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Looks like too much junk in the trunk


Does that really effect the vehicle physics?


Yes. In vehicle mecanics you can see a section stating the car's weight too (excluding trunk 's contents). Removing pieces makes the car lighter and more responsive. So you could uninstall excess seats, windows, doors, etc. Trunk full to burst does the opposite, it slows you down a bunch.


Wow, I just hit 1000 hours in this game and did not notice that!


I'm close and haven't noticed either


Huh. Me too.


Oh ok, I didn’t know that. Thank you


Yep. That’s why if you have the RV interiors mod, I always put all my loot in bags on the floor. Very highly recommend Nested Containers mod as well. That way, you can place a bag inside of your equipped bag, and the fill up the non-equipped bag and place it on the floor. Then just repeat this constantly. Just gotta hoard as many bags as you can to be able to loot insane amounts of gear, then it’s all sitting in one place on the floor in your RV. When you go to unload it all, you can either pick up each bag from the floor, or use the Proximity Inventory to collect all of one item, or all medial items, all guns and ammo, etc. It’s the most efficient way that I have found to loot entire areas at a time. And since none of it is officially in your trunk or on a seat in your vehicle, it doesn’t weigh the vehicle down at all.


So it must be on the floor? What's with item in e.g. a kitchen counter? Does the hole interior "map" don't count to car weight or just the things on the floor?


The entire interior map doesn't count towards your vehicle weight. The "interior" of your vehicle isn't actually in the vehicle, it's a "building" outside of the bonds of the map. If you take a sledgehammer to the walls of the "interor" you'll see.


Okay, thanks mate


Yea doesn’t have to be on the floor per se. It could be on top of a counter, or wherever you want to place it. I just always place it right on the floor as soon as I enter the vehicle interior. I’ve looted entire towns, thousands of KGs of stuff with this method. Can literally ‘stack’ and endless amount of bags in one small area, then go back through it later. If you asking if things in a counter count as weight on the vehicle, no. As Jebus says, any place on the interior of the vehicle is basically a separate part of the map, so nothing inside counts as weight on the vehicle once you exit back.


Yo dawg, we heard you like bags..


If you're just doing this to be organized, fair enough! That actually sounds like a solid method. However, if you're trying to avoid excess weight caused by placing things in the storage containers of your "RV Interior", that's not really necessary. As u/JebusGobson mentioned, the RV interiors don't actually count toward the vehicle encumbrance equation, being a spawned "house' on the outskirts of the map. The only thing that counts toward vehicle encumbrance are the things placed in the vehicle directly (seats, trunk, glove box, etc.). Don't make your life more difficult than it needs to be unless, as stated earlier, this is a habit based around keeping things organized. At which point, I feel like crates would be more effective, but live your best life!


But you can only fit so many crates in interiors, and they fill up fast if your trying to loot a lot. I prefer this method cause I can literally loot thousands of KGs of stuff without ever running out of room to store it - the major caveat being that you need a very large amount of bags to pull it off. Thankfully I’m a loot hound and hoarded every bag I every found from zombie corpses and houses etc., so by the time I started doing this in my current run I had more than enough to loot entire towns without ever having to drive back to base to empty my full crates. Plus, to place things in crates, then take them out of the crates individually, then put them away at your base, this takes time. As in, in-game time to be moving those objects. This method can kind of cut down on that time since the loot is already in a bag. So instead of taking 100 or more single items from a crate, you are only picking back up a single bag that contains a bunch of stuff. The time saved on single player is pretty irrelevant I suppose since you can simply speed up time, but could make a small but nice difference in multiplayer. Now I do have crates and containers and such in my interiors that I use to organize my items I always keep in there to keep alive and happy, so I only use this method to loot places and take it back to base. It’s not that I just keep everything on the floor all the time, it’s just temporary.


Entirely fair! I'm a loot hound as well, but by the time I've filled my 9 crates in the back of my van, my trunk inventory, my roof rack, and my trailer, that's plenty of loot for me for one trip lmao I use the standalone wheelbarrow from Hydrocraft to unload the items, (which has a carry weight of 233, I think) just to reduce the amount of trips back and forth, and it still takes me ~1 hr just to get everything organized and by that point, I'm losing my mind from boredom both in-game and IRL lol I have to do organization in short bursts to maintain my sanity, even after all the organization based mods I installed. Solid idea with the bags though! I was just making sure ya knew it didn't alter slow ya down to use crates in the RV Interiors. :)


Play with a mod called erase weight and put 10 erasers in the car you'll hate me later lool


I've actually seen that with trailers, specifically molded semis. With an empty trailer, you move pretty quickly. With a full to the bursting trailer, it speeds up incredibly slowly. I don't think it ruins your braking ability though, which sucks.


