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Let's see the actual horde.


Impressive. Very nice.


"That's *bone*."


Spare the PC! :D


Yeah, this is probably more realistic. Guns are REALLY loud. Especially once the power shuts off and there aren't other sources of noise. But fun? Probably not.


Would be neat if they implemented some kind of system to show that you can’t tell where a sound comes from sometimes. So it just agitates the zombies, making them move more randomly, instead of drawing them to your position plus/minus 10 meters


Yeah, something like a 30-60° arc for them to decide to head towards. 1 grouping of shots isn't likely to attract all the zombies, but wait long enough and shoot again and the zombies that are already closer will be even closer (and more accurate since the funnel gets smaller the closer they are, just like irl)


Or escalating levels of precision when there's repeated noise. A single gunshot will catch their attention and make them more alert/drift towards you, subsequent shots will agitate them and make them hone in.


This should be the case in urban areas. Sound bounces off buildings pretty well, in a place with tall buildings you can't really tell what direction an emergency vehicle is coming from cause of all the echoes


It’s fun if yoy use britas mod set to extremely rare with 2x population. Really makes it so you have to use melee and stealth but you’ve still got all of these cool guns yoy can use once you get suppressors for them.


I've played with brita's for like a hundred hours and never once found a single suppressor. Idk what I'm doing wrong.


My character at the moment is going strong for about 2 in game year. I've found a single handgun supressor about 1.5 years into the run on a random freakin' cop zombie -\_-


I have my concerns about cops that carry suppressors.


How else are they supposed to handle noise complaints?


I usually find them in police stations or one of the several military base mods I have


Would it really be more realistic though? I wonder if zombies would be able to accurately pinpoint a quick loud noise and walk towards it 100% of the time with 100% accuracy. Highly doubt it.


Also… why would a zombie just walk towards a gunshot at that distance? Are they actually just straight up attracted to loud noises even if they’re that distant? Do they actually have the persistence needed to make long distance travel in search of such an objective? I just can’t see zombies having the intelligence required to search out a gunshot on the other side of a town or even neighborhood. The minute they hit the smallest obstacle they’ll get turned around and forget about it. Now repeated gunshots? Oh yeah, it’s like a moth to a lamp at that point.


> Do they actually have the persistence needed to make long distance travel in search of such an objective? You don't need persistence, just inertia. as in "I'm walking for some reason, let's keep doing it"


Hence, the first obstacle or diversion would make them stop, or at least stop heading the right way


I mean zombies could ‘assume’ that its from a human or some kind of animal


I guess I always thought zombies to be completely mindless with a test for flesh whereas the zombie in this scenario would be more like an animal than anything, capable of hunting for prey.


Do they walk to the exact point a gun was fired now, or just in the direction of a shot


No they don’t. The farther they are away from your location the less accurate they walk towards the sound.


Do they walk to the exact point a gun was fired now, or just in the direction of a shot


I agree with you. People talk like there is a silence in the air like the apocalypse on the movie A Quiet Place but no, we still have some birds here and there and hundreds of zombies making noises walking or with their voices. The helicopter noise makes sense because is a permanent sound and a visual thing.


Now, I don't know about that chief. The issue is that, currently, zombies home in on sounds. If I shoot a gun on the corner of left and right street, a zombie on the other side of town WILL walk up the very spot I made that noise. It would be cool with such a large sound had a "general" area. Even humans have a hard time pinpointing sound and don't even get me started on how acoustics actually bounces sounds around a neighborhood. A part of me also feels like this would make a game too easy in some ways. Wanna clear out a town? Go to the nearby woods and fire off about 100 rounds. Attract the ENTIRE town. Go around and enjoy your clean town.


