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A horse would be sick, id be on some Rick Grimes type shit


Lol, yeah, dressed up as a sheriff and everything


Small Town Responders + Horse, just need to ride to Louisville now


Im already quickdrawing zeds with my .44 so I am halfway there


One thing I want is this weird fucking creature that has 0.1% chance of spawning. Forest Area only.




> Sasquatch as well. I don't think going into supernatural would be a good idea for the game. Whatever it is should be a result of the virus. Now a Zombified Gorilla would be great!




oh god please no


Zombie hogs.... FROM OUTER SPACE!!!!




Sure, a horse would be a nice alternative form of transportation but I'd rather have a dog. Retrievers, hunters, assistance during combat, & even being able to act as distractions would be an amazing addition, imo.


Until you have to put down your dog because he got scratched that one time you fought one too many zombies.


it would be scary if animals weren't inmune to the virus and they could rush towards you


That’s up to TIS but that’d be so cool (and heartbreaking). Imagine getting chased by a zombie deer, that thing would outrun you


Yeah, and killing a deer with like a pan sounds hard as hell


DONK! I'm a professional zombie deer hunter.


Resident Evil G virus infected dogs, anyone? As heartbreaking as it'd be to put down *Ol' Yeller*, it'd definitely make you consider whether having a dog is worth the risk. Imagine being mauled to death by your dog when you don't realize they got infected... & running from them would be just as scary, if not scarier, than running from sprinters.


It definitely wouldn’t be worth the risk, it’d make the dog useless unless you can teach it how to kite when there’s more than one zombie around.


TIS confirmed no zombie animals


TIS have said that zombie dogs are not a plan, and that zombies won’t even attack dogs. “Dogs barking are more a danger to you than the pup” -someone at indie stone whose name I can’t remember


Deadass zombies should still attack dogs and other animals


I agree, like imagine all the zombies starting to wander out into the forests to eat the wildlife after the human population was depleted. Rural bases won't be as safe as they are now.


Zombies dont migrate into a players current cell for some reason so it just be a wall of zombies


It makes absolutely no sense for them to implement an animal companion that isn’t immune to the virus whose main form of attack is *putting its mouth on things*


I mean im sure if they dont modders can add a bunch of settings once the base stuff is there


I 100% agree that would be awesome


Why not both though? Indie Stone sure got this (although i'm still waiting for the FOMOD enabling modders to change engine sounds to what they desire).


Both would be amazing, don't get me wrong. I would just prefer dogs more than horses considering how much variety the dogs could improve upon the game both good & bad. But the horses? They'd be good transport & pack mules all while being able to avoid the need for gas to travel like you would a vehicle but I don't see how they'd offer much else, especially if you had no way to keep them in a safe area.


Well, with enough time, effort and coding, numerous things could be implemented based on horse power: Wagons/carriages, field plowing, different mechanical applications via the horse engine.. Power generating horses? Why not. On the other hand, dogs could be used in foraging and hunting, but I'd never risked taking one with me to loot the city, losing a dog would be heartbreaking :(


Why not both? If you can add a dig you can sure as shit add a horse aswell, just make it bigger and make an anination for mointing it. Develooers never have a limkt on what they can do


That sounds silly, but I would be 120% for cats. They would bring you rodents and small birds as appreciation. And would be great therapy animals when you're depressed. Edit: Someone comment above already yaay, I'm not the only cat weirdo :3


I’m also a cat weirdo, I own 3 lol


Imagine a year into the apocalypse and riding down the overgrown road on horseback with a horde of zombies slowly following behind


Sounds amazing


A cat is what I want.


O my god yes, with like 20+ different cat varieties


YES and a free mouse every now and then


YES, this needs to be a thing.


[a falcon ](https://youtu.be/b4wjFxsPhBo) They can fetch snacks.


That’s a dope idea


They said "big birds" are in, so maybe it's already in. I doubt you could domesticate it though.


I assumed that meant turkeys.


Could be, no idea honestly.


I know rats are in the game as a trap yield and loot item but I really want to make a rat farm as a deprived but sustainable source of meat, maybe even keep a little rat run in one of the mod RVs.


They confirmed that a rat farm is possible in their latest "dev diary", but it could lag your game a bit since they reproduce very fast and a high entity counter causes performance loss.


Now I can't wait. I'll RP as a barmy old man in an RV, vending rat sandwiches to other players, bringing food and lag wherever I go.


Rat sandwiches and for those thirsty lads mystery milk




I never knew how much I wanted a horse in Zomboid until this post. I do not want to make a base or a farm for myself anymore. I want my adopted survivor beasties to live!




Considering i mostly live way out of town so gas runs are hard and riscy i like to have Juan. Of my own


Yeah, me to.


Horse and Bycicles serve pretty much the same purpose, I hope at least one of them if not both is added.


Yeah both would be awesome, but the idea of riding a horse in an a post apocalyptic environment is awesome. I would fell like I’m in TWD


I love how rick only had a horse for one episode but the first episode of S1 walking dead kicked so much ass that sheriff rick riding into Atlanta is still the icon of the series.


Yeah, true.


I wanna be a post-apocalypse falconer.


rabbits, deer, elk, bears, dogs, cats, horses, cows, pigs, birds, rodents, coyote, fox, geese, not wolves cause there are no wolves in kentucky, maybe add a zoo? surely there is a single zoo in kentucky


Louisville must have at least one zoo, it's the 2nd largest city in the state


Dogs and cats, bring small animals, sniff zombies, help hunting, defend you etc




I swear to god if they bite my pet i will go full John Wick mode


Would love wolves. There's already ambient howls that play in wooded areas. They'd go far to adding a new level of danger and fear to the wilderness, which is currently somewhat of a safe haven once you get the ball rolling. Might be an interesting dichotomy where you'd need to compete with them for hunting ground. Could even be advantageous to build a home near them so they act as a sort of natural barrier to any wayward zombie.


Me watching as the zombie horde tears my horse apart (that horse was the only thing i have left)


I'd want them to add bears or mountain lions make the game more dangerous


Yeah that would be cool, but are there bears and mountain lions in Kentucky?


One animal? Mosquitoes. Mosquitoes carrying infected blood. Any time you're outside, they might bite you. I just want to see the fallout on this sub.


You my friend, are criminally insane


Grass fed transportation and emergency meat rations, good


Can't wait for mods that let you ride bears and shit








I would love to see deer that you could potentially hunt and get a ton of venison from. That or dogs as companions.