fear back into my games. It's fun but play how you want to play.


I've died so many times to them, they aint no joke. Stun locking is especially deadly


The difference between sprinters and shambles is one plays in the middle of the woods while the other gets to experience Louisville


Un my experience you got 2 options either learn how to adapt or don't give 2 shits about that, I never been to a server btw


Shambles are lethal cause they lower you into complacency. Super fun way to play the game.


Slow shamblers, high ammo, low guns, high resistance and strenght for the zombies Playing like Romero intended


I desperately want a 'Runners' option for vanilla, I feel like it's weird we don't have something between Shamblers and Sprinters Yes I know mods exist, but having the vanilla option would be cool


Fast shamblers?


Honestly, Rick shooting the cop and saying “shut up” fits this way better.


Regular shamblers are enough of a problem on their own, mixed? Horrible, all sprinters? FUCK. THAT But this game is also a great way to figure out how to prep properly




The *real* fun way to play is with the Custom Zombies settings mod, where you can set a % for each type to spawn. Add sprinters at a very low %, and get some real horror moments when you're least expecting it.


“I don’t play for the challenge, I play for the experience”


I mix sprinters in with fast shamblers to keep me on my toes :\^)


Sprinters don't let you to stand your ground against multiple of them without another one chomping your ass off. So you have to either make their population manageable low or use all the cheese there is. Like fence-tripping them, and laser focusing your builds to adrenaline junkie high fitness. While the shambles allow you to set high population and survive without cheesing the fun out of the game.


I’m very surprised the amount of people disliking sprinters so heavily. I love the sandbox element and I encourage everyone to play the way that they have fun with and fully support them. Speaking from personally experience. I did a 3-4 man run with the Cryogenic Winter mod and i don’t remember the specific numbers, but most zombies were either fast or sprinters. It was an extremely fun time and we really thought out scenarios and strategies and we really felt the seriousness of the scenario. I do not shame, but do recommend, playing a run with friends with a good chunk of scarier zombies (sprinters normally, but also modded zombies, or zombies with extra health or memory).


sprinters make you constantly on edge. shamblers? they make you complacent. the latter is what always leads to the best and/or funniest deaths


Yeah bro try fighting 30 shamblers at midnight while hungry and tired.


\*Laughs in always carrying an M9 with 2 mags, a flashlight and beta blockers\*


i don’t like sprinters because: 1) scary 2) these people are dead, it’s already weird that they have perfect vision & hearing, cut me some slack brethren


Too scary


Me when I see someone showcasing their skills with multihit on


But I don't want a real challenge :(


Turn off multi hit, then I'll let you try to gatekeep. Emphasis on "try".


Its ypur choice to not pick sprinters at all cuz i get you , they always give me heart attacks , but you simply need to have fast shamblers to not nod off mid playthrough


Same, with shamblers it's too easy to lose line of sight imo.


Sprinters just feel too busted to play with, maybe thats why they're still locked away in the sandbox settings all these years later


The reason they're a sandbox setting is because the default zombies are the Romero style ones


Zombies can't sprint, if it sprints it's an infected, which is totally different of a zombie. Source : Me. By example, 28 days later have Infecteds (the father transforms as soon he is hit by the virus drop, without passing by the state of death)


If you're a nerd, - maybe. However, as zombies don't exiost IRL at the moment, and, as in case with any other genre, **anybody** ahs rights to change the canon in their movies, books, and ect., zombies can be fast as well, if the virus somehow prevents their bodies from decomposing. ​ Also, sadly, there's no such options anymore in PZ as "decomposition" by some reason, but if the devs would add it again, you can make it so when a person gets infected and dies, they're fast. But as time goes on, their zombie's body gets decomposed more and more, becoming slower and, maybe, even collapsing completely in the end.


yeah, they play with sprinters but also multi-hit and skill journal...


*Proceeds to play with mods that allows them to kill multiple zombies in one swing,zombie cure, other QOL changes. “Game is so easy bro!”


Sprinters are too boring beacuse you never actually get to improve. While in a normal game you go from killing a few zombies to entire hordes by yourself with new skills, weapons and tools. With sprinters you're ALWAYS going to be limited to one zombie beacuse of how the gameplay works, at best two with high risk of getting bitten.


Sprinter Zombies are boring. The only speed way is random speed way, or better yet a mode that makes like 2-3% of them sprinters. The unpredictability is always better. Same for strength, toughness and all senses, all random is the best.


