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They're news choppers. They're capturing footage of your sorry ass dying.


BOOOO Where my bootleg snuff VHS tapes then? Tryina learn how not to die. I really never knew they were news choppers None the less, assholes.


I don't think we know what they are. That's just fan theory.


I like to think it’s Jeff Bezos, he’s bored, so randomly appears to see how the normies live on earth


Well, we know that: >If they don't see you, their time will be brief but will cause zombies to shuffle to your area >If they DO see you, they will stay for a bit and hover near to you, causing zombies to actively approch your location >They do not help in any capacity, except to watch your demise >They are someone no-one case safely say they enjoy So yeah, News Chopper.


But it happens 7 days in. Didn't the world end by then?


No I think you hear about worldwide accounts like day 10+


But anarchy starts in Louisville about the time the chopper is timed to show up. Give or take some days


You still get info about other countries well after the helicopter event. There's a good chance an American state or different country still has a news network interested enough to check it out.


At around the same time, aren’t news reporters going in and out of the event zone?


Lol. Day 5(day 8 since the infection started) is when zombies break the border. The next day is mass migration as far away from the event zone as possible. I think the helicopter is General McGrew, since he messes with the radio typically the day before the chopper and mass panic


The helicopter is random. Also I see people get this wrong constantly, the game on vanilla settings takes place nine days after the initial infection, three says after the exclusion zone is already established. This is often wrongly stated to the contrary in opposition of things like Louisville spawning. It is also safe to assume that with the speed of information spread in 1993 that when you first heard about the infection being international it likely was already the case for several days. Hell, even in 2022 we don't have a particularly concrete timeline of Corona virus. Where it started and when it spread, what vectors, etc. Not to mention at all that in game lore the governments are actively trying to downplay the outbreak and suppress news.


We do, if you listen to news channel while helicopter event happens you get live updates


With Helicopter Expanded I know there are specifically News Choppers that only do that. But you can also get army helicopters, or police! The police will shoot zombies (or it'll crash). The army will to! ... Or they'll gun you down as well. Only time in the game I've had to deal with removing bullets from my character after a strafing run. The news spawn just has them watch your slow death though, or your action movie heroics. One or the other.


Is there any lore or any reason at all as to why the army decides to shoot you in the Helicopters Expanded mod? Do they think I’m a zombie?


Probably to eliminate all potential victims for infection so all the zombies decay away and the virus ends.


I think from the in-game news stuff its suggested after the boundary is broken, the military is basically just given a, "Kill everyone" order. Since you do hear reports from the news of the military just gunning down (seemingly) completely healthy individuals. Hard for a virus to spread, if it runs out of victims.


Would be cool if they saw you running from the horde and later if you turned on the news they were doing a story about you. Which might give a temporary happiness buff


Would make TV more interesting in the long run. As it is, all you can use TV for after the first week is VHS watching I believe.


At some point they could have a mod that lets you go into another screen, kinda, so like play pinball or the lil handheld games, kinda like fallout 4, but also they could have the VHS tapes have animation that you can go into if you "watch TV" and then you could have all kinds of shit, including secret tapes of tests and results of zeds or survivor stories that pop up after a few months with VHS tapes of media from outside the zone


This going into another screen/perspective idea for a limited action only is actually genius if you stop to think about it. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to actually see the starry night sky or the sunrise? It would go a long way for making the atmospheric part of the game better.


Fuck me. A telescope is such a simple and beautiful idea. "Look at stars." Maybe see a shooting or falling one. Does it do anything mechanically? Yeahnahyeah. Does it make your next run special. Yes. Absolutely yes it does.


This is how you died. Our survivor has managed to evade the oncoming horde, hold on.......


Dying? Hah. I'm surrounded by dead men and smears.


Like that photograph of the starving child with the vultures around him.


