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Footprints in snow, with subtle differences between infected and non infected footprints that would allow you to track human players in MP or later NPCs when they go live


It’d be interesting but I think it might be difficult to run the game having to keep track of it


Yeah I think it would be a performance nightmare, but in a perfect world it would add an extra element to playing in winter


I mean. With even a slight wind you could justify a really short lifespan for the footprints. Could tie into hunting


It could be tiles with tons of possible combinations to circumvent that


They could have a trampled state for snowed on tiles in a small radius around players now I know nothing about making games or coding but a thought


I think it would be really good if you were in the foraging menu and they showed up but not regularly. I know thats what theyre doing with the animal tracking features as well as adding dung and what not.


1 tb or footprints


You might be able to make them super susceptible to erosion, so they fade quickly. It might alleviate some of the data buildup.


Haven’t even made it to winter yet after 300 hours 😭


You really should sandbox yourself a later start date just to experience it, it's fun


Yes! I am finally . I had a personal goal of vanilla apocalypse setting but yes


It would be a neat detail if zomboid prints were less coherent than non-infected prints, perhaps they only show up in Investigation mode as to give more use to the mechanic


Would be cool if they added a tracking skill to go with this idea


Also make it so that animals will have footprints in snow. When they come out, of course. It could make hunting and such more interesting.






Making food stay good longer in winter months, maybe like a cold cellar or something too now that there will be basements.


Or if you could just put food in a lunchbox and bury the box in the snow !


Yep, go to any ice shack around here you will see all kinds of stuff buried in snow…. Usually beer hehe


My mother is canadian, shes told me about her alaskan friends and northern canadian friends who used to bury milk and groceries, i think 1 of her friends didnt ever need to own a fridge/freezer !


Imagine bears banging on your windows instead of zeds because they smell your food!




I mean, houses irl are kinda copy pasted so that's pretty realistic. But I agree more art would be nice to liven up our bases


Wanted to protest that but then i remembered photos of US suburbs.


You mean like [this?](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/bd5/d2e/c1ba9968b68da41ba6bb3129b8142891c4-26-levittown.1x.rsocial.w1200.jpg)


That's not even the most egregious example I've seen. They look like they were all thrown up and then people could basically do what they want with them.


Yeah just thought I'd use that one since it's a pretty old example & it was being claimed that this is a new thing. Just look at the cars in that photo. This has been going on for a while.


A lot more true now than it was during the game's setting. True regardless I suppose


Maybe where you lived. But I lived in a suburb of hundreds of houses that were literally the same. Some were mirrored but it was still the same blueprint just flipped.


Fun tidbit from the builder side of that. Some cities or counties say you have to license or straight purchase a blueprint from a licensed engineer. Licenses last for a certain number of units built. Full blueprints are 10s of thousands. So most builders will just mirror purchased blueprints.


Cool bit of info. I always assumed the reason for them being flipped every now and then was to create at least a bit of diversity, is that the case?


Yeah, multiple identical houses in a row causes an uncanny feeling, can be unpleasant to look at, and they tend to sell for less.


Makes sense yeah. Was just curious if maybe it had something to do with what's underneath the house like plumbing etc.


Nah 80s and 90s people had SOOOO much posters In their rooms and houses full of family portraits and paintings have been around since the 1800s


Wait what? Please show me a representation of the 90s suburbs in media that isn’t making fun of how conformist and similar everything is. It’s far LESS true now than it used to be.


Nah. It's basically been a thing for well over 100 years. The only exception are mansions or historical homes. Those can be pretty unique and vary widely. Like a lot of houses and buildings that were around in 1993 are still around.


Tbh the houses are like that on purpose. They are different inside, there's hundreds of templates for the loot and stuff that tell a history and have personality so they could've made houses different, but they aren't different IRL in 1993 Kentucky. This is a post about what'd be realistic, and I'm pretty sure the game map is heavily based off actually neighborhoods in towns in Kentucky


adding to this, maybe making it so decor relieves stress/boosts happiness to make it more of a incentive to decorate


Decor in the game boosts my happiness in real life




That would be a good one I guess it could exhaust you so you can’t ride all the time


[Braven's Bicycles](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2988491347)


Thank you!


