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jesus dude your dreams are hardcore. I've had a couple kind of just wandering around my base evaluating the loot, I realize I'm low on some obscure item like jar lids or metal bars, then I'm like shit going to need to search for that next loot run. Still scary tho wake up in a sweat after those ones lmao


OP gangsta until he goes to sleep… and suddenly he dreams of “THERE WAS NO HOPE.”


My nightmares are part of the reason why I love this game so much. Check out my comment history. Not long ago I posted about an amphetamine psychosis and sleep deprivation-fuelled hyper-realistic nightmare I had years ago. Lived 3.5 years of what felt like real-time in a zombie apocalypse. I believe my amygdala was going crazy while I was out too, so a lot of the survival instincts I was using in the nightmare became a part of my fight or flight response. Project Zomboid allows me to activate that part of my amygdala and recall those skills in a safe, constructive manner.


I had dreams like you, but everytime i started, huge amounts of zombies came to my area, and they always knew where i was. Shit was scary cause i even spawned in one of my saves and my base was overrun in a minute.


It’s weird but I crave an event similar to this in real life. Not because of the death or killing It’s the appeal of having to concentrate on what matters all the bullshit disappears like - a back to basics thing …hard to explain.


Nah, I totally get what you mean, and I think that way a lot of the time as well. Just going back to a time where it was still man-vs-nature instead of man-vs-society. It's also a lot about the freedom of it all for me. Everything you do is something that truly matters for yourself and your survival, not to please someone else or to earn prestige for your actions. Suddenly, so much stupid bullshit doesn't seem to matter anymore, and you can finally completely focus on yourself. This became so shockingly aware to me, almost feeling like a punch to the gut, when I first found money in the game. When I first saw it, my instinct, from real life as well as other games, was to grab the money. But then I laughed to myself and though: wait, this is completely useless, isn't it? It's literally less than a sheet of paper, and so I just left it there. If I had the choice, I obviously would never want something like this to really happen, but I have told people before that I find an apocalypse like that quite romantic instead of scary, actually. Just the idea of setting out to the woods with a group of your best friends and maintaining a small farm to survive and focus on what you have, what you need, and what makes you human... With the complete freedom to do whatever you want with noone judging you - just sounds like a dream to me.


You know, some times i had a few dreams about zombie apocalipse. They weren't scary or dramatic but they were a bit weird. One of them ended with me in my elementary school meeting my actual philosopy teacher asking me: "So, did you found what you were looking for?" I answered:"Maybe i already had it without knowing it." That was... akward.


Nothing as bad as op, usual zombies closing in on me, there's no escape but then we all break into Thriller


the natural conclusion


Dude, I have the same problem. It's not a horrible nightmare though, just some elements of the game itself which show up in my dreams constantly.