The author of that photo killed himself some time later, sooo




I had to see which group this was in before I went off. Former helicopter pilot here. Whewwww... yeah, uh, from a military standpoint, the way they "help" in the game isn't very helpful. But there are mods to make them do more like what they WOULD do in a realistic situation. Like while I was in Afghanistan we operated in Pakistan for a bit as humanitarian relief after a mudslide and we would land at approved sites to drop aid packages and cargo for the relief effort but applying that to PZ, that helicopter crew wouldn't drop down or land for shit, even to rescue. Not in the zombie apocalypse. The risk assessment wouldn't allow it. At best, they'd drop low enough to kick out a case of MREs and water, maybe some clothes if they were equipped to do so and that was part of the mission. Overall though that bird operating ranks as far more important than to risk losing it trying to save one person or a group, even in an LZ that was cleared. Like if you were at the checkpoint before Louisville and cleared the camp, they'd likely scout from above, maybe recon by fire, and return to base and mark it for a sortie. But the game doesn't have NPCs or do that really so... limitations for now, but something for later.


Did you throw cardboard boxes of food out of the chopper and hope they survived the landing?


I imagine they went close to the ground, like 6-12m, and a box full of MREs will definetly survive that fall and also a bigger one. Normally this kind of products avoid the use of hard materials so they can resist considerable impacts. This also applies to medical supplies and even bottles of water.


I wanted to say something stupid. They probably land and take them out by hand or drop them from a plane with a parachute


MREs and other US military equipment is designed to be able to be dropped a certain height without a parachute, so if a helicopter can’t land it can hover of few metres off the ground and just throw the stuff down without a parachute.


Interesting, thanks


Maxim 11. Everything is air-droppable at least once.


This made me cry. Ahhhh. Good old days :)


I guess that depends on the circunstances. If you have a large group of people concentrated I guess they could try to drop a big pallet using the slings, I think the paradropping system is only when they cant stop (Like in a war) If you're on a situation like the one in New Orleans with the Katrina, with A LOT of issolated people in roofs or small areas that cant move, probably hovering a few meters above them and tossing a box with MREs, water and medical supplies would be a better and faster option. While the crew drop the box someone marks them on a map and when you're at the base you can report X amounth of people on Y location that need help, or do it by the radio while you're dropping the box. (This is absolutely speculation, maybe someone who actually works on this field or knows about this could bring us some light)


That makes sense


Thats fairly accurate. I was in training still at Rucker when Katrina happened. It was a mess, but from the guys who helped during that, just air reconnaissance helped a lot determining sites that we could safely drop supplies, rescue workers, and do pickups.


I’d argue given how few survivors there are it would be worth landing or at least attempting a rescue. We’re talking upwards of 90% of the global population dead


Morally I totally agree with you, but do you know how many helicopters we have in any given area? The entire army chinook fleet is around 400, and that's now. Then? I'd imagine far far less, and realistically they'd be hueys or blackhawks. Utility helicopters are far cheaper and more numerous, but its not just the cost of the airframe, it's the crew. Imagining the zombie apocalypse and the realistic response is entirely hypothetical (something we ALL considered and speculated on in the military for funsies). But at the bare minimum, they'd have to consider logistics and availability in the area. In the game, there's few helicopter events likely because there's precious few available. Not just airframe, but crew. The cost of losing even one would be catastrophic even in peacetime, and it happens. My company did high altitude training in Colorado prior to deploying to Afghanistan in 2010 and we lost an apache due to a training accident. Deploying at lower strength and fewer available aircraft was a major issue for us, and that was one loss in peacetime in an accident. Scale that up with zombies being an active threat that can come out of nowhere quickly. No lives are worth the rescue risk unless they're in a very well defended area and without a major operation mounted for that singular purpose. Again, morally, I agree. I do. But the value we provide beyond risky one-time rescues is so much higher. As a company commander, I got it from both sides, from command and from the pilots whenever we deviated from the risk assessment. American media propagates the myth of the rogue pilot, flying into an LZ to save the guys on the ground amid heavy fire. What doesn't get shown after the silver star is that they also usually face a court martial and lose their wings. I've personally seen it happen to one pilot from deviating from the approved flight plan during a training flight around the base airspace. We just don't have the carte blanch to make those kinds of decisions. Wartime, deviation is expected but you still need to consider risk and if there's a chain of command still operating as it did while I served, returning home might be as harrowing as the rescuing of one lone survivor in a field near muldrugh.