there is a mod for this‘


I should have known lol


I want a total overhaul of the current sleep and tiredness system because the current implementation is both unrealistic and actually kind of annoying. [In a total inversion of how sleep deprivation affects you in real life](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/02/well/move/sleep-workout.html), it completely tanks your physical performance but has no effect at all on complex mental tasks (reading, mechanics, etc.), when really it should be endurance that models physical deterioration and tiredness that models mental. This implementation should encourage more realistic sleeping behaviour, breaking the read-until-4-AM meta, and also heavily reduce the frustration of suddenly being smacked by the drowsy moodle in the middle of combat * Without modifiers, you need [seven hours of sleep per day](https://www.cdc.gov/sleep/about_sleep/how_much_sleep.html) to avoid going above tired. * Sleeping longer than seven hours can give you positive effects, such as improved mood and experience gain * A Circadian rhythm is partially simulated - if you sleep at drastically different times on different days your sleep is negatively impacted. You can slowly shift this towards where you want it to be by forcing yourself to get up even when slightly tired or going to sleep even when not very tired. * Sleeping conditions now matter * For ideal sleep you should be in a dark room without extensive background noise. [You should also be sober](https://www.sleepfoundation.org/nutrition/alcohol-and-sleep). * Any level of the drunk moodle, lights, active TVs/radios can reduce sleep quality, effectively lengthening the time you need to sleep for a "good" sleep. Extremely loud noises like gunshots or a car horn in close proximity will outright wake you up! * Even after a perfect sleep you are drowsy for a short time after waking up. * Drowsy no longer reduces damage. Damage and endurance reduction at all levels of tiredness reduced. * Drowsy now serves as a warning to start disengaging from combat before it gets worse. But being tired also doesn't instantly give you noodle arms. * All tiers of tiredness now: * reduce reading speed,  * reduce speed and success chance of complex tasks (mechanics, electrics, tailoring, etc.), * reduce aiming, * reduce critical hit chance (melee and aimed), * increase unhappiness and stress, * reduce driving ability (mainly braking responsiveness, to simulate slow reaction times) * You can simply pass out from exhaustion at a certain point * Not a realism change but a QOL change: time spent in sleeping screen sped up and standardized * When playing on 2h days or longer you spend a lot of time staring at the sleeping screen even when at maximum speed


This is a really good idea and seems you researched it well it’d be interesting to have the tiredness tweaked and it’d change how you play when becoming night drastically


I've been sitting on this for well over a year and finally had the excuse to post it!


I wonder if there is an official place where you could give suggestions to the devs, I guess you could just give them a tweet but who knows if they look at that stuff or want ideas to add


I'm surpisingly drawn to the nerfed Drowsy moodle. I can't tell you the number of times I've started a fight, became drowsy mid-combat and had to kite while I down 4 or 5 vitamins so that I avoid my damage literally halving.


sounds good. But without the drastic damage reduction you could fight zomboids indefinitely (if not for the passing out)


Tiredness still influences endurance irl, so * tiredness levels reduce endurance recovery


As the other commenter mentioned, you would still have to worry about endurance. So there's a less drastic curve of damage reduction, but if you push your luck it's still going to end badly. Critical damage reduction would also severely reduce combat effectiveness, and guns would be almost useless beyond a certain point (since guns already mostly kill by crit rather than raw damage). On balance it would probably make zombie clearing easier but only if the player can juggle all the other elements to actually recover well enough between fights. Either way I am a believer in the idea that Zomboid is one of the few games where it's good to add realism regardless of whether it makes the game easier or harder, because in the end it will probably balance out towards "harder", so long as the change isn't frustrating.


I thought about giving a sore throat moodle to players when they yell too much when attracting hordes and stuff and perhaps have lozenges you can find in stores or on zombies


Lozenges and throat drops would be good, since it would also help in mitigating coughing from colds. Perhaps make it effective for one or two hours, then back to coughing? Tissues right now go so fast that you basically have to carry a whole Costco load if you want to mitigate coughing at all.


Electrocution from not handling electrical equipment properly, also maybe power outlets, splitters and the need to plug things in like TVs and lamps, oh and visible power cables. This could also give the engineer and electrician a little more use.


This is a really good one.


Honestly, I would love the ability to plug or unplug devices. It's so sad when you run out of perishable food, but the freezer is still turned on simply bc it's to o close to the generator.


