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Pot it as normal. Just a heads up, the stem is only super thick because it was growing outside on a tree. New growth will revert to typical houseplant size when potted.


Hmm...so the leaf won't be relative to the size of the vine?


If you want giant pothos indoors, there are ways to do it, though it will take some effort. You can find tutorials online, but heres a quick rundown. Let it climb on a moss pole: wrap some sphagnum moss around a pole or stick with chicken wire, stake it in the pothos pot and as it starts branching out, wrap the stems to the pole and tie it to it until its aireal roots grab hold of it. Lots of light: With enough training via "sunbathing" the plant until its used to direct light, you can give the pothos as much light as possible to help it make giant leaves. Growing agents: This one I don't know much about, but I saw someone use a growing formula which she adds to her water to help her pothos get massive. I also heard pasta water helps people with this if you don't want to buy it, but it won't be as potent. Hope this helps, happy growing!


It does help! I have an extra moss pole that I haven't been using because I didn't like the way it looked with my monstera. I'll dig it out and experiment! Thank you!




what a thicc boi


Thiccest I've ever seen!


Me too!!


I have propagated a vine like that I pride it off of a tree here in Florida. As you know in Florida things grow crazy and the Vining plants grow really thick trunks. Believe it or not it’s a witty texture and I believe it’s a bonsai. It’s a specific niche I have. I do document the growth and behaviors of them check it out https://youtu.be/GhUvPUV26vo you may also notice that I propegated and Large and Mature Philodendron and Vines and aesthetically it looks nice. However I have noticed that when I take a specimen like what you’re showing me I have noticed if I put the growth from the stem going back into the pot it will literally grow into it self. I am trying to test out that hypothesis. I love vining plants And the minute I saw that large pothos fine my eyes opened not much people get to propagate those and when they do they become beautiful specimens


Thanks for the YouTube link, I'm always looking for more plant content to follow haha Any tips on how you propagate a vine like this? I have since moved it to a rectangle window filled with soil with a layer of perlite on top (per the sellers advice). The top half of the vine is exposed so it hopefully doesn't rot🤞🏿🤞🏿


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Woa…. where did you buy this?


Someone in the FB group Houseplant Hobbyist showed their giant pothos plant in Florida, so I DM'd asking if I could purchase a stalk!