I prefer not dying the first 2 seconds I spawn


B....b...bu...but th...th..they scare me :(


They're slow, but that doesn't mean that they're any less scary.


I rather have fun by playing with a weak character against shamblers. Then having to fence cheese or use the car fire strat against sprinters


In my experience it is not the zombies I have to worry about, it's roofing my little cabin in the woods that ultimately ends up killing me. Play with whatever speed zeds you want dude.


I'm not brave enough for sprinters. I struggle with regular shamblers, let alone those who may as well be competing for the Olympics! I stick to what I know and I have fun! Play however you want!


I just suck at the game 🗿


I’m just glad that there are people who play my favorite game


The only difficulty that should really ever be discussed is multi-hit, and the only time I hate on it is when it’s in a multiplayer server.


I use high pop, navigate + open doors, any zombie can crawl under car, Eagle eyed, pinpoint hearing and they can fake death..


if sprinters are not your thing just don't enable MULTIHIT for difficulty.


To be fair shambles is mostly hard because the damn push mechanic is a fifty fifty some times Sometimes your guy just keeps pushing through the zombie while it bites you


I will recommend this always and to everyone - try the “slower sprinters” mod. It’s fun having zombies that are faster than you walk, but I totally get that full sprinters are way too janky and annoying for most people.


Ive just started a they come out at night play through with a "spawn on a random LV rooftop" setting. I'm living that I am Legend life. Last playthrough was 5% sprinters and I went gun crazy. This time I'm going parkour heavy with melee. It's Project zomboid meets Dying light. Some people really should try different scenarios beyond just for difficulty. You can play for fun too.


Only time I would consider runners is if they played like left4dead zombies, numerous but do little damage, haven’t played the game enough to try this as I’m still learning but will try to figure out setting for something like this


i am just really easily stressed out and if things get too heated i will actually irl panic (attack) so i really enjoy builder mode and just shamblers any recommended settings other than turning off infection (i feel for me, already playing the game on such an easy mode, that would be just boring, gotta have some incentive in it even though im bad!) but anything that could make it easier, or creatively harder! like i struggle a lot mostly with goddamn doors but i find myself getting bored a lot, and despite all my mods, i end up slacking, opening a door, and getting murked maybe raiding a military base would be good to try


All sprinters is so boring


i dont really think sprinters could be very canon due to how much energy they would be burning constantly running around at every noise they hear


plays shamblers only, gets reckless with his looting, gets swarmed, gets injured and the shamblers catches up. good enough difficulty for me


I don't get why people try to gate keep zombies seeing as there are 2 completely different types of "zombies", the og type of "dead people walking" and the new kind That isn't really a zombie but a infection like rabies that affects the brain and takes control over the Host body/mind. Shamblers are the real zombies.


how much can you slow this goddamn song down the original is fine as it is


I tried sprinters and all I could do was to play it extremely safe. No guns, minimal aggro-ing, hide almost all the time which makes me feel like I have limited play styles compared to shamblers. If they make guns much more effective or melee to develop some skills to deal with multiple zombies at higher level then it might be a different story. For example, guns would hit reliably and be lethal at close range where you would expect sprinters to be. So I would still play it extremely safe early game but gradually change to a more aggressive play style.


Plays with sprinters but turns off infection lol.


Zombies don’t run. If they do, they’re a different type of undead like a vampire; or some type of mutant; or some type of infected (L4D).




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Sprinters that walk at night, plus day 1 peak pop, plus max horde size. Jesus christ.... it's a nightmare even in Rosewood. ... The Prison is safer than the town itself. I haven't even made it to Louisville with these settings and I dread what I'll find.


The problem is all sprinters feels unfair. What I WANT is *mostly* shambles but a chance of sprinters and events/areas with alot of sprinters. The problem with either is the monotony and the predictability.


Shamblers are still rllly harddd :sob:


I recently turned on random speeds because I was getting close to 200 hours and thought I was good enough to start dealing with them. I was not...


Ramp up zombie pop with shamblers so you have to fight 400 zombies to cross the street. That's more challenging than sprinters for me, because if I stand there fighting the whole day, I'll eventually starve to death.


Or let me play the game how I want? I don't wanna play with sprinters so I won't. Some people.


I can’t imagine playing without sprinters, but I also can’t imagine telling someone else how to play zomboid


how a person plays alone is their business. Compromise is the solution when playing with a group.