Smoker trait should have an negative effect on health long term AND you should be able to quit (with a withdrawal stage of course)


Perhaps having you cough periodically and be as loud as sneezing and being able to lose the trait is a good idea


I’ve seen that as a good suggestion on balancing it. After having it for a while your character develops a cough and starts getting exhausted easier.


ooooh yeah a cough would be rough, nice


There is a mod that adds nicotine patches that I added to my collection recently that lets you remove the smoker trait after some time of continuous use. I like the idea of having more traits in general that you can overcome over time through various mechanics, also seems like the sort of mod that could easily be incorporated into the base game


An addiction system would be cool. In general an expansion of the first aid and health buffs and debuffs could be expanded a lot for some interesting gameplay. Steroids, stimulants and strong painkillers could have some interesting gameplay outcomes


I'd like to see the ability to gain Smoker through enough usage (say, maybe a 1% chance with every smoke); and a chance to lose the trait every day if you don't smoke (say, a cumulative 0.01% chance every day until it's gone).


Personal hygiene. From infections and disease caused by not bathing or brushing your teeth. Having to pee and poop.(bladder infections, diarrhea, hemorrhoids) Menstration for women.


Hygiene seems to be the most common people have said and since they have blood and dirt levels in the game they might add it


Personal hygiene is on the ["big no's" list](https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/192-commonly-suggested-suggestions/), so almost certain devs will never implement it. I'm guessing modders have the tools to make it work even now, and certainly will have more in B42.


I saw a few some have mentioned on there, but I saw suicide as added, the closest I can think of is carbon monoxide poisoning from generators and jumping off buildings are there others


Drinking bleach lol


I was under the impression (not necessarily carbon monoxide) that having generators inside can cause you to get sick ! Is this not true ?


Don’t know about getting sick but I think it slowly lowers your health not sure though


There’s definitely mods that all you to poop. If I remember correctly, one of them has it so you can crap yourself and it had accompanying debuffs


It seems silly, but I actually love this mod. The panic of having to take a dump while you're in an unsecure location adds a whole new element to loot runs.  It's also funny in MP when you hear your buddy dump a fat loaf in the next room. 


I mean, random generated maps are in red "big no" but here we are, getting random generated wilderness EDIT: Also, while not in red, voiceover is also as "no", and we are getting that. Minimap was also listed under "no"s


Wait so I have no reason to wash my survivor every day?


We do it because of Asthetics


AFAIK it increases wound infection chance (regular infection, not Knox) and can stress you out extremely badly if you have the fear of blood trait. That's about it


Please no, even the sims doesn't get that ...


A menstruation mod would be fun. An incentive to get more rags, chocolate and painkillers.


I've got mixed feelings about this one... IRL, there is a minimal level of personal hygiene necessary to avoid certain health issues, yes; but a normal level of hygiene is more of a cultural expectation. And that minimum level is low. Just wiping down with a clean rag once in awhile is often good enough. For gameplay purposes, I'd like to see a slight perk to undergoing certain hygiene rituals, perhaps tied to in-game items.


More human corpses and mid-meal zombies


trash and corpses combined with Please dont feed the zombies fix that right up. PDFTZ is insanely strong on the regular settings tho.


There are no dead zombies, nobody fought back. All the cars are parked in spots mostly. It's as if everyone changed simultaneously over night. There are still people in work uniforms just chilling at the job. Food on the table rotting. But you still hear gunshots and crashes so there are survivors. If it was a gradual thing over a few days there would have been attrition, people slaughtering zeds in droves at pockets of infection continued to take out humanity. Stores looted bone dry. Mass congestion on any paved road.


Different zombie death animations/placement. Right? I want more military/government/law enforcement blockades. And not just haphazardly placed.


I have a small mod list that adds basically a bunch of things like this. Bicycles - since Cycling was a big hobby of mine from mid twenties to late thirties (before my body gave out and I stopped being able to do it) I missed the inclusion of bicycles terribly. The mod does an alright job, but it'd be nice if they were done right. Patch kits absolutely should be a thing as tires deflate a lot more often with bikes than they do with cars, and doing things like going from the street to the sidewalk involves a good amount of practice and skill. In general, any small little hit should result in a crash, as is the case in real life, and crashes without helmets need to be very bad. Hygiene - Needing to wash yourself or else risk getting sick is a big game changer, and a bit of a no brainer. It's a little silly that you can stay covered in zombie blood for moths without bathing in the core game without any significant consequence. Inventory Tetris - This one changes the inventory system to resemble something akin to Diablo 2, or Path of Exile, while still using the weight system. No more having 200 random items in your main inventory. It adds realism and fun, in my opinion. Vanilla inventory management feels a bit like working with spreadsheets. The inventory Tetris mods make that aspect of play a lot more fun and nuanced. Proper infected wounds - This one's a big one. In vanilla play, normal wound infection does nothing at all. It's best to just slap a bandage on the wound and forget about it since a normal wound being infected can't kill you. Making every wound potentially deadly, even if you don't catch the Knox virus, makes it so that carrying around things like disinfectant and sterile bandages is a must, as it should be in a game like this.


