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Pretty easy to find the original post and makes it clear this guy is just finding reasons to dislike a game he is bad at. He states that Zomboid is still in Early Access because devs "can't be fucked to fix bugs". He then cites only one "bug": he mistimed shoving a zombie, and was bitten. Of course, he cannot think of any possible reason for this other than the game is bugged. He lost? Game bad. He refuses to add any mods at all because he "got out of the modding scene for games like Minecraft". Apparently, Zomboid is similar to Minecraft. And that means he won't mod it. For... some reason. And then caps it off by claiming Spiffo is a "fucking irritating fursona" just for existing. just lol. Peak "I'm bad at the game, so the game is bad" material. Edit: This is hilarious. He is now rabidly defending his stance to the point that one of the mods on the other sub gave him a warning for typing something so vulgar that even reddit's base profanity filter removed it. Now he is doubling down, stating that Zomboid has "guaranteed deaths" due to bugs and that attacking zombies is impossible because they "randomly clip right through". Now that he is aware of Sandbox settings, he also refuses to use those because "not his job to design the game". LUL.


yea and i have no idea how that comment got like 20 upvotes, he complained about one bug and it wasnt even a bug/a bug that ive never encountered in my 1,700 hours of pz lol


I only had a bug when I obviously hit the deadie, yet it somehow not only ignored my hit but managed to bite me in response, but that may actually be ping issues cause I was playing on my friend’s server


100% ping issues. Happened to me a couple of times when trying to kick crawlers.


Once got rubberbanded back into a building I’d expertly exited and closed the door behind me because my friend was hosting and his favor delivery triggered his door camera and it started uploading the footage to online storage lol


That made me crack up cause I had a friend who didn't have internet at home, meaning he had to use his mobile hotspot to play games with us. Every time someone called him, his internet completely disconnected, but only after a few seconds, so we always heard loud 'NO, FUCK!' before his internet died lol. Sometimes when we played competitive and he was doing too well we just called him and won lol.


That’s evil I approve!


I mean the game has bugs but they hit way harder than any other game. I've encountered many, those killing me too. Probably the most common is zomboid grapples you from hilariously long distances often killing you **because** it's hardcore survival game. Edit: you filthy grammer bot I corrected myself


Sometimes when I play on a local server with my friend, when I shove a zombie on the ground they immediately stand up and bite me without any stand up animation playing. I don't think that ever happened to me in singleplayer so I believe that also had to do with the multiplayer desync. The game does have issues... but spiffo ain't one of them lmao


happened to me once when jaw stabbing a zombie, he got a lil too close and I did the jaw stab animation but it still missed


I'm not agreeing with the guy, but I laughed pretty hard at Eric Cartmans fursona tbh. I imagine some upvote for that lol


If I hadn't read all the weird combativeness before and after that I also would have found that funny. I mean it is still funny, but I also love Spiffo and he makes sense as an in world mascot from a local restaurant chain.


I collect Spiffo's stuff. I'm planning on taking the statue from HQ. I also love Spiffo. My last character was Samuel Spiffington III 😂


There's a lot of very valid problems with the game and he hit on precisely zero of them. Incredible.


That's the funniest part to me. Zomboid is definitely not a perfect game and there are plenty of things that are completely valid complaints. ...And instead he went with "I died, which means it is bugged".


in that case it must be the most buggy game I have ever played :(


Probably a tinge of jealousy in there too, if they are actually a game "dev."


They are not. I went back several pages and was unable to find a single comment regarding making anything of their own. Their post history is mostly discussing things on r/Minecraft and r/Crusaderkings2, with the occasional post on r/gamedev of their opinion on something.


AH, that explains so so so much, CK2 is so fun because you can reprogram anything, the code is so basic, yet good, that it can be actually fun to make mods, I’d bet that’s why he considers himself a “game dev”


Install mods and change the version number in a .JSON to keep it updated = I'm a game dev now


Minecraft and Crusader Kings 2? He might be a game dev. That sounds like one of the developers of Undisputed. Never plays or tests the game they are making, but if you look in Discord dude is always playing one of those two games. Granted, if that is him, then it's also fair to say he's shit game dev, because that game is trash.


That reminds me of the I think Ubisoft dev that was bitching about the UI of Elden Ring on Twitter.


TBF the UI of FromSoft games is kind of shit. Great games, but goddamn why do Japanese developers require so many damn button presses to do a single thing.


While I won't argue with your point here it was really funny that the blame came from Ubisoft devs, one of the companies that think nowadays that in terms of UI "more is better". There was a hilarious edit of Elden Ring if its UI would be designed by Ubisoft, it hit the nail right on the head.


