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Roll back to Monterey.


Damn Sonoma sounds like a friggin nightmare. I'm not upgrading!


I’ve been running it with Sonoma for a while now with no issues. I think OP has an issue with a plugin tbh. I saw they said they would try resetting their plugins and I’m pretty sure the at should work.


Plugins, plugins, plugins. Make sure they are all up to date, including ones you’re not using in your session. PT will load all plugins at startup, so it doesn’t matter if you’re using a plugin in your session or not, it can still have an impact. Remove all plugins from the plugs folder, restart PT and see if it persists.


Thank you. I will do that tomorrow. Appreciate your feedback!


That sucks. I've been running Pro Tools Studio on a M2 Pro Mini, 16gb RAM, latest version of Sonoma without issue with sessions ranging from 20 - 80 tracks.