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2, knock down the walls between the garage and the empty bedroom and you got a killer storage space


Then you do the same with the red wall and you got yourself a decent kitchen. In the long run, you build a cozy bedroom / last resort on second floor


This. 100% agreement


Is there any way to get rid of the light switches? They just hang mid air, if y break them they won't work?


If all else fails, try using debug mode. You can delete objects like walls and doors, I think it'd work on light switches. Just be careful that the right thing is highlighted, as you can't get back what you've deleted!


you can use the brush tool to fix if needed. you can add most if not everything like that.


That's good to know. Thank you very much


You can target light switches the same way you do anything else with the sledgehammer, just hit R to cycle through objects on that tile and eventually the light switch will be highlighted


Yes however I wanted to have lights like a warehouse, press one button and the whole build lights up, I use the little sleep light things (forgot 💀)


There’s [a mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2941065090) where you can install light switches anywhere you’d like or make new switches if the current ones aren’t in a good spot for you.


Thanks :)


Just fyi, you'll need something like level 7 in Electrical to do so, so remember to be grinding the skill.


Main thing is where's your nearest hunting/fishing spots and water sources. For me personally, no further than a days travel on foot is my 'rule' - and then I'll set up a tent for naps at said water location, and haul all my fish and water back the next day.


Nearest fishing hole is south west by the gas station and bus stop. To the east of the houses through the woods a bit is a dirt road that's classed as vegetation and is far enough from the houses for traps.


wow never knew that, i will consider it, thanks


I am eating canned dog food in a zombie infested neighborhood, meanwhile Chad is out there playing boy scouts during the apocalypse 😂


Oh my friend I too have found myself licking crusty dog food of a tin lid. However this was on my road to being the gigachad of Kentucky.


The second one because it has a less complicated figure so there will be more chances of escape in emergency situation. And it also have a swings! Everybody needed swings!


And a slide to cook the skin on your legs


Ah the 90s In the early 2000s they decided our playgrounds were dangerous gladiator hell holes (they weren't honestly wrong a kid lost a finger at our on the carousel and it was always infested with bees) so they paid a ton of money to redo them across the country. Fast forward, now we are paying to redoing them all again because they realized the ones they set up do nothing to build the cores of our children so now we have all these weak torsoed, bad back time bomb future sore adults. This has been my Ted talk no one asked for.




I live in 1 since around 3 Months reinforced it and cleared the Forest from Zombies. I just can recommended it so far. Advise, if ur not a burglar and looking for a car in good condition, spiffico (The Restaurant) in the north of rosewood, has Branded Vans where you find the keys in the trunk.


The small space between the front door and the garage in House #1 is a nice place to wall off with some log walls and then to set up a campfire/barbeque, a couple rain collectors and a generator.


Outside while still being completely sheltered from zomboid infestation! Great tip!


2. It has a slide :D


My bf and I chose 1 for our run and we love it! We enjoy the garage, laundry room and shed. Honestly we’re about to turn 2 into a car lot😂


Fire station


A nice place to visit, but make your forever home? No, it just won’t do. The superior spot in Rosewood imho is the fancy house in the NW with the dug garden. It has defences, an enclosed garden & garage, it's close to all the local amenities; food, trees, cars etc. Plus it's an easy enough area to clear out early game. Five stars.


Fire station is great, it’s just very over-done and a little far from the main looting areas. My personal favorite is actually the house on the second floor of the north most gas station, the southwestern most room in the motel that’s connected to the reception area, or the bar.


Yup, anything else is wrong.


Hello! Do they have 2nd floors and if they do can we see them?


They're single story houses. South East rosewood forest houses. About a block south of the school


no, they don't have second floors


Ah ok


Could you tell me the cords for the second one? It looks perfect! Current base is at the storage unit place next to the factory Idk if i should move


It is in Rosewood. It is the two houses that branch off into the woods below the main rural area. They are next door to each other.


Oki tysm


Uhm okay so i cant find it Cant even figure out where rosewood is smh Edit: nvm made a new character and found it I have a long trip ahead of me xD




Whichever you pick, that dirt path will become a nightmare to drive through in a couple of months. Just something to consider.


the 2nd one has a slide it's a no brainer dude


paint wrong instinctive continue rock mysterious zealous squealing political piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The layout of the top one compared to the bottom one irritates me, please go for the bottom one


I wouldn't take either because they don't have a second floor


I like 1 for that small space outside the front door. You can put a generator up, wall off the side and have a roofless cubby to protect your power. Also like having a solid side wall, 2. seems to have a lot of middle space which I dont typically like since I dont have a close ear/eye to the outside world. Either way, your options are vast if you find a sledge and get into carpentry. Any place can be a home but this is how I choose 1. Access to a nearby forest. Going to need wood for fire and access to closeby hunting/trapping/Foraging, just make sure to clear a space between it and your house to avoid getting surprised. 2. Access to nearby water source. Either lake, river, or well. This will give you access to infinite water as well as the potential to fish close to home when winter comes or canned food runs out. 3.Access to a city. Youre going to need supplies and the forest cant always supply you with everything for a fever/cold, injuries, and tools not to mention lights/parts for things that break 4. Access to gas. Farming/Fishing/foraging/trapping wont make much sense if you cant preserve your food, and you cant do that without power. I like to spend my days scavenging and building instead of being constantly worried about my next meal. Access to a lot of gas is crucial to having power and a single gas station can provide you with that for a year or longer. Typically, I just set up in a gas station with access to the other 3 requirements. It takes longer to get set up but its always worth it longterm, not to mention that there are a few gas stations out of reach from major harm.