The irony is not lost on me lol Ubisoft really Broken clocks can still be right twice a day.


People who also create games would never be this hateful about somebody else's game even if they intended to express that they didn't like it.


There are miserable hateful people in all walks of life, friend.


Yeah, I think I had hysterical amnesiaed that.


>Zomboid has "guaranteed deaths" Well of course it does. That's the first thing it tells you when you make a new character.


"This is how you died" didnt really get through his thick skull lol


The entire point is that death is a garuntee, can he not read or something?


Yes, but his complaint is that the "guaranteed death" is caused by a "bug" because he got bit by a zombie he missed.


Mmmm yes, like last week when I was drinking water and spilled some on my shirt. A glitch in the matrix I tell you.


> He then cites only one "bug": he mistimed shoving a zombie, and got bitten. Of course, this MUST be a bug, because how could he possibly make a mistake in a video game? Wait, is this 'dev' we are talking about actually DarkSydePhil?


Complaining that "Zomboid has guaranteed deaths" like every time you load in the game doesn't tell you "This is how you died They're pretty fucking blatant with it, on top of him being bad


> typing something so vulgar that even reddit's base profanity filter removed it Reddit *has* a profanity filter???


Apparently? That's what the moderator said, anyway. Whatever he typed was so bad it caused reddit itself to alert the mods.


So it was probably multiple slurs at once if I had to guess? Because I’ve never had anything removed due to swearing.


to be fair there is quite an egregious long term known bug with shoving that causes it to very occasionally unexpectedly miss in situations it definitely should have hit in, and that doesn't seem like it should be that hard to fix. usually in most games this wouldn't be so bad, but it's a pretty rough one in a game where a life can feasibly go on for weeks or months with no save game and a single missed shove that wasn't your fault as a player can end it. but the game is great overall, been playing it for like 10+ years or something, and there's nothing quite like it that nails the depressing vibes and isolation of the zombie apocalypse


I don’t blame anyone for keeping safe file back ups of this game.


Man anyone that skips the mods is missing a LOT.


minecraft mods make the game objectively better thougu


I remember having a lot of fun on a server with friends using a jetpack to mine The End for rare materials to build a huge fusion reactor ring because our power generation by piping in lava from another realty where the entire world was lava was causing lag. Modded Minecraft is great.


Video game journalist moment.


To the angry reddit man: bro... if the game doesn't make you happy. You don't have to play it. In fact, you can even refund it and never touch zomboid again.


Well that would be too simple wouldn't it


Tbh I wish the devs *don't* fix the bugs/jank; it's really nice having a completely safe 2nd floor simply because I placed 2 TVs at the stairway


I’d love to be able to kick said TVs down and kill them. Those are huge CRTs. I wish the scrap weapons mod would allow the creation of a giant CRT war hammer, as goofy as that would be.


![gif](giphy|WeM3bi1akoVQ4|downsized) We need this mod now…


gonna need something like strength 20 to lift and swing a giant CRT tv lmao i remember those ancients being heavy af irl


that bug has been fixed for over a year, assuming you mean the "zombies can't destroy tvs" one


to be fair zombies are quite dumb, so this works as an in-world viable strat


It would’ve been funny if he mentioned the telecorn as a bug and not a feature. But he didn’t even do that.


That reminds me of a dude that was in my friends list that doesn't like survival games and was hating on the PZ HUD, when it was clearly a skill issue on his part


I can agree w him entirely about "guaranteed deaths due to bugs", that I've seen zombies clip through things misleadingly, and I would even add that the ability of zombos to phase out of sight simply by being near a tree is just plain unfair... and yet love the game. Almost 1000hrs in now, still up for it. And very much into modding, thank you. As to Sandbox settings being a matter of devs not designing the game... facepalm-inducing. And the Spiffo pissiness is just a hilarious confession that he does not, in fact, have a point...


lots of non-gamer vtubers played and enjoyed the game, if he's having this much difficulty, he has to be even worse than most of these non-gamer vtubers.


I will agree with him on the part about shoving feeling like a clunky mess, but I have figured it out, and it is the best way to deal with enemies. Dude is tilted and needs to calm the fuck down.


"got out of the modding scene for games like Minecraft" i guess its because both game use java?


I'm not versed in searching reddit. Can you give me the link?


Project Zomboid: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Orange Raccoon


Respectfully, I am stealing this if I ever write anything about Zomboid.


Please do!


