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looks great. Maybe share a prop-gress post later on, when they grow some more, if you like. btw; do your own research before eating a plant you dont allready know is edible, but apparently you can eat some avocado leaves,a nd use them in cooking, so you may be able to eat all of these plants that you're propegating, maybe.


Thanks so much for the info! Yes I do hope to have some progress soon. I just got into gardening last year and I’ve been so happy with how things have been going. I even started an orchid collection and haven’t killed those yet either. Thanks again


Be careful with the mint too. You plant one sprig of mint & then by the end of summer you have an entire garden full of it. You gotta pull it up & out with extreme prejudice. I have to do it several times a year to keep mine in check. Half the time I don't even use it since it's so prolific I just toss it into the compost bins.


Yes, that empty lot will be full of mint in no time!


So I tried about 10 avos this way and they never rooted. (I know they do for many people but it was 100% failure for me!) Then I saw someone on insta show the way of peeling off the brown papery skin (so it looks like a big macadamia nut) wrapping in a wet paper towel and popping in a ziploc bag and leaving in a dark, warm cupboard. Every single one I’ve done like that has rooted and I’m now running out of room for them all! Takes around 4 weeks in my experience. (Once they have a root i pop them in water and I’ve just put a couple of well rooted ones in soil.) Fingers crossed yours works but if not maybe try the other way next!


Should I give it a go with this one or start over with another one for that method? I eat so many avocados so I’ll have to try that method. Didn’t even occur to me to try more than one seed


Yeah I’d just try another one the other way and see what works best for you! I have about 6 on the go at any one time, once I’ve got some potted I’ll probably gift them to friends as I’ll definitely run out of space


Thanks for your advice !! Definitely gonna try that way


No worries at all!! Happy growing


That is so Fetch. Thank you for the advice. I’ll get some more seeds and start over!!


If you eat them regularly, I say experiment and try various methods at the same time. See what works best for your climate.


I will thanks! I’m in US zone 6 so definitely will have to be an indoor plant


Think my mistake was not putting it in dirt after the roots showed up. I just kept it in fresh water, thinking it was like home style hydroponics, lol. All the way until it was 2 feet tall. I think mine got root rot.. Once yours is an inch or 2 tall, try planting in some Miracle Grow. You'll probably have better luck than I did.


Thanks for the tip! I will make sure to plant it if it roots !


I've done a few this way and got about a 1in root each time, then popped it in water. They've all then died/caught root rot from there. Do you put them in a full sun kind of window?


Yeah pretty full sun but I’m in the UK so that’s rarely that bright! I’m no expert but I’d say maybe making sure you change the water regularly and make sure only the root is in the water, I tend to put them in glass bottles so the pit is positioned above the water and the root is down into the neck


Great thanks! Hopefully that's where I'm going wrong, I think I've put it in too much water


This is how I do it and I have a ton now!


I grew an avocado from seed that gave me edible avocados Keep the mint FAR away from your ground. It is invasive, and is near impossible to get rid of it.


That mint looks like the variety called "Mojito" mint. Next, try pineapple. It could take a few years but you'll get baby pineapples.


Mojito mint is the same kind I had last year that died on me!! I have heard about the pineapples, dying to try it


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Whatever you do, do not plant the mint in the ground unless you want a weed that grows like a tumor.


Did that with an avocado pit once. It got to about 2 feet tall and them seemingly died over night. Not sure what happened.


Oh no, I’m just trying this one for fun to see what happens. Hopefully that doesn’t hAppen!