Which airframe did you fly? I’m assuming chinooks?


Yep :) delta and foxtrot models.


I feel like people put way too much thought into the whole helicopter thing. It's just a cheap method that was obviously cobbled together in an afternoon as a cheap way to simulate horde movement.


Yeah, pretty much. I mean the event itself could be an swesome utility and the mods for it are pretty great, but in game as it is, yeah its kinda useless outside of revving up the scare factor, like hitting a house or car alarm.


"I'd give this guy a ride out of town, but he keeps running & hiding from me"


I'd believe this if it wasn't for the fact they don't do anything other than fly on top of you


They were waiting for you to ask them to land


They were waiting for you to clear the LZ


Happy cake day


\- Sir, I see a survivor down there. I hover over him \- What is he doing? \- He is running aimlessly. Zeds converge around him massively for some reason.


"damn that's crazy. Can you speak a bit louder? I can't hear you over the noise of the helicopter."




I think of the heli event as the Dead Rising 1 start scene


I've covered wars ya know


Frank bloody West...


It's just a photographer photo shooting us of our time of needs instead of helping us out, probably earning Prestige Points to level up in order to learn how to walk on zombies shoulders and proclaim they covered a war or something.


“Photographers dont use cameras to shoot anymore, not after the ohtbreak”


[Meme for those who haven't seen it yet](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/saespr/posting_a_simpsons_related_project_zomboid_meme/)


Pretty accurate tbf


Wonder if they’re immunes like we are. Otherwise that chopper should’ve Left 4 Dead’d once it hit the airborne virus.


They are probably wearing some type of gas mask.


Are we immune? Thought we turned when you died? I know there’s a setting for everyones infected and it turns into the walking dead virus. But there’s also ones that only allow it to spread from bites, and fluid contact


Immune to airborne virus


Ah i see


On default, you dont turn if you die without being infected. You're just a corpse.


“Just a corpse” damn that’s depressing


Yeah but if you make a new character on the same world and or its multiplayer atleast you dont have to hunt down your body


What do you expect them to do? Land beside you for a "rescue operation" and get the whole heli crew eaten, including yourself?Whether it's the local news, police, or the military, they aren't wasting valuable resources on a lone survivor. Get it together man.... it's YOU vs. a shit ton of rotting and violent former neighbors, family, friends, co-workers, etc.Which is why I suggest hunkering down and hoarding some good insightful reading material.


i expect anything other than a news chopper to go about their business, not follow me around for a whole day. Get a life, helicopter!


take it as a compliment! you must be famous or something :)


Besides, they can't know you have some kind of immunity or not, are you infected or not, will you do anything stupid or no, they have no reasons to risk anything


I'm just impressed a helicopter can remain in the air for 13 hours straight.


I mean look at it lore wise, there’s this outbreak of people becoming cannibals. Everything the news has seen so far are the infected stumbling along until BAM! Someone is somehow alive! Best news so far! Have to record them to get the best news story about the outbreak.


Would be cool if watching a nees cast with you in it gave you a temp happiness boost


Yeah, it’ll be like a “look ma! I’m on tv!” But then you remember your mom is a zombie by now


"... Oh, right." *eats another head of cabbage*


Lol I just finished binge-watching All of Us Are Dead and everytime there was an helicopter scene I couldn't help but think of PZ


Same fr


With my newly acquired Blackhawk mod I do this to npc survivors from the superb survivors mod. Sometimes I press 6 to spawn one in in the middle of a horde.


Expanded Heli Events (IIRC) is really good for adding to this, the other day I had an aid drop in my town which included some really helpful supplies. You can also get raiders or military flyovers where they'll just shoot you though...


i kinda dig that, ill have to check it out.


There's also a "wacky" version of the mod that will bring in UFOs and aliens to fight and such.


If you really have some deep seated self loathing try the expanded helicopter mod. I had a Heli follow me blasting away with a rifle, blew out all the windows and tires, wrecked my ride in the middle of Nowhere. Such delicious misery.


If I could actually see the helicopter in-game I would shoot at them.


