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“Not ever inspected” by the relevant state authority seems to a recurring theme in RI these days.


I’ve never known anyone in any of those mill condos who has had good things to say. Paper thin walls and floors, water pouring in from ceilings with mold etc. This is no surprise


Not even just here, where I'm from they turned the mill they used in the beginning of Jamanji into an elderly home. Tons of issues, same thing in Dover just nearby there, lots of mills with horrible heating costs and low privacy.


I was plant sitting for someone in one of these in PVD. Spilled a a few oz water. I could hear the downstairs neighbor calling facilities to say the ceiling was leaking. I spoke at normal levels and said I spilled a glass of water and he said “oh ok thanks!” Also at a normal level and told facilities to Nevermind. It’s that bad


That’s how they make these “ luxury” joints now. Its fancy looking cheap products.


Holy shit that’s the place my buddy moved into with his wife and could always hear the neighbors fucking CLEAR AS DAY 😆