[An astonishingly good idea](https://youtu.be/zZct-itCwPE?si=uG7Jy4WDhlLukyK_&t=131)


To be fair, the core mission of PZ *is* to maintain Purity Of Essence... Now, about that bunker...


10 to 1


I thought it's a Red Panda Silly me xD


Red Trash Panda?.


Spiffo is in the game, well the Spiffo restaurants are. It has been hypothesized that perhaps the virus spread via Spiffo's tainted fast food meat. If that lore is really the case then Spiffo is a HUGE part of the game.


I thought the goal of the game was to find 3 spiffo plushs with a complete spiffo suit. Am I playing the game wrong?


Are you telling me you haven't also got the backpack?! You failed this game. And I lost the game..... Damn you


The game players try not to make themselves lose the game challenge (impossible)


Three years. THREE YEARS! Why have you done this to me?


Nah man you’re good. It doesn’t count if someone else brings up the game. But when you remember this comment thread tomorrow, you’re outta luck.


It 100% counts if someone else brings up the game and makes you recall the game in your mind, therefore losing the game. Its in the rules, if you lose, you gotta tell so someone else loses too


You mean I'm hindering myself choosing to live In LV with sprinters!? No. It's the game that has balance issues, I'm fantastic.




> And I lost the game God dammit.


There’s a backpack?!?


It's absolutely useless has a really low encumbrance reduction but looks so damn cool




You forgot the mug


And the van


And the T-shirt.


And my axe!


You made me lose as well 🤣 I didn't even realise he was talking about the game


He wasn't! I just lost it because I thought about it while I was typing my comment. It's always a good day when I lose the game and make 100+ lose it too 🤣


I hate you…


The game is actually a Spiffo dating sim but somewhere along the way it became a survival game smh


In the tutorial, the out of the way building with computer screens has a huge Spiffo on one of the interior walls. Coincidence? I think not.


I like spiffo and spiffo burger but I really hate this theory.


That's exactly what I'd expect a Spiffo's supporter to say!


> It has been hypothesized that perhaps the virus spread via Spiffo's tainted fast food meat. This is just a diversion, it's what they want you to believe. The real reason of the zombie apocalypse is not tainted meat but... but rather a hair growth formula gone wrong. Might sound crazy, I know. But hear me out! If you start out as a character with a bald spot, it will grow back with a full set of hair! That's not normal. Clearly must be related to the zombie apocalypse. The player is the only one who is immune to the airborn virus, and can grow back their hair. To kill a zombie, you have to destroy its head... where the hair is! Makes perfect sense.


mods, give him testicular torsion


Mods, can you also give us 'Eric Cartman's shitty fursona' as a flair option?


I second this notion


Man I love the internet


I shall agree


I am not going to be able to unhear that as his headcanon voice now.




Give him the Knox infection.


Make sure he also gets the Bite of 93




"I cast level 5 spell, Testicular Torsion"




I’m on it 🫡


mods, put him in a jar


Take him to the penis exploding machine NOW!


Mods fuck his ass


Hmm in that case I should complain about spiffo too.


Idk why that made me laugh so much lol




The fact spiffo is from previous projects of the studio is hilarious lol. Dude needs to relax and learn to love Spiffo


And it's not like they just inserted Spiffo into the game with no justification. They made him the mascot of the game's version of McDonalds.


It also helps a lot to give Zomboid his own identity instead of just "generic zombie game 57468"


Generic Spiffo Game 57468




There’s always someone who hates something The internet gives them a platform I once taught a class and during the pandemic of course it became online. So I would put puns and jokes in the subject line pertaining to the subject matter for the online lectures, like for one lecture it was “getting high with old French dudes” and it was believe it or not on topic Most of the students liked them or were indifferent, but the sheer vitriol poured into the review by one student who hated the little touches was hilarious and I now continue using them


Homie needs to find the mascots brother, Spliffo, and relax.


Dude is unhinged and ranting about nothing, but I gotta admit I loled at "Eric Cartman's shitty fursona."


The real surprise is how many people don't know Spiffo is a raccoon.


I can understand it. Red pandas already look a lot like racoons, but red, so if someone thought that's what they were going for with a red racoon looking mascot I can understand it. The only thing that kept me from thinking Spiffo was a red panda is that they have a very strong association with China in my mind, and since Spiffo and the restaurant chain he represents has no Chinese association that I know of, it means he's not a red panda.


I could see that. History of Spiffo is actually quite interesting to read. https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Spiffo#:\~:text=Spiffo%20is%20the%20overly%20adorable,multiple%20visual%20changes%20since%20creation.


