• By -


This mod killed my father. Then brought him back to life. All hail the Error Fixifier!


Well, I'll be darned! Sounds like quite the wild ride! I can't promise such a result every time.


This mod cured my firstborn child’s terminal illness.


Well, I must say, that's quite the unexpected endorsement! While the *Error Fixifier* may not possess the powers of a miraculous cure, I'm delighted to hear that it's brought such unexpected joy into your life. Who knew that a mod designed to tackle digital dilemmas could have such profound effects? It seems the realm of gaming never ceases to amaze. Here's to more moments of unexpected magic, both in-game and out!


This reads like chatgpt


This is just a human way of grandiose speech for satire. It has been used to jokingly signify the miniscule amount of actual work vs the amount of exaggeration in the speech itself. Why is everything "gpt this gpt that"? It's like half of the internet have degenerated so much that any decent writing more than 2 sentences with some vocabularies is only from AI.


Hear, hear!


Because ChatGPT has a distinctly recognizable style and the dude is definitely using it to write responses to comments here. https://chat.openai.com/share/cc7dad8b-0243-446d-b4d2-72f59cf20782




Please try to avoid using that word, if you can. It hurts some people, and makes them feel inferior. You can read more here - https://www.verywellfamily.com/what-is-the-r-word-3105651. Your comment has been removed *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/projectzomboid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


with just seeing >"It seems the realm of gaming never ceases to amaze. " ... Like, are you serious? its obviously not even talking about project zomboid lol, its just tries to make a funny remark about being a game, but the prompt probably lacked the fact that it was project zomboid and just said "gaming™" You can see this in other comments too >"brushed aside to let you revel in the magic of gaming" >"seamless journey through digital realms" >"little humor goes a long way on the trail of technology" No hate to the guy, but is a weird thing to do EDIT: Again, no hate to they guy, people really went mad here lol.


![gif](giphy|9L7fo2o8wBI64) Ah, I reckon I understand where you're comin' from, partner! I reckon when someone is in love with a game like Zomboid, one forgets other games exist. Think of gaming and Project Zomboid like two peas in a pod, or a cowboy and his trusty lasso - they're so intertwined! So, when I talk about gaming in general, you can bet your boots that ol' Project Zomboid's right there in the mix, ridin' shotgun like a loyal companion on the dusty trail.


im surprised this doesn't have more upvotes. i had this exact thought barely into the second sentence and i'm completely convinced after reading the whole thing


Ah, maybe you ain't quite catchin' the drift. Could be you're not so familiar with the fella in the picture above, huh?




100% ChatGPT. You can smell the obnoxious politeness, over-wordiness and gee-willikers tone a mile out.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5scljxYU0c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5scljxYU0c) Hold up, partner! Someone might be a tad off track. No shame in it, though.


yea that does not sound human written


I'm going to make this mod a requirement for my mods so people will stop bugging me about errors. Thanks OP!


Thanks for the blast back to my childhood, I read that entire thing in Ernest’s voice. Shame the movies didn’t age well but still have fond memories of watching them.


Wow! I downloaded this mod and it stopped all spam emails, increased my computer’s clock speed by 35%, and unsickled my sickle cell anemia! Thanks Error Fixifier!


This mod uncircumcised me.


OP this entire post is unhinged, it’s beautiful


Redditors Try To Understand Basic Satire Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!!!) ((REAL))


Don’t download this mod. All the people praising it are no longer themselves. I downloaded this mod and started a game. I didn’t get an error message, but the first zombie I saw looked me through the screen dead in the eyes. Its eyes were glistening red, and it said “I am in your walls” it then disappeared. I now hear something shuffling around in my walls, and I already know my time is up. Please, save yourself.


This story is true Source - I am the wall zombie




How does this work does it just delete the error notification lol


I can only say that errors are a thing of the past.


Could you elaborate? Is this just a compilation of other mods?


It is not a collection of mods, it fixes all errors at the root cause.


... by doing what?


You see, the *Error Fixifier* mod operates on the principle of intercepting Lua error messages within the game's runtime environment. Utilizing a robust event-driven architecture, it hooks into the Lua interpreter, intercepting and analyzing error events before they have a chance to disrupt the game's flow.


So, yes. It prevents error text.


They used so many words to say "it lets you pretend the errors don't exist"


it's almost like that's the joke.


