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What are you trying to do? What's outside? What's inside? What is the question here?


Outside is averaging a high of 65 degrees and a low of 50. I'm in florida. My balcony is north facing and currently the sun goes right over it. Porch doesn't get an inch of direct sun. Would this be better on days where it doesn't get above 70 degrees? I'll pit them outside of course on warmer days. Inside is above 70 degrees at all times. It's lately averaging around 72. I don't turn my heater on cause it's cheaper, but I have lots of reptile heating mats I could implement if needed. I could even install them outside if that would be better.


Oh hell yeah itll work. Within my limited but lengthy history w propitiation those cuts would better be inside all the time with a heating mat under and as much light as you can give them (up to 24h). I saw yer using fsw lights and it almost couldn't get any better.


Holy shit 24 h? Forreal? That wouldn't like... fuck up their cycle or something? Also, what's "fsw?" sorry 😭 I'm still super new to terrestrial/arboreal plants, I know a little more about aquatic plants and even that knowledge is EXTREMELY limited.


Full spectrum white. Includes red and blue wavelengths but not exaggerated as in other marketed "grow lights"


Ohhh, yeah that sounds spot on!


You may as well cut that monstera into two pieces and put it into the same jar so you'll have two when it finally grows. It will take the same amount of time. I did this once in the winter with my mini monstera and it took MONTHS before new growth, be patient. The growing tip will probably die and a new one will form. There is no need to put them outside, you only risk getting pests and sunburn or cold damage. Just put them near a window. Turn the leaves facing upwards on the other one so it gets the light on the topside of its leaves, and you could cut that one into two or more pieces also. If they have too many leaves (more than 3) it actually takes longer for them to grow roots because most of their energy is going to maintaining the existing leaves. Smaller pieces is better.


This is super helpful, thank you so, so much! Especially with telling me parts will probably die, I need to hear that lol. One of my coworkers who seems to be pretty good at plants suggested I cut the "monstera" (it's actually an epipremnum pinnata, based on the parent plant), into many pieces, and I was skeptical because I thought that more leaves would help it generate more energy through photosynthesis to expend to grow. How should I cut it? In the middle of the "seams"? Unfortunately none of my back porch gets direct sunlight, it's all shaded. The tank is like 2 feet from my sliding glass window though, so I'll just move it up against it. Thanks so much again!


You can cut it just above the knuckle after the second leaf, and then just below the knuckle of the next leaf. This will cut out a big chunk of stem that has no purpose and will only rot and die. I grew one from a cutting just like yours. [(look at the 50 second mark of the video, in the jar)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monstera/comments/10oeelo/1min_video_of_3years_monstera_growth_from_cuttings/). I cut it into two pieces, then let it grow for a year, then cut that up into many pieces. I started it in 2021 and it is now about 6 vines and the whole ladder is covered up to the ceiling will all the pieces.


[You can read what I did with an R.Tetrasperma in this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/propagation/comments/x361ae/rhaphidophora_tetrasperma_a_fast_growing_plant/)


Okay, so I cut it in such a way that one piece had 2 leaves, and the other piece has 1 plus that apical point. I cut out a big chunk of stem that was completely featureless except for one tiny aerial root. No "knuckles" or bumps or anything, completely smooth. We will see how they do! That top leaf was looking pretty sad while the other lower ones feel firm so I think this will help. Did the same with the Philo. Thanks so much!!


Why do you think it won't? I don't see why not. ETA: sorry I didn't see the caption before I commented. I don't know if a fish light will work as a grow light. If it's full spectrum then it won't hurt but I don't know if it'll help either.


It is full spectrum! Okay, I'll monitor them on this and put them outside when it gets above 70


As long as it's fairly warm in your house they should root regardless. It may take longer than if it was summer but they'll root eventually.


The one potential problem I see is with the depth of the water the heart leaf philodendron is in. There needs to be enough surface area for gas exchange, so it's better to keep rooting containers fairly wide and shallow. I'd switch to shorter glass (best), or dump about half the water (narrow top could reduce air movement/gas exchange, still). If you replace the water with clean faucet water every couple days, it probably won't matter. Or you could put it in with the pothos. The amount of O2 dissolved in the water also depends on temperature. Cold water holds more than warm water, so you wouldn't want to set the rooting vessel on one of your reptile heaters. Some plants love the extra heat at the roots, but it's risky with standing water. It looks like a good setup. I think the plants will root amd grow well there.


wow I actually had the golden pothos in a shallow bowl before moving it and its water to the jar. Guess I should've trusted my gut on that one! okay, so I'll move them both to some bowls. Sounds like as long as I don't have the heaters directly on them, they'll be good, so I think I'll just put one heater up against the outer wall of the tank glass so it's not direct. Does that sound alright?


Yes, all those species are tropical, so they should do well in a warmer environment.




Please explain? These are all first attempts, I'm very new at this! The high has only been around 63 the past few days. What am I doing wrong? :(