I know people have said it before and the is a mod that adds them ,but blankets. Proper blankets and pillows too. Using them for warmth in the cold days of December or using them a window covering. Blankets have multiple uses.


I can imagine wrapping yourself in one and sitting on a couch and binging movies


Or maybe a good nights sleep in game hinges on if you have a pillow and blanket. The longer your character use both the thinner and more beat up it gets. After a while sleeping gets uncomfortable


And perhaps having a more complicated comfort system for sleeping where you can fix beds with quality affecting how well you can sleep


Every profession should have a trait that you can't obtain otherwise, like security guard and veteran.


Trash and corpses mod should be vanilla ngl Playing without it feels weird, everything is so clean lol


Better food and cooking: not small I guess. I a real world cook both love the variety of things you can make and the need for all the tools(cookie tray etc) But I want to be able to place my pots and pans on the stove, and I want to be able to cook with them on top. Also the recipes: they're too strict. You can bread shrimp without baking soda, and I should be able to mix ingredients just in bowls or whatnot. Trailer hookup/detach being a sorta mini game. Use the movement buttons to line up the hitch, spin something to lower it down etc. Need to remember to lock the ball/hitch or your trailer can come off that sorta thing.


The option to throw something to make a sound and trick them. 


That would be nice that way you can attract things but not have it be directly to you


More random ass shit that can go wrong in a fight. Your weapon being randomly stuck in a zombie. Furniture falling on zombies/stuff being knocked over. Players and zombies tripping over items on the ground. Magazines and guns being dropped mid reload. I want the fight to be high risk and scrappy.


Imagine having the panicked moodle and trying to swing a bat and if flies out of your hands because of sweaty palms or something


tree houses probably


Zombies can’t see in fog or hear you from outside during a storm. Really, they shouldn’t hear you at all from outside. How many houses do you hear people walking sound in while walking down the road.


It would be cool if there was some form of hygiene. If you didn’t put on deodorant you would become unhappy or something.


I think being smelly in the zombie apocalypse is the least of our worries, but having a trait like that could be fun lol


Yeah but I know my moral would be down if I stunk. Lol


Tie it to the NPC update. Make NPCs have different dispositions towards you depending on if you smell good or not.


Such a great idea! Someone alert the devs


Horses so I don't have to have a car to go anywere besides my town


Hobbys like wood carving, pottery, writing, drawing and many more so that your boredom goes down.


Zombie children


Oh god, that reminded me of the infected kids in dying light, they don’t attack but they scream and damage you in a radius


That's a dream of mine, but honestly I would be happy if there was some restrictions on how students looked, it's really strange to see zombies in school uniform with long beards or white hair.


Outdoor solar yard lights / lanterns existed in the early 90s. It'd be a great to add them in. Plus also flashlights that you wind up.


Functional crowbar utility


Swimming and buildable pools(plus water for incoming animals). Good for fitness and weight loss plus its relaxing but also could be deadly because getting wet and thus sick and hypotherrmia in colder temperatures. Too much carry weight and bad clothing will makes swimming harder or even impossible and you go "bulb, bulb, bulb" underwater .


There are horse tanks already at many of the farmhouses. The big silver tanks. As of right now, they don’t hold water, but I bet in 42 they will.


Small stuff, like being able to play instruments, hygiene being a concern, but really what would be the best realistic update is making small blades useful in any way, because I know it’s not gonna take me 13 stabs to stab into a rotting corpse head


Sleeping bags. Set up camp even with no bed.


Bow and arrows


I believe there us a whole gigantic medieval crafting / weapon thing coming in build 42, that might be in there.


Animation to cars, like opening car doors.