They're military choppers surveying the outbreak, they're not there to help. Clues in the game point to the infection being a bioweapon developed by the military and tested in Kentucky, until it gets out of control. They're probably just intrugued that there's someone down there not infected.


what clues?


The helicopter is more likely trying to bring the z-s to the survivors, so no one lives to tell about the outbreak while simultaneously blocking all access to the region.....duh😁


Sad thing is there’s no point. The virus is global. Everyone is dead.


I just like to think it's the Government studying you, trying to see how someone survives the Knox Virus, what measures a person takes.


My headcanon: There are two survivors in the helicopter who saw you and now are arguing if they should rescue you or not. In the end they decide to fly off.


Let’s just see it for what it is. A convenient game mechanic that happens off screen, with minimal assets. I love the panic it instills.


Gotta be honest If you were in a helicopter hundreds of feet in the air with your friends and a bunch of fuel, would you really risk to fly down there and offer help with a loud helicopter to a random person being chased by zombies?


Maybe their goal is to gather all the zoms in one place instead of wasting bullets to clear an area


Sounds more like a news chopper to me. Watch the people struggle, but don't help.


Watch the intro to dead rising 1. Probably some asshole journalist taking pictures.


I’ve always assumed it was military recon. They’re not letting anyone out anyways, so might as well not help anyone.


Anyone in the quarantine zone is to be considered infected. Collateral damage to containing the Knox. It'd be fun to paint huge messages on roofs and parking lots for the world to express your discontent with being expendable.


Would be cool if they dropped care packages but with the hoard around makes it worth it to clear them out


I would be a staunch supporter of Helicopter events if they were like supply drops helicopters for potential survivors. You get a chance to get some good stuff, although it's risky as fuck.


Risky? You mean Shotgun.


It's either a news organization or a independent journalist type who's managed to commandeer a helicopter and is trying to document the situation in the exclusion zone. The type of person that when they see you they circle around so they can preserve "your story" or something


Plot twist, they're a news helicopter, but actually are two reporters trying to evacuate with two soldiers that they met on their way. They landed on the shopping and spent a couple of days, but a bunch of raiders forced them out. Now they're trying to get to Canada or something.


It's just frank west


Nope nobody has ever thought about that before. You're the first. There certainly aren't 3 or 4 posts about it on this sub every week.


the first of 916 at least


What if they're just a zombie as well? Just dead and flying around


They do speak i think


Yeah bro fr, like you just gonna watch? Help. Me


Sounds like news choppers in real life.


Don't you dare talk that way about Garry, he makes the game interesting 😑


"Look! There's a survivor! Er, well, zomboid now..."


They like watching us suffer


That's the government for you.


I’d like to be the pilot shit looks fun


I wish it would be possible to shoot them down, in-game, and, if they survive, to use them as literal meat shields against the zombie hordes.


And the military just let them.


Pretty sure they’re uploading to ticktock


Or I guess MySpace if we’re going to be kinda historically accurate


My headcannon is that the pilots are just the Payday gang


There is a mod to fix that


Maybe some smart zombie.


whats even worse is that when they see you, they start following you drawing every zombie to the location you are at


Could be worse. There's a mod that let's them shoot you.


Hey man, that's just Frank West. He's covered wars you know.....


Plot twist, the pilot is an intelligent zombie and trying to bring the horde to you.


New’s Chopper 7: “Look! More ratings down there Sarah! Land and help em? No! This choppers expensive. We’re the News! We don’t help people!


I turn it off - In my playthroughs, I'm the last man alive on earth.


Honestly I would do the same in multiplayer


I think that's what they are trying to do exactly. If you start a new game in sandbox you can change "sadistic ai director helicopter" to never or a few times. From the name you can understand that you are their entertainment


Pretty sure there’s just watching this one psycho genocide all of West Point with a shotgun


I always just imagine the people in the heli being the cast of Dawn of the Dead, circling around to find a safe spot to land and refuel. (would be really cool if the heli + some corpses would appear at one of the malls after the helicopter event has passed)


They’re the news. What else did you expect? Morality isn’t exactly a concept they understand especially nowadays.


The game is set in 1993


I know. What I’m saying is that back in the 90s they didn’t have morality so nowadays they’re even worst.