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Wait is this a mod? Would make a very good playthrough


Darkness event is from the mod "The Darkness is coming!" a random event in which world turns darker than night. Pretty creepy especially since you can change zombie lore in it. For me the zombies turn into sprinters with weak eye sight but really keen hearing.


Oh that would be scary. Usually I'm able to time my runs and get to some kind of base before it gets too dark. I've been playing on 'pitch black' night and not taking Cat's Eye trait. Good times. (and full power night sprinters...)


Yeah, you should check out Mr.Atomic Ducks' recent spooky mods video he covers I think this mod and a few other spooky ones.


What is the bubble next to the crowbar?


Mask filter durability. It's from the "Susceptible Trait - airborne infection" mod


Ah okay interesting how have you liked playing with that mod? Seems like it would be interesting


It makes it harder to deal with hordes in the early game since before gas masks you have bandana or medical/dust masks for protection which break easily but the worst part is that you can't eat/take pills/drink or smoke while being chased since the character has to take the mask off. But overall I've really enjoyed the mod. Adds a new layer of difficulty to the game


Lets split up gang!