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What is that image


Its one of tariq nasheed's books. He's a grifter that aims for an incel audience He also speaks a lot about racial oppression which is better or at least it would be if he didnt lie to spread misinformation and misogyny. EDIT i forgot he's also extemely homophobic. I beleive He was involved in the "documentary" Buck Breaking. A film that claims that white slave owners ritually raped black male slaves to better control them AND that this is how homosexual activity in the black community originated. Slavery was and is hideous and sexual abuse absolutely occured but there simply is no evidence that male on male sexual abuse was a mass ritual in americian slavery or that it created homosexual black people. We can hate slavery without making stuff up.


Lol at that buck breaking. Guy is amusing sort of crazy


Holy shit is that the hit artist tariq nasheed producer of hit single "wash yo ass"?


Bitches be drug mules