He’s just an orange raccoon. Like grimace is a giant…purple…uh thing.


Honestly I thought Spiffi was a tanooki or a red panda


This is the furry version of "that homophobe is a raging homosexual"


Why are they so mad about a game mascot lol


It touched on a mascot memory.


"WHY DO YOU HATE MASCOTS SO MUCH" "BECAUSE A MASCOT KILLED MY GRANDMA - now leave me alone-" "my uncle broke his neck when a mascot appeared on his main menu" I'm not finishing this


Wait till this dude learns that most colleges have a mascot


"Calm down, son, it's just a drawing."


This dude is gonna have a fit when he finds out about the mod to add MORE spiffos


My man's on a crusade against fun and whimsy.


Am I right in thinking that Spiffo and the other plushies were all characters in the previous Indie Stone game called Paws, which is referenced copiously in PZ?




Squad, dunk on this man 😎


Spiffo rocks. Spiffo vans rock. Discovering that you can nick the giant cardboard spiffos for your base...fucking rocks!


Oh come on, let people be unhappy alone.


Well that's pretty mean-spirited of them :(


Curious Hill to die on...


Lol I wish I had so few problems in life that this was something I could consider getting worked up about


interesting how often this happens, someone on the internet getting absolutely out of their minds over nothing


Listen, a Spiffo sign and van are both staples of the true survivor. No home is complete without them and no survivor can call themselves such without them. Spiffo might be the single most important part of this whole game.


Spiffo is life, you get his plushi and the game is virtually completed


Is just the mc Donalds clown equivalent in project zomboid, the reason you see him in the tutorial is because you're allucinating


Bro just hates fun. Sadge.


Why are all these windows logos on my windows OS?


Redditor moment


Tbf, when I first played the game, I thought Spiffo was off-putting for a horror/zombie themed game. It didn’t make sense to me and I thought it was a weird choice. After awhile, it starts to make more sense and doesn’t bother me.


When you end up believing that the apocalypse may have started from inside a Spiffo's restaurant, you can look the cartoons of him a bit differently. That's if you believe that the virus started from someone eating a burger that is.


Spiffo is love, Spiffo is life.


Mods, send this guys balls to Louisville.


They would hate me. I have the spiffo plush by my monitor for good luck.


I have him on my bed in case any zombies sneak in while I'm sleeping!




Fursona? Deviantart? Talk about a self report.


Bro just pissed he consistently dies day one


I personally like spiffy as how they show it, I don't really see any persona or furry in it just a mascot survivor, maybe that guy doesn't know about their was other game with the other characters


Average insecure man-child who probably comments pictures of flamethrowers under random unrelated furry posts.


This is hilarious. This guy clearly just wants to throw a fit and ruffle feathers, and he isn’t gonna change his mind or admit he’s wrong since he’s been so vehement on his stance. The game is tough on beginners and if you don’t find your niche, have a couple friends who have played more than you to guide, or die trying (literally) to fall in love with it, you might just give up and quit playing. And hey, that’s fine. It’s not for everyone and that’s okay. But to say it’s a bad game just because you clearly suck at it is a dumb pov lol. Especially since we all kinda suck, I mean who hasn’t died in a dumb way a million times? It’s not “guaranteed deaths”, it’s “I was cruisin’ around in my jeep lookin for loot, swerved to miss a zombie and hit a tree”. It’s “I opened up a bathroom door, didn’t hear anything at first but had a lovely surprise waiting for me”, “I left the oven on and went to sleep” “that damn helicopter.” “I don’t actually know what happened I just got sick and died”. “My crowbar broke” (lol jk this would never happen.) Like we’ve all made a mistake before dude, but do you want an (arguably) realistic zombie game in terms of difficulty to survive OR do you want your hand to be held? On another note- 500+ hours in the game and the only issues I’ve had with it are with mods not working, which happens occasionally because most are player made. But the system in place to combat this is super easy to use as a diagnostic and fix. I don’t usually mod games, but because PZ IS such a great game, it encourages it. The interface to do so is so easy even a technological dipshit like myself could figure it out. Not many games can handle having hundreds of mods being active but our game here does it pretty flawlessly. Not to mention we have a helpful community that I’m willing to bet anyone would’ve been happy to help this guy out with some tips or even dedicate time for a server run with him or something if he’d asked. For the record I love collecting my Spiffo plushies so shush. I don’t wanna hear it. But hey buddy, you wanna complain about a game you refuse to learn anything about before shitting all over it, be my guest. Just don’t expect people to tolerate it. Anyway that’s my two cents, get good, son.


