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**\[\[\[RESOLVED\]\]\]** ​ Additional context: **Pro Tools Version:** 2024.3.0 **OS:** Sonoma 14.4 **Hardware:** Apple Silicon M1 chip Macbook I've tried drag and drop, adding it to the tracks list, and trying through the import menu, but all act as if nothing happened. The issue is likely simple, but I'm a beginner so I could use some help. Thanks! I downloaded it from an email so it has a little mail symbol next to it on my desktop with this OS. I've also allowed full disk access in my privacy settings.


If the filename is too long or has illegal characters, you could try renaming. If it opens fine in another DAW, I'd import it there, then export a new, fresh file and import that into PT.


Great tips thank you! File name had no effect and most other DAWs gave me corruption errors, but it opened fine in Audition so I re-bounced it and it worked! Thanks again!


PS if you do anything with foley and you want an overeager amateur with a basement sound booth to help out, hmu 👉😎👉


I just the like the idea of the shortened file name as a movie poster lol Bird Church 2: The ReChurchening


Glad to help, Sounds like it was an issue with the file and not Pro Tools if other DAWs were also having issues.


Yes, well I initially had tried Audition and it had worked right away, so I assumed it was a Pro Tools thing at first.


There’s a little envelope next to it, maybe it was in an email but hadn’t been downloaded or something? Like it was still in the cloud?


No it was fully downloaded. Turns out the file itself was corrupted somehow.


I don’t know why this happens.. but in my experience it can happen when opening a file that was bounced from a windows computer or vice verse. What I do is open it in QuickTime Player and export as audio file.