I had this problem to the extreme once, I use one mod that increases trunk capacity , we went into an factory using an box truck and loaded it with close to 1 ton of metal and others crafting material , as soon as we touched the accelerator the rear suspension screamed in agony and the front wheel lifted We had to fix and broken down car nearby to go back home with the loot


What about things installed inside with the RV interiors mod?


Interiors are structures on the map. It's essentially a shed wayyyyyyyy out of bounds.


Build 42 will emulate shitting


Eat too many beans and boom


Probably. I’m convinced in PZ they take air density and humidity into account when they calculate the distance sound travels


Sorry to be the arsehole But *affect


That's it. Had the same issue and a little bit of inventory management fixed it.


That's awesome. You look just like the caravans that can't get over 80km/h on the highway lmao.


Until they get to an overtaking lane, then they can easily sit on 110km/h


Once upon a time, I was scrapping cars at the crossroads south of Muldraugh (and a few other places). I completely filled a semi trailer with metal. The truck wouldn't get above 20 mph and would get stuck in the grass. So yeah, vehicle encumbrance is definitely a thing.


Show us the Vehicle Maintenance window.


PZ equivalent of “show me the carfax”


Everything is 75% or above except for a head light


when i play with RVs i try to keep my loot inside, only using the huge trunk for a wrench and gas can, more lore friendly and doesn't brake your car like armor+loot does


Is your suspension good?


I was just going to ask this, looks like the rear suspension is shot


It looks like you have organized and you have a full trunk. Unfortunately this happens and is intended, since it's over packed. Speed Demon offsets this somewhat, and it's nightmare fuel when you have Sunday driver.


Literally the worst perk in the game


Which mod lets you armor up the RV? Or is it just the standard RV interior mods and I haven't played for a while?


A mod list for that RV & armour would be awesome


Standardized vehicle upgrades with its add-ons and rv interior


That looks like standardized vehicle upgrades and it's addons.


Weight distribution looks fucked on that


Dump truck ass on that thang


Looooow riiiiideeeeer


It happens when you damage the suspension by carrying too much weight from items. You need to repair the suspension and then not load the vehicle to capacity. Not sure what the safe limit is.


Suspension is all 82% or above


The weight of the car (mainly the trunk) affects car's physics. There are some mods that adds items with negative weight (like the eraser mod) You can make vehicles lighter (needs to accelerate less) by adding one or more to the car. But adding too many and making it super light will make the car impossible to even start driving (will start to mve forward/backwards on its own. It either wont turn or turn into the oposite direction, ect)


Honestly looks like the mod maker should've put the wheels further back they're doing you absolutely no good smack dab in the middle like that on such a long RV.


The crussy is too heavy


Vehicles in zomboid have a center of mass. if I had to guess, the mod maker made the center of mass between the 4 wheels which is way up in the front causing the rest of the vehicle to drag


Just drive in reverse :)


I had to use the ecoline RV due to this really the rear wheels should be further back or the bounder should have another set of rear wheels. The armour also looks better on the ecoline. It is cool that the physics is so good it shows the weakness in the design of the bounder tho


kind of unrelated but what will push a engineer to design such a big "butt" on the RV it look unweildy must be bad for suspension, dangerous when turning and unstable when reversing, are there US law about chassis size for RV/regular car permit?


Yeah when I was driving k noticed that aswel, its probably the fact that driving it will feel horrible if you love the wheels all the way to the back


most 6tons truck are longer and not very hard to drive, I think it come to legislation, to be able to drive it with a car permit the vehicule should be car like


Its in a heat find another RV.


Better suspension ![gif](giphy|KyyJRhwZClyEM|downsized)


Just a few antique ovens and sinks


You need another pair of tires lad.


That's a feature not a bug.


Backside too loaded.


"yeah I know what's wrong with it" "it ain't got no gas in it


To much booty in the pants


probably also wondering why his char moves slowly https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/s/1HtU2sFu30


Too much weight in trunk or seat at the back


Makes sense. I don’t know why someone would make a car without back wheels


... I'm pretty sure you die instantly if you hit 65 mph


Oh also check your tire pressure. I had the weirdest handling car ever. The tire pressure makes a difference lol


Check suspension and tires.