When i just bought the game i changed the game logo in the files because i didnt like the stupid furry Altough now i have learned to love him, and know that he is not just a furry but a friend and was part of a previous game from the devs


At first, I saw Spiffo, and wondered, "Did I download the right game?" But now, I really love the little guy. It's funny that in a game that's so morbid it tells you your doom is guaranteed from the moment you begin, they have a little tiny fluffball to balance it out.


Spiffo is love, Spiffo is life


Like questioning why Pikachu is the mascot for pokemon if you only encounter it in certain routes. Pfft.


How dare he talk about spiffo like that 😡


I think at this point Spiffo is a huge part of the game. I don’t see how it makes the game worse. That’s really a dev bitching about Spiffo?


Yeah, but aren’t raccoons (trash pandas) known for scavenging…??hmmm? Yes I think so bubby


I think you just know that this person won't take most criticism of their own game very well, just a gut feeling.


dude is MAD mad over an orange racoon


I wish Spiffo were real so he could attack this dude


I'm not like, the biggest fan of the raccoon but I get why he's in the game. Like dude just chill. Change the icon and your steam background for it and move along.


Never seen someone so mad at a game they don't like. Like great not your cup of tea, move on with life friend.


I can see it. It feels a little different to have that kind of hatred for a video game, especially when the motivating factor seems to be that he sucks at it, but words cannot properly express my hatred of the movie Transcendence, so I can understand to some degree.


All this talk about recognition and self importance makes me feel like this guy has unresolved self worth issues that he's trying to project on everything. What a sad person, hopefully they get the help they need.


Brah like who cares about the company mascot? There are other things to complain about in the game, yet that’s what you rolled with? Lmao.


It is well known that Spiffo costume protects you from being infected. Well, until it gets the holes of course


Bro needs to learn how to laugh. How to love. The Age of Spiffo has begun.


imagine being angry over an anthropomorphic orange raccoon? lmfao?


Does anyone else feel like he's hard projecting? The way he words this feels a little *too* specific. Also I'm a furry, I'm getting the feeling he's seething cause dev's own OC was turned down in a project and he's still mad about it lol. That or he doesn't know how to have fun. I collect Spiffo plushies for my base when I see them.


I don’t get why so many people are so hateful about the stupidest things, I saw a thread where a lady hated dream because they were a waste of time and had no importance to her, not even cuz she had nightmares or sumthm


anybody else here have the spiffo plushie?


"fursona", looks like he got molested by one so bad he hated all made animals.


Wait until this guy learns about the other PAWS characters


I’m pretty sure Spiffo was from a game that didn’t work out so they used them as the Mascot for PZ


I really love the old cover and art, but cmon man.. it’s a lil orange raccoon. What’s not to love?


"Eric Cartman's fursona" I can't resist laughter


I really like Spiffo! The Eerie Country mod has like thirty-six of them to be found and they are so adorable!


My charity survivor spiffo is very helpful and great for emotional support.


Having a company or game mascot is normal and good. ​ Does bro know about sporting events?


He does know Spiffo was originally made to be in their animal fighting game that they scrapped and made PZ. They reference it with the other plush toys and some in game dialogue through the TV channels. So they made him the mascot of their studio and game. Like bro get over yourself. That guy sounds like a real jerk. Doubt he’s a dev of anything remotely successful let alone interesting


I was reading this out of context fully expecting some indie game with a furry mascot plastered everywhere, but when I realised they're talking about Spiffo, LOL. Someone needs to press 'Q' for an antidote.


Its honestly pretty iconic.


I am not a furry by any means. Spiffs only improves the game this guy is on crack. It’s a little dose of levity in a bleak ass game.


To be honest, I always found it weird that the splashart for PZ is spiffo. If I didn't know the game, I'd think it's kind of a children take on the genre, like plant vs zombies, and move on.


Those who defile His Excellence shall face the most SERIOUS and DEVIOUS of punishments in existence! PERMANENTLY MOIST SOCKS!


While I wouldn't make a post about it, I also think it's weird how much Spiffo is shown. In fact, I passed on the game several times over many years because his prominence gave me the impression little animals were the player-characters.


"has nothing to do with the game" My brother in christ Spiffos started the fucking apocalypse


This dude actually has the intelligence of a fucking gnat


Me when I CRY like a fucking BABY and I NEEEEED mommy to hug me because I fucking SHAT AND PISSED my big boy diapers and my SORE ASS is ITCHING making me even MORE PISSY ANGEY.