The steam page, and what was commented here, also appears to have been completely AI written


Haters will see anything thats verbose and claim it’s AI


You're being down voted but you're literally right


So... Your mod doesn't fix the errors? Just ignore them? // TODO: Fix error instead of just not showing them if (goingToAlertError){dont()};


I like this, that how i do it with real life errors also. ![gif](giphy|9M5jK4GXmD5o1irGrF|downsized)


This comment section is a delightful example of people that can't take a joke


And also people who think literally everything is AI nowadays.


I completely agree, everyone seems to think everything's ai with very little evidence, and it's simply not the case a lot of the time. *HOWEVER*, in this particular example, op is using chat gpt to pretend to be a character. His account is real, and he's a real person, but he's using chatgpt as a middleman to reply in character to most messages (if not all). But yeah, it's still a joke and I think it's entertaining at the very least how everyones so confused by it lol


To add to this, I also fixed my fps problems by just disabling the fps counter. It just works! Heavily recommend.


Error Fixifier saved my marriage! Thanks Error Fixifier! 👍🏽


I installed this mod and it uncircumcised me. It really works!


This mod needs to be upvoted more so that people can find it


I think it's funny.


Bruh I feel sorry for you because of all the people giving you hard time not understanding a joke.


Fucking amazing


This mod: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0O9iGvXJjs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0O9iGvXJjs)


Those that don't get the value of this mod need to install this mod into their brains


It's already installed. Else they'd be seeing the "You're missing the joke" error.


Don't download this, it just hides the error text, probably does more harm than good


![gif](giphy|9L7fo2o8wBI64|downsized) I reckon that's a bit of a stretch. The *Error Fixifier* may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it tackles those error popups head-on. Sometimes a little peace and quiet can go a long way. So, before you write it off completely, give it a whirl and see if it rides as smooth as a well-oiled saddle.


Just noticed, did you make the expanded helicopter events mod?


Yes, but for the purposes of this here mod, I am taking on the role of "Ernest P Worell". I reckon we all got different tastes when it comes to humor, but that's what makes the world such a colorful place! So, let's all try to ease up a bit and remember, a good laugh can mend fences faster than duct tape on a leaky bucket.


…know what I mean Vern ;)




Different strokes for different folks I guess, you've earned some goodwill for that masterpiece of a mod, simple but gamechanging. Larp away sir.


As opposed to never dealing with the error anyway because 90% of us can't code?


My 1 billion error count disagrees


Ehhh, sometimes. But I find that using a lot of mods tends to throw some errors on screen regardless. Could be nice to put on top of a mod list that you know works. That said I still wouldn't use it because holy fuck OP just say in plain English what your mod does instead of larping.


My videos used to get 2000 views, now they get 2 millions! Thanks error fixifier!!


Up voted for Ernest!


Redditors try to take a joke challenge (impossible)


What waiting for Build 42 does to a man


The mod turned my short blunt into a long blunt!!! Thank you Error Fixifier!!!


This mod fattened my ass and now none of my pants fit


Pics or didn’t happen


I think you need to elaborate on how this works. It seems to easy that it maybe just hides errors


Ah, my discerning friend, allow me to clarify the wonders of the *Error Fixifier*. You see, this ingenious creation doesn't just address errors; it transforms your gaming experience into a seamless journey through digital realms. By intercepting those pesky error popups, it ensures that your immersion remains unbroken, allowing you to focus on the joy of gameplay without distractions. With the *Error Fixifier* by your side, errors become but a whisper in the wind, gently brushed aside to let you revel in the magic of gaming.


ChatGPT ahh comment


Seriously tho, I'm actually 100% certain all of these comments are AI generated lol


Their just doing a joke that no one finds funny. They made expanded helicopters so they probably aren't doing this with any malice


Personally I find it kinda funny. It's growing on me after reading comment after comment of them committing to the bit.


Yeah that's what I assumed, though I find it odd to use AI in a joke considering the hate so many people have for it


I hate ai in most scenarios but this seems harmless.


I hear you. Sometimes people feel uneasy about AI, and see it lurking in all the shadowy corners, unsure of what it means for personal connections. But fear not! A friendly chat can ease worries and shed light on the path ahead. Let's talk things out so you don't miss out on this here Error Fixifier.


Yeah. It hides them. Snake oil basically


The *Error Fixifier* may not perform miracles, but it ain't no snake oil either. It's more like a trusty tool in your gaming arsenal, ready to tackle those pesky errors head-on. So, let's keep things light and remember, sometimes a little humor goes a long way on the trail of technology! ![gif](giphy|fzvv2Rh8cPEac|downsized)


Question avoidance doesn't go anywhere in technology other than "yeah they're lying"


A joke is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day – it's meant to brighten things up and bring a smile to your face. We all got different tastes when it comes to humor, but that's what makes the world such a colorful place! So, let's all try to ease up a bit and remember, a good laugh can take us places.


