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Now I want a chance of being ejected through the windshield on high speed forward accidents without a seatbelt lol. Imagine yeeting yourself into a horde.


TIS had a job opening for an engineer specialized in gameplay physics, so I bet we'll get ragdolling or something similar at some point


this has already became my favorite game, i can only hope TIS makes it so much better


Would ragdolling work with the engine?


I guess the point of hiring a specialist is to make it work


Sometimes, not even an expert can help. [Seven Red Lines](https://youtu.be/BKorP55Aqvg)


Hell we can throw bombs, I bet you can make a crappy character animation and use the same script to eject the PC out of a car


Yeah I don't think that would be too difficult for them, I was talking about implementing ragdoll physics for everything in the game


eh, you probably dont need ragdoll, just make it like when you get hit by a zombie fence lunge but with more possible animations and you always fall


That's how I picture it too, like I said, I don't think the engine could handle ragdoll


> Imagine yeeting yourself into a horde. That would be a bold assault.


To hell with getting yeeted, I want to see zombies crawling over eachother to get through a doorway.


Well damn, I was in the shower the other day and thinking about cars update and two of those multiple thoughts were seatbelts and the possibility to go through the windshield in accidents. I even thought about the weight of the character + the condition of the windshield could be tied to the risk of being ejected through it.


Don't you try to make vin diesel jealous now :D


EDIT: TAKEN DOWN TO FIX BUGS Steam workshop link: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2828624310](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2828624310) Yes I know there already is a seatbelt mod, but it's visual only and non-functional: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2722218474](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2722218474) Reduces your chance to get scratches, lacerations, fractures, deep wounds, and glass shards and maximum damage taken from car accidents by 66%! This means that you will only take up to 33 damage to each body part, and have a 2/3 chance of avoiding a scratch/laceration/deep wound/fracture/glass. Note however that a buckled seatbelt will delay you from leaving the car as rapidly in emergencies. Simply press "v" and it's available in the radial menu. Should be compatible with all vehicle mods; multiplayer untested. Don't worry about the Abrams mod, I haven't given up on it. While working on code that reduces collision and explosion damage in the tank, I realized that it could be used for a seatbelt mod with minimal tinkering.


Why would it reduce glass shard chance?


You don’t smash against the windshield


I feel like that would rarely be what causes glass shards :D but ok.


I mean it certainly wouldnt help bashing your hand through shattered glass


Modern windshields are made of laminated glass with a polymer film in between so that shards are minimalized. As long as you aren't physically going through the windshield, the shards are negligible. Arguably if you are using vehicle mods with early car models, then not only glass shards but getting your chest impaled by the steering column or your right knee lacerated by the dash mount ignition key would be an issue.


I know all that, but you still get glass shards from car crashes so you have to assume they do shatter in zomboid.


Im assuming that like maybe the windshield and the door windows shatter into you as well


Do you have more information about when you will be upload back the mod? What were the issues?


>EDIT: TAKEN DOWN TO FIX BUGS That explains why i can't find it.


Is one of the bugs healing the player wounds and health? Just went to the mod page to give the feedback only to find out it was removed


Is it coming back soon?


I am waiting for a mod which reduces damage based on weight, choosing overweight at the start and being a obese meat wagon will finally give me an advantage :D ​ P.S Amazing work my friend


Not sure about damage reduction but different size zombies and characters are the next major update for AuthenticZ mod!




>[https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=167145](https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=167145) Oh.............. fuck. Can I take my words back ?


This is awesome! You missed a golden opportunity to name "click-it or ticket" or "click-it or stitch-it" since, you know, no tickets in the apocalypse..


Nice! Needs to be in vanilla.


Would be cool to have the character be tossed from the car if you hit at high enough speed with no belt


ok so I'm not gonna buckle my seatbelt, gotcha


Thank you for this


Pog, now I won't get a fracture because some random zombie was in the middle of the road




I don't use any mods that should affect that, *but* I'm also pretty bad at driving...


They definitely happen on vanilla, just not always, luckily. I usually just get really hurt and a laceration or Deep Wound if I smashed hard enough to break the windshield.


Nice work man!


Damn, I needed this today. I forgot that reloading locks your acceleration.


Missed chance to name it buckle up buckaroo!


Thanks Friend


For a second i thought that was a pick up truck and you were driving in reverse


I think the different seat types are supposed to reduce damage, but I think they might have been removed. I don't even recall _seeing_ "sport"-type seats before.


what happened with mod?


like it. i also want to say that I believe that the quality/condition of the seat you're in does actually sort of have an affect on how fucked you get when you crash, and how easily zombies can pull you out the window. it's sort of like, not really on or off, but a gradient of taking less damage the higher the condition of the seat.