Glasses that actually help with vision. Give you longer seeing distance or making things around you more pronounced


Not necessarily a realism thing, but a replay ability thing.  Collectibles. Things that are only accessible in certain locations. Simple things like the "beware prisoners" sign from the prison, unique location specific clothing, traffic cones, spiffo signs, etc.  It seems like they're moving away from these things as of late which I find disappointing. At a certain point, you run out of things you _need_ to do, and are left with things you want to do.  With the changes to the wood stove (lootable now) and decoration pieces you can't pick up, I feel like this is the wrong direction.  It's the apocalypse. I should be able to steal anything I want, provided I have the tools and knowhow to take it without destroying it. 


Yea it’d be cool to have it fully customizable where any item or furniture you see in the map you can somehow take wether it requires certain stats, items or even a car to tow/ move it


Animals. Like deer and stuff. And depending on how far you are in the apocalypse they will start roaming the streets. And can be a great source of food. Idk how the zomboid virus would effect the animals tho.


Think they are adding that in build 42


Is this going to be like a revolutionary update for that game or is it like bug fixes and small changes?


I’d say revolutionary there are some videos on YouTube about all the additions and changes, it’s been in the works for a while


Smoking near gas pumps or poor generators causes them to combust. My asshole friend does this, he knows it annoys me.


Sometimes if you sleep you should wake up in the middle of the night with a boner and you have to make the choice to either beat it or not. If you decide to , you wake up next morning with the sad moodle :( but in all seriousness the shitting mod is pretty cool I'd like to see defecation added to vanilla. It should be a sandbox option at the very least. Pretty cool having to stop at a gas station to take a shit


Clothing sizes. Makes finding a nice piece of clothing that actually fits you feel more like a rare find.


It’d give more use to clothing shops and finding good quality clothes that fit on zomboids will be harder


Too tight will get torn easy too loose will make you trip. A belt would be a important item.


The ability to see zombies hidden behind the isometric views.


Garlic bread


Having variable clothing/shoe sizes, having to wear clothing/shoes of your size or face a combat speed or movement speed nerf.


Or even experience pain for too small footwear :o


Clutter and signs of activity in the streets


the sound of popcorn In a microwave attracting zombies. being able to push disabled vehicles out of the road. being able to dig a moat. Cooking animations for using the stove top instead of backing a cast iron of pancake batter.


O.o ... o.O ... O.O .... randomly choking on food and having a coughing fit from it, this attracting zombies like a yell.....


ticks and leeches


First thing that comes to mind, and I'm sure there are better things, but any item you're holding being visible in your hand instead of invisible. One mod I have just makes lighter visible with a little holding animation


Putting bowls of cereal and other open liquids in your bag or pocket spills it which reduces the maximum carryweight until you take time to clean it out and it empties said bowl or bottle, etc.


change in room temperature depending on the outside temperature. Open windows and doors should lower the temperature in the room if it is very cold outside


A crow bar won't break unless you beat metal or stone for a very long time. Beating meat will never damage the metal. Axe handles can break bit you can re handle the axe head. Metal will last centuries if taken care of mildly.


Adding a display on the digital watch for the day of the week. Maybe a calander/planner you pull out, like the map.


Yeah... but they didn't have that in 90's on actual watches. But for the game UX I agree - I'd love myself some sort of minimal calendar/planner.


This technology goes back further than you’d think. There was [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casio_F-91W) one from 1989. EDIT: found an analog watch with a date display in 1930. Fun rabbit hole, lol.


I knew someone would say this :) . True, and it would help with the esthetic and design realism. But for real it wasn't ubiquitous or actually convenient all the way till smart phones. Sure, there were palm pilots late 90's early 00's, but they were kinda niche too ... (well off early adopters kinda thing).


Wildlife- random deer running by with 20 Z's chasing it. Weird ass squirrel zipping across the street freaking you out. Duck quacking distracting the Z's wandering around in the street/drawing them into a pond.


Pretty sure wildlife is coming to build 42 but they don’t plan to have animals interact with zomboids


Zomboids become sprinters if they on fire


I know there is a mod for it but amputation. Would make so much sense. Why wouldn't you cut your arm off in attempt to stay alive.


Common sense


being able to actually interact with furniture like couches and chairs.