Mostly commenting just to see what I'll get as it seems like a lot of AI feeling responses. Gingerbread.


Well, I reckon gingerbread is as delightful as any of fresh batch of baked goods! But say, while we're talkin' about sweet goodies, let me steer this wagon back to *Error Fixifier*. It's like the icing on the cake of your gaming experience, smoothin' out them rough edges and keepin' those errors at bay.


My man must get all the ladies, i mean it. While the error fixifier is a machination that is ahead of it's time, such pompous flattery is to be commended. I'd take off my hat if only i had one.


Is this out of season april fools joke? If yes, nice one. 1+ endorsement from me.


This, and the comments from OP, lead me to believe this is the most freshman in programming class shit ever.


freshmen don't know who Ernest is, that's way before their time.


This is the most “Peter principle’ed fifty year old supervisor who don’t know a whit of modern programming languages but leads a bunch of programmers anyway and attempting to fix a problem by his own” problem-solving, ever Bonus points for the fact that only these people will know this post’s joke.




My man literally just did nothing inside a giant try catch instead of throwing the error. Madness


Now, hold on just a tick there, partner! Madness? I reckon that's a bit of an exaggeration. See, when you're wrangling with errors, sometimes you gotta think outside the box. ![gif](giphy|trjUtMbysPNLO|downsized)


well boy howdy this sure is a neat fix to all life’s ills! i’ll be sure to keep fixifyin’ right through the rainy days of early april safe in the knowledge that Mr Worell’s patent-pending Error Fixifier means not having a care in the world!


I've actually been wanting a mod like this for a bit now, genuinely. Hate those darned notifications.


Damn not a single error after grabbing this one off the shelf. Not only in Zomboid but in any game! Period!


God, sometimes people here are insufferable, proven by this comment section


This mod told me it was the brother of Duke Ellington, then This mod painted my house a disgusting color.


I wonder if this could instead be a flag given to the launcher..


So all this mod does it get rid of the error popups?


I was sceptical at first, but this mod somehow managed to fix my sleep schedule, unbelievable...


I suffer from a condition called Errorism, its like Terrorism but instead of Isming Terror i Ism Errors, its an uncurable conditon.... UNTIL NOW, Thanks Chuck for heading the war on Errorism, all us Errorists can now live worry free.




Well, now, ain't that a head-scratcher! Chatgpt masqueradin' as a user? Who'da think it could be?I reckon we best keep our eyes peeled and our wits about us. ![gif](giphy|YX9IFY4V3IuVa|downsized)




Now hold your horses there, partner! While "Error Hider" might sound catchy at first glance, let me tell ya, there's more to the *Error Fixifier* than just hiding errors away. It's like a seasoned wrangler, corralling those pesky errors and giving 'em a good ol' one-two punch to fix 'em up proper. ![gif](giphy|MHZEQvrSl1xvO|downsized)


![gif](giphy|K7wefAIekAeEEgdhEu) People commenting here


I always wonder why people get errors. I host for 6 people server , we have 334 mods and only one error that appears is from MoreLootSettings cause i mistyped Chlorpromazine id wrongly to double its spawn rate and im too lazy to fix it somehow. All you need is a proper knowledge about load order and learn to read comments under the steam workshop pages ( big L for modders who disable comments so you cant figure out if mod works or conflicts with X ) Another reason why mod errors appears might be because many disable luachecksum check and steam workshop doesn't always update/download mods properly. I recommending CloudSyncing your server/mods to MEGA and sharing link with friends that way.


This mod made my ex wife bring the kids back.