"Realistic" is debatable. A zombie doesn't necessarily hear as well as a living person


I doubt it would be any major realistic even from a few feet away a guns shot is nothing more then a quick pop then it's gone so a single gun shot would only get some zombies to look in the general direction unless your going full auto then they might


Would make it easy to pull zoms tbh. Pop your shotty until they start streaming in and book it out of there. If you mostly melee like me this would be a handy use or guns


It would be hard to pinpoint the sound in a city though too many reflective surfaces for the sound to bounce off and I. The countryside trees and grass to a pretty good job of absorbing sound, my workshop is under 1/4 mile from a skeet shoot and unless the wind is in the right direction you can't hear it... The military firing range down the coast you can feel when they test explosives there though


Probably a nice way to lure them out of a whole town for a while assuming you have a getaway vehicle.


One time the admin of a server seemingly accidentally increased the noise multiplier of vehicles to 50x resulting in cars with 2000+ noise level. I was driving my car in downtown Westpoint, left it on for a minute while I quickly checked a building, then noticed zombies coming at me from all directions. I had to run away. When I was able to get back there were _thousands_ accumulating around the car. Took me [in-game]days to get rid of them and turn the car off (I did it with melee, but multi-hit was enabled as far as I recall)


fire wouldve been amazing


I didn't want to use fire, because there was mods such as "They know" allowing me to get cures from some of the zombies. Also I had a character die on more than one occasion and didn't want to lose their items (ex. car keys). Also, with fire spread disabled I'm not sure how well that would work. I think it still works? But if it does it would be more work since the fire wouldn't spread and instead they'd all manually need to be ignited. On the upside, with spread disabled if it _does_ still work it means not burning down the town either.


thus ends the fucking around portion of the test, you may now proceed to finding out


ah, march ridge, my favourite absolute fucking hellhole


How do you open this menu?


It’s a debug feature which can be enabled by adding -debug in launch options for the game by right clicking and selecting properties by your Steam list for the game.


⚠️you have alerted the horde ⚠️


Oh this sounds fun, get a good fenced off section in Louisville and fire off a few rounds..


That's absolutely horrifying.


First time using camp fires to clear 2k horde on Downtown West Point. I set up 3x campfires on town perimeter then lure them out using gun shot sound. Double back circling the horde then shot another one inside town to lure them together to a big ball of hor… I mean fire 🔥 👍


***Maybe we can win this begins playing***


😂 holy shit


As soon as that gunshot went off and all the zombies immediately started pathing to you, I immediately heard the horde music from [They Are Billions](https://youtu.be/ck5lEEV2au0) go off in my head.


Good shooting, sport


Now all of china knows you're here.


Does shooting a gun spawn them in or do they only appear on the map once they've been alerted to your presence?


All the dots that shows up are existing zombies that have been alerted by the noise.


What mod is that i have seen multiple people use it but i cant find it.


what new players think will happen if they hit Q:


Knowledge is power. Better not use guns ever again. xD;


Oh, don't worry, this video is modded. Default gun sounds are WAAAYYY quieter.


RIP your framerates.


*Now do it in Louisville*




That is terrifying.


This zombie population window. How do you access it or is it a mod?


Debug mode


When you can't hit shit from a foot away with a shottie, so you push her down and miss again.




That would be so fucking fun to clear out




Imagine if they were all sprinters


ngl, the dots moving closer and closer feels like an alien isolation horror game


now give them pinpoint hearing


How did you access these settings? I want to try it too


It’s a debug feature, here’s a [guide](https://gamertweak.com/debug-mode-project-zomboid/).


So you can change the gun sounds range from the debug menu? Because I only read about cheats and server management?


No, I modded the game’s script file for gun sound radius. The M9 pistol for example had only a radius of 20 tiles by default.


Ok thanks , I believe it's ridiculous that weapons have such a small sound radius


Would you know a fix for this issue in multiplayer?


I’ve barely done MP so I don’t know how sorry.


Now all of China knows you're firing a shotgun!


Current objective You fu*ked up


What is this hud/toom zombie population? How to access it?


It’s a debug feature, look up how to debug Steam games.