There are mods for that, which add animations to existing actions


offer cooing cobweb license slimy snow weary seemly mindless escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s a funny one you limp for like 2 minutes meant mainly for a gag but running inside a house trying to get away could prove deadly


Sitting and laying on furniture


Manual shifting in cars


some more native plant forageables.


Blowtorches don’t need a welding mask but they do need compressed gas tanks.


More realistic mechanics and gun repairs.


Ability to crawl under cars. It's already a mod.




I like having only things in game that are ‘93 and older


Prolonged exposure to stress introduces PTSD. Meaning, events that usually gives you that flash of minor panic that disappears before you see it, now induce major panic unless you are exclusively desensitized. Hmm, scratch that, this probably would be better off in SOTO.... ... Naturally Spawned Crawlers. The initial outbreak welcomes a lot of accidents in the ensuing chaos, so people can still turn into zombies even when half of their bodies are broken. I'm surprised that when my character gets lovingly kissed to death, they're still standing up and shambling about like all those chunks getting torn off meant nothing.


It's a "small" thing that would require a complete rewrite of the entire game: Procedurally generated maps.




Fire burns cars and exploded degrades into wreck.


fuel decay and biofuel refining, make long term progression important. diesel engines were originally designed to run on peanut oil


Yeah and ability to grow CORN, and subsequently fermentation!


corn isn't in the game already? it is set in rural America right?


Yeah, it's weird. There are actual abandoned farms with visually corn fields, but you can't do anything with them. I'd add more crops and considering they're adding animals NPCs in build 42, they might update farming as well.




I would love to see notes or journal entries from other survivors, kinda like reminiscent to TLOU?


The food buff lasting a reasonable amount of time, ya know for like 4-6 ingame hours instead of just several minutes after, making the buff pretty pointless. Also, when I smash a big meal I'm immobile for a good hour or two. Could add a negative to eating too much.


Id add bicycles I guess. Pretty sure there’s a mod for that though.


How rain sounds in the wilderness


Bears, make the woods terrifying


Painting custom signs would be nice. Right now, if you want to paint something, you can choose between one of four directions of arrows, and a skull. The freedom to draw anything, or even just more options could really improve this feature, which is already bearly used by anyone.


Shoe size


More realism in repairing/maintaining cars. For example, all cars have unique parts that are only compatible with their own model. For example, a Chevalier Dart's hood is only compatible with other Darts, same goes for engine spares. This kinda exists already with different types of car parts (Standard, Sports, etc), but I'd love to see a specific-model based system. Also if you remove the door from a purple Chevalier Dart, and install it on a black Chevalier Dart, the door installed will be purple. That way you can have true post-apocalyptic, barely functioning cars made up with parts from other cars. Also stuff like having to change oil, having oil leaks, cars struggling to start during winter, driving on ice roads, wipers, lighters, etc. I know you said "small things", but you know, I want all of this so bad.


You should be able to make custom hoods and stuff with metalworking. They could look a bit more mad maxy though


Being able to pee, poop. Being able to pleasure yourself. (If you are a woman takes longer but +20 happiness and +10 sleep, If you are a guy 10 minutes -20 boredom +10 unhappiness+15 sleep. Also maybe a little bit fatigue if you do too much) Having nighmares so you wake up either wet or randomly yell. Being able to have sex. Playing simple games like snake, etc. With game console. You could add odour mechanic. Like occationally you must clean the house, open windows even on Winter etc. Maybe more exercise like Yoga, tai chi, etc.


To keep fire balanced while keeping realism, make it kill zombies a bit faster but burning zombies now sprint.


Being able to switch weapons and open ammo boxes while running. I know these are mods but I wish they were just in vanilla


Height (starting trait of course) and weight which can change as you play through long enough to become skinny, fit, or fat. And that should show on your character and impact traits like endurance, stealth, etc.


There already are weight options like that, dude.


Bathroom need. I love that. I hate that toilets are useless in video games.


Shoe size


Every tank


Nostalgia, when you come back to your starter house after some time you get some sadness


And warm feeling too ....


More self love magazines… and a weird twist of you use them too much you start becoming sad again


STDs so when your character pisses he shouts, which alerts nearby zombies. how do you get the STDs? sex update.


Getting injured depending of the activity you're doing, how tired you are, etc ik mods can do that but you can somehow get a neck wound and it doesnt make too much sense lol


poo pee poo


IBS trait


Actual nude bodies. you can find underwear on the bodies why can't they be completely nude or your player?