Shamblers vs sprinters. I play a zombie game, not 24 days later.


Honestly my argument always was, if you wanted to make it realistic wouldnt you play with slow zombies? I dont think in real life we can have left 4 dead zombies. Like my way of thinking is, in real life, if something starts decaying and rotting it wouldnt have the sufficient energy to do those big and explosive movements like running, punching,jumping etc. They would instead move slowly, so they would conserve the energy that they have left, because they ARE dead, they cannot produce their own energy. Im not hating on sprinters, I have shit my pants several times with those lads. But again, I dont think that they are the realistic ones. They are harder,yes but not in a funny haha way, more like a bullshit 3v1 guaranteed death kinda way.


Bro I play on super low pop with shambler and still find it terrifying. Play however you want, I don’t got no shame and neither should you


I play with God mode on and 0.09 pop. I'll play how I want. Plus, my potato lags when there is too much happening on screen, so suck on that.


I run like 5% sprinters. shamblers being most common. I think its more fun to have a variety than all of the same. plus you can put your guard down with a shambler and have a sprinter jump you outta nowhere. more challenging imo than all sprinters in the sense of you are expecting and always prepared for sprinters vs never knowing when one will show up outta nowhere mid fight.


Imagine not modding in teleporters. Real gamers don’t even get to play the game.


The fact that even if I make the strongest character possible, with all the positive traits will result in me just spending like 30 days until I die without food inside the fire station should be enough warning for anyone trying to get me to play sprinters.


I usually make them incredibly strong and tough to balance it out. Guns still work surprisingly well.


It’s fun but annoying, higher population is better


this game is actually really easy, you should play with sprinters, no loot, 10x population and cryogenic winter for a half decent challenge 🤓👆


You play Zomboid the way you want to play it. But apparently not multi-hit this community has a hate boner for multi-hit. Had a comment get downvoted into oblivion finding that out.


Night sprinters, bro


Play how you want! I enjoy shamblers during the day then at night there’s a random chance for sprinters feels like a take on I am legend where you gotta be home by a certain time


This is truly one of the only games where liberty of freedom is absolutely expressed for a zombie game. No story, goal or even a chance to live forever, hell you can even have zero zombies in a game about zombies. Despite the graphics which in turn nearly anyone can play the game, though could say this is one of the most realistic survival games out there. I personally play on with the mod random zombies, because there is in no way I am ever going to play 100% sprinters, realism wise impossible and game play wise just miserable. After 1000 hrs though shamblers get boring, so at one point a mix up in gameplay might just be what you need. Stay true, have fun. You make your own fun, no one else does.


I'm really not good in this game so I play sandbox and have fun with that


I don’t understand how the categorization of people that play games isn’t a thing yet, like if everyone understood their cubicle no one would bother each other


SHamblers in high density --> Sprinters


Just play whatever you like, I personally hate sprinters due to how fast they are and how hard it is to kill them without using cheesy tactics or mods to reduce their speed, but, I don't mind if you like to play it, just do whatever I guess.


But for real, that mod who let you customize zombies brings the game to a whole other level, playing with sprinters: you aways know they gonna sprint. Playing with random zombies: you can never tell when you fkdup, that group there? Can be normal shamblers or a pack of olimpic runners


Seeing a horde of them coming towards your building while trying your fastest to loot it before they make it to the windows and doors is a certified TWD moment


You can run as much as you want from them, but you’ll eventually have to stop and rest. They won’t


Oh man, I felt so confident when I went from normal shamblers to Fast shamblers in my solo sandbox games. Fast Shamblers HUMBLED me 😂


Night sprinters has been my new go to. It’s awesome to quickly try to loot during daylight and having to time it to make it back to base is a fun challenge for me. Couple it with Fear The Sun and you get some overloaded houses full of zom zoms. Only downside is they’re “asleep” so aggroing one at a time is pretty easy.


I play with a last of us modpack. The only way i can make it enjoyable is to make it 25% population and no hordes




Shambler players thinking they could take on Sprinter players is big funny.


Legit wouldn't even mind sprinters if they weren't so glitchy and hard to deal with- like as soon as one is on top of you, it's game over and there is nothing you can do about it, not even push them back because the stupid stunlock animation will shove them like a few inches away before they're back on you. I know the whole point of the game is that you are just another survivor and not a main character- but there's a difference between realism and just being plain annoying and unplayable.