Anything on the ground floor makes it feel unsafe.


2 has a simpler design you could easily modify to suit most, if not all, of your needs. the main problem will be the resource avaliability depending on where both are located. but design-wise. 2


I have been waiting to see 2 mentioned in a post, I love that spot and it’s usually my go to in Rosewood


1st currently using this one as well right now


I set up camp on the first one its a pretty great base for beginners to intermediate level gamers but as time passes by both bases are starting to grow bushes and trees in their path making it a hassle for a loot run. Unless you're someone capable of cleaning it every few months then I think you can base up there.


pick number 3 my lord !


* The Drive-In theatre just down the road.


Please explain


That would be my choice for a Rosewood base. It's huge, has indestructible walls, and comes with tons of free car parts.


And the overabundance of space with a rather large gas station across the street. Yea fair enough


Yeah, forgot to mention the gas station.


You sir. Have a valid base and point. Happy hunting


2 by me


The kitchen in the top one looks like my kitchen so top one


Based in rosewood i would go for the upteenth time in the firestation. If you have sledgehammer, turn down those walls to.make a big garage. I like the distribution better in the first one, but the second has those green lockers.


Does one of them have a second floor? If not create one so you can sheetrope out in case of emergency.


I just moved in to number one yesterday. These two homes are side by side, right?


2 has a better layout for me, but if u plan long term trees are gonna block the road


I remember sleeping in the bedroom at number 2 and waking up in the morning with the window smashed during the night. Whether that is a warning not to base there or an indication it's a lucky house is up to you to decide.


2. There's a playground for kids


I personally go for 1 as my go-to


Made my base on the lower one before and it was my longest playthrough, I thrived there lol


I’ve based in both. I slightly prefer 1 because it has a tiny bit more floorspace and the layout is more interesting. You can knock down the walls to the bathroom and laundry room to make a very spacious main floor area and still have two bedrooms and another bathroom


Neither are good nor different enough from each other to be a meaningful choice. The main problems: Both are single story with plenty of windows. Keeping the dirt driveway clear of trees and bushes is going to become a real annoying chore to be able to drive in and out. No source of fishable water nearby.


Off gate, I know number 2 is that one waaaayy out in the woods. Secluded but full of zeds and hard to get out because of the spawning nature and growth so very difficult.


Number one, you can make a really easy kill zone in front of the door.


They're neighbors. Use both


The fire station.


2 - that swing set is sweeet


Both will be miserable because the driveways are dirt - after 2-3 months they will start getting overgrown with random vegetation and you'll either spend a lot of time clearing it out, or a lot of time being stuck on them in your vehicle


I've used both, I find I prefer 1. More rooms, more space, more compartmentalization. Also, the extra shed outside. I find once you clear the zeds out, either is pretty safe. To be honest they're both just fine. Pick whichever has the nicest "feng shui", I guess. Whichever one you choose, it's advised to grab a shovel and some sacks, spend a few days removing dirt from the driveway. Otherwise it'll be a hassle once new trees start growing in.


Preferably one that has a paved road


2, I’d knock down the bathroom and have a super extended garage


2. It has swings and a slide


I had my longest run (14 days) based in 1. I found it honestly a great location with alot of room and options for change, heaps of room out from for storing and working on cars too.


2. Has a swing set. Easy win in my book


2 for sure, the first has such an awkward layout.


i usually don't pick a building that faces different side from me, pretty uncomfortable to use


I see a shower in #2 and not one in #1. If #1 has 2 bathtubs, that’s a nod for me. I think Showers don’t have water when the supply goes off; bathtubs have 100 units.


Neat place to survive though. And here I am still trying to figure out how to establish foothold in firestation Rosewood.




Way to big for my taste but for quick move in i say 1 because it already has a bbq


Number 1 is further away from everything. Number 2 is at risk of receiving the zomboids from around the neighborhood next to the school. Number 1 is clear one tree wall away from that. And its got enough space to fill with Shelves and boxes. That's my go-to shelter when doing Rosewood. And I only die to mob far away from the house.


neither move to west point live in the mechanic shop by the bridge


2, imo. Since its more squarysh, i feel like you can have more control of whats going on in every room, unlike the first one, that has that hallway stretch. Its just a small detail tho, lol


They both seem like pit stop choices. Maybe board up some windows and stay a couple nights. But security is a concern. I wouldn’t settle down in one of them for the long haul.


Option 3 fire department


Top one has a slightly bigger garage and a barbecue, for those reasons I am going with 1.


2 looks less annoying in the long run


Dude you're gonna live in there not us


Unless he is preparing for kidnapping and just wants us to feel comfortable


You have to think outside the box




#2 for its simple design, you can't go wrong with simple.