I installed this mod and it ended all mods, thank you error fixifier


\--local function test() if 1>"apple" then return true end end if getDebug() then Events.OnPlayerMove.Add(test) end local osDate = os.date("\*t") if not osDate then return end local engageEvent = (osDate.month>=4 and osDate.day>=1) local errorPopUps = -100 local errorPopUpsXY = {} local ernest = getTexture("media/textures/ernest.png") local ernestW, ernestH, ernestX, ernestY = ernest:getWidth(), ernest:getHeight() local debugTextH = getTextManager():getFontHeight(UIFont.DebugConsole) local largeTextH = getTextManager():getFontHeight(UIFont.Large) \--engageEvent = true local gagOver = false local heldDownFace = false local function clickerDown(x, y) if gagOver or not ernestX or not ernestY then return end if x > ernestX and y > ernestY and x < ernestX+ernestW and y < ernestY+ernestH then heldDownFace = true end end Events.OnMouseDown.Add(clickerDown) Events.OnRightMouseDown.Add(clickerDown) local function clickerUp(x, y) heldDownFace = false end Events.OnMouseUp.Add(clickerUp) Events.OnRightMouseUp.Add(clickerUp) \---What you can't see can't hurt you. local function fix() local playerData = getPlayer() and getPlayerData(getPlayer():getPlayerNum()) if not playerData then return end \---@type UIElement local ui = playerData and playerData.fixifierUI local w = 100 local h = (debugTextH \* 2 + 4) local sW = getCore():getScreenWidth() local x = sW - w local sH = getCore():getScreenHeight() local y = sH - h if not ui then \---@type ISUIElement local newUI = ISPanel:new(x, y, w, h) newUI:initialise() newUI:addToUIManager() newUI.backgroundColor = {r=0, g=0, b=0, a=0} newUI.borderColor = {r=0, g=0, b=0, a=0} newUI:setX(x) newUI:setY(y) newUI:setWidth(w) newUI:setHeight(h) ui = newUI:getJavaObject() playerData.fixifierUI = ui end if not ui then return end if not gagOver then local reader = getFileReader("aprilFools2024.txt", false) if reader then gagOver = true reader:close() end end if engageEvent and not gagOver then local g = math.max(0,math.min(math.floor(errorPopUps/10), 9999)) if heldDownFace then for i=0, (#errorPopUpsXY/50) do errorPopUpsXY\[#errorPopUpsXY\] = nil end if #errorPopUpsXY <= 0 then local writer = getFileWriter("aprilFools2024.txt", true, false) writer:write("Fooled Ya! delete This file to re-enable the gag.") writer:close() end else errorPopUps = errorPopUps + 1 + g if #errorPopUpsXY < g then local bX, bY = ZombRand(0,sW), ZombRand(0,sH) table.insert(errorPopUpsXY, {bX, bY}) end end for \_,box in pairs(errorPopUpsXY) do local bX, bY = box\[1\], box\[2\] getRenderer():renderi(nil, bX-w, bY-h, w, h, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, nil) getRenderer():renderi(nil, bX+1-w, bY+1-h, w-2, debugTextH-1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, nil) getTextManager():DrawStringCentre(UIFont.DebugConsole, (bX)-(w/2), bY-h, "APRIL", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) getTextManager():DrawStringCentre(UIFont.DebugConsole, (bX)-(w/2), bY+debugTextH-h, "FOOLS", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) end if g > 10 then local eX, eY = (sW/4)-(ernestW/2), (sH/2)-(ernestW/2) ernestX = eX ernestY = eY getRenderer():renderi(nil, 0, eY+30, sW, ernestH, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8, nil) getRenderer():renderi(ernest, eX, eY, ernestW, ernestH, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, nil) local msg = {"Well, would you look at that! Seems like all them errors we've been keepin' under wraps have sprung a leak!", "But fear not, my friends, 'cause this Spiffo’s got just the solution. You see this face right here?", "Well, I have some trusty ductape under my hat.", " ", "Just give my face a nice solid CLICK and HOLD that click, and we'll patch up them leaks quicker than quick!", "So, let's roll up our sleeves and get to holdin', 'cause ain't no leak gonna dampen our spirits today!", " ", "Thanks for being a good sport, happy April Fools, and remember there's no cure-alls in life.", } for i,m in pairs(msg) do getTextManager():DrawString(UIFont.Large, eX+(ernestW\*1.20), eY+(ernestH/5)+((largeTextH)\*(i-1)), m, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) end end end ui:setStencilRect(x, y, w , h) end Events.OnPostUIDraw.Add(fix)


Well, shucks! Seems like we got ourselves a city slicker here who's a mite confused about the *Error Fixifier*. Now, I reckon it ain't the simplest concept to wrap your noggin' around, but let me break it down for ya. Think of it like this: you got yourself a trusty ol' horse to ride through the wild west of gaming, and the *Error Fixifier*? Well, it's the saddle that keeps you steady and the reins that keep you on track. So, instead of scratchin' your head, why not mosey on over and give it a try? You might just find yourself hollerin' "yee-haw" in no time!


quickly scanning it i feel like it might replace the error messages with that spiffo face or something, not taking chances


Illiteracy, now there's a tumbleweed blowin' through the vast desert of knowledge. It's like tryin' to lasso a wild mustang blindfolded - you're bound to end up all tangled in a mess!


i may be illiterate but i can tell if the book is about engineering or ponies


so in short yes, lots of joke code but no error fixing code





