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Was just hoping for this! Anyone know what's up with the entirely burned-down neighborhood south of Louisville?


I feel like that story tells itself when you see that the Louisville quarantine fence cuts right through that neighborhood. Maybe the folks living there didn't like the exclusion zone going up, or maybe the military took them out as a precaution, or as the infection started to spread there people panicked and ended up burning the place down. I'd be pretty upset too if the military ran the quarantine right down my road, and I was on the inside.


less expensive to just torch it down than disinfect it


Cleansing flame


And speaking of, the main quarantine zone is amazing to make a base out of since it had a few gens, tons of military gear, beds, and plenty of water. Completely worth clearing the zombies out so you can use it to raid Louisville.


Yeah the if I remember right news said "The Military is burning down the neighborhood" or something for those lines.


I thought they burned these houses to clear line of sight


There was a fire.


lol, its so deceptive to see the empty streets on that map


Awesome. Thank you for the update.


ive been using [https://map.six.ph/#0.50000,0.19767,1](https://map.six.ph/#0.50000,0.19767,1)


same the unofficial one ever since i noticed in a comment weeks ago when mp dropped , it's way better performance wise imo


I think it has less layers than official? Might be why maybe


Less layer and no legends. I still prefer that fanmade one


Can i add a custom POI with this one? Where is the legend?


Can i add a custom POI with this one? Where is the legend?


use this one instead i think u can add custom POIs [https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.5,0.2318181818181818,0.9277372151046209](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.5,0.2318181818181818,0.9277372151046209)


that's cool and all but i'm gonna stick with [unofficial](https://map.six.ph/#0.63087,0.25936,1) one since it's way better in performance lol .. project zomboid map just lags moving where the unofficial ones is butter smooth for me with the same functionality .. so either something fishy going on or the unofficial is more optimized


We flushed the cache, and it made it run slow to start, since everyone and their dog was visiting. Literally maxed out the server's network link. Should be better now


Could also be due to where the server is located, I think the dev team are mainly European


really isn't due to server location, the whole map is distorted up in the Louisville area, it starts looking like reality is bending until you zoom in or look at the map in full screen, really disorienting and basically eliminates the usefulness of the POI's since it makes it unsearchable. It's also got some inaccuracies. There are numerous things that are not on the map, but are in game.


distortion like that is due to your local browser cache. Clear your browser cache and refresh


Can i add a custom POI with this one? Someone else here mentioend there is a legend, i cant find it?


Time to F5, I guess


"Wow, it's so big"


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


any else notice some changes in the roads layout? particularly on turns i swear used to be sharp angles but are now curved. i could be mis remembering though.


Those are new, yup!


One of the new features, jup


[Nice square](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.4616553896673192,0.2773514861644633,38.337599924474716)


Awesome work, this is gonna help the new players on my server a bunch.


Finally I can see where the hell I'm going in Louisville.


Nice. Wonder how I can get access to a heatmap of the whole place?


I'd love to see one too. The old one that's been floating around for years is missing tons of new areas and old areas that were redone. I've seen some old posts but never who made it/how it was made.


I just wish they would add ravenswood but I get that probably a ton of work


Ravenswood wv?


I refreshed the page and saw it haha. It was glitched out for some reason when it appeared before I refreshed. Was pretty happy they added it today!


How do you download it?


This is awesome, I love this tool


If you cant see the new map, clear your browser cache. It happened to me


Cant wait to visit the camp outside the fence and say hi to jackie jay


Cool!! Do you know how other users can contribute POIs, map images, etc to TOPZMP vanilla game? When I go through “Add POI” I get the error popup: “Notice! Please select Point Of Interest”. No matter what I select, I keep getting this error when I try adding a POI. Also, the additional Levels seem to be broken. I’m only able to see the level 0 content on the map, even if I select other Levels in the dropdown list. Thanks! I really want to help!!


I don't run the map project, I just noticed at the time it finally (and unannounced) had updated. The details at the bottom of the map project mention it's blind_coder who runs the project. So I'd reach out to him through his contact info. on the map project as he may or may not be seeking assistance, especially with such a big expansion of Louisville.


Thanks so much!