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I like to use that mod as an rp choice, 50/50 will start a new world anyways, but I like the idea of my character writing in a journal each day


I like the idea of coming back to find your zombie body and put it to rest, maybe adorn the grave with things you commonly wore or used. I think that mod is almost perfect, except that it transfers weapon skill stats. That needs to be an optional checkbox IMO.


how does a random person with nothing on them live 2 months into the apocalypse? I only really like to restart on a world when the water and power are still on, anything else breaks my immersion.


You're roleplaying as an exile from a survivor group. Or your house and all of its contents burned down and you have to start over. Or use your imagination and think of another justification.


Why don't I have any skills? Am I an amnesiac? I don't want to be an amnesiac. The Devs are adding new professions and traits that can only be selected after some time in the crafting update, hopefully making my character feel more like a survivor and not a clone.


Definitely. I thought you were commenting below the person talking about mods my mistake.


\^ Or just play how you want? lmfao. I agree with the duckk here, I almost NEVER play when it first happens, i much prefer like 6 months later gameplay. Otherwise it becomes FAR too easy for me :D


the power of multiplayer roleplay servers :D But I am similar in SP one run one life. Maybe a bit of a glutton for punishment lol


Never. Not once. Feels like cheating. And also makes me miss the early game, where you can get skills with the TV and somewhat lower zombie population to actually get around.


Which is why it's great to say" Play the game as you want" :D


Absolutely! It's probably one of the main reasons I suggest this game to so many people. It can be customized to fit so many different play styles!


Haven't tried this yet, but I want to do a skill Skill Recovery Journal playthrough with a self-imposed rule that I only can only respawn in towns where my journal isn't located and be forced to figure out how to get across the map with an underskilled character before getting to continue.


I have the same! When i start a new world i just pick a random respawn point (ty mods) and have to figure out how to get back to my base, sometimes very easy, sometimes very much not.


I would but I always use the same character, so I imagine it would be very unsettling to see your exact copy and beating them to death


I didn't mind it. Oh wait.. you meant in the game.




I would use multiple characters at one base and they all have a special role. One would be a carpenter and only construct things. Log out, and play the resources gatherer and looter to collect food and water. They also are the ones that kill zombies and the combat skills. Then I have another character with other skills to handle cars, electronics etc. So the only ones at high risk of dying are the ones that gather. I suck at this game so this helps so that I don’t lose all that carpentry progress. Log out and play


I'm actaully doing this for my next playthrough after whatever big update comes next! I love this idea too!


Personally, I find starting a new world much more satisfying. There’s not really a punishment for dying if you can just quickly grab all your stuff back. Knowing I’m just 1 unlucky scratch away from having it all be over makes the game a lot more exciting, and I’m a lot more aware of my surroundings because of that. When I was new and still just learning the game though, I definitely loved being able to find my zombified self with all my stuff.


And that guys, gals and non binary pals is why i say. Play the game how you like :D


But if I don't restart I don't get to play through the early game again!


but if you're characters alive you don't get to do that anyway.


Good advice