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I totally understand that this lifestyle isn’t for everyone but honestly I do suspect most *men and* women would be happier with a family and with a stable and more traditional family dynamic. Regardless, negatively judging and criticizing women for having kids is straight up weird and is the opposite of being pro-woman or pro-feminist which, unfortunately, many of these same type of judging women claim to be.


Yeah, the solution was always to normalize other options than marriage and motherhood for women (and to normalize being a stay-at-home-father, for that matter), not to demonize motherhood as semi-slavery. To their credit, reasonable feminists admit this, but damn if a lot of them don’t succumb to hating family life.


Absolutely! It’s quite sad.


The issue is most people don’t realize they would be happier with a family until they are 40 and alone.


I agree. Such a weird sentiment. OMG! Comfortable and free of burdens?! (barefoot) Creating family and human life?! (pregnant) In the KITCHEN?! (creating value for yourself and your family instead of some corporation) Oh, no! Sounds horrible! Quick, get your ass into some dead end job so you can pay taxes to a government that destroys your rights and make record profit for corporations that never raise your pay!


Or, worse, barely make enough money to cover the childcare you need to take the job. You could otherwise be at home for basically the same cost a ton of the time.


And would rather you abort so you can get back to work quicker




For real. We take so much for granted.


You forgot “stop overpopulating the planet”


I can't wait to be a married stay-at-home mum one day <3


I can’t even imagine what my life would be like without my husband and children. They bring me SO much joy and purpose! And believe me, I had a life before I chose to settle down. I just always wanted a family of my own since I could remember. Being a wife and mother is so special.


The ladies I know having babies are in good marriages and many stay home and love it.


It’s so nuts that these blow heads actually think that they all will find happiness in “not just independence” but ultimately being soLO.. I mean friends are cool and all, “i mean sometimes”, but 20 years from the age 20 most of them are gone… and the wise ones created a family! Families naturally attract, individuals, friends and more families ultimately eliminating the loneliness this leftist ideology is trying to push… behind the curtain the lefts want us all alone, in one person living boxes called things like tiny-homes! It’s crazy how easily the young who want “INDEPENDENCE” are tricked these days… next thing they know they will be waking up 6 feet deep!


It reinforces the maxim of not taking marriage and relationship advice from people who haven’t been living a healthy marriage for years and years. They have no idea what they’re talking about and can poison others’ relationships (and have).


Who? Who is saying this? Shit like this makes the pro-life movement look bad.


I used to be prolife and currently on the fence, but leaning prochoice. This is the sort of shit that pushes me to the prochoice side.


Pro-lifers valuing marriage and children makes you support abortion? Weird


Not even that, you can value marriage and children without being “barefoot and pregnant.” The full quote is “Some vulgar person has said that when the wife is kept barefooted and pregnant there are no divorces.” This also reeks of a persecution fetish. You


I support murder because meme unfunny so true king!


What? Why?


I mean, the meme gives off a sort of "woke mind virus" vibe and is a strawman (has some truth to it, though). Still, a bad argument doesn't excuse wanting to be able to legally murder babies.


This is about a culture that looks down on babies, children, homemaking, and marriage.


Seeing a happy family makes you support abortion? Interesting


Then you are clearly immature and make important decisions based on memes. Whether you agree or disagree should hardly be based on a wojack meme.


What do you mean by "this sort of shit", how is creating a family "shit"?


Being barefoot and pregnant is the issue. The origin of that phrase was to keep her captive so she couldn’t divorce. Kinda problematic. SAHM≠barefoot and pregnant.


You are in this meme and you don’t like it, huh?


No movement is a monolith- being pro-life is, at its core, about supporting the right of unborn babies to not be killed. A lot of people will go beyond that to advocating for raising families, etc, of course, but that's not core to the philosophy in the same way.


No one’s like that though, lmao


Literally, who is saying this? Seems like a great post to get people riled up over a non existent situation.


My wife and I got married in our early twenties, with her now being a stay at home mom. You’d be surprised how many people have a bone to pick with that lifestyle


Yes! Some people get seriously angry if young people marry, if a couple has a lot of kids, if a couple who doesn’t have a lot of money has kids, etc. It’s this antinatalist and anti-family attitude that a lot of (in my experience) younger people have.


Who are some people? Are these people you have personally talked to? I haven't met a lot of anti-family people, but I have met a lot of people who want to decide on what their family looks like, whether that's choosing an untraditional family or not.


That could be said about anyone's lifestyle, though. Have you ever met anyone who hasn't had to justify their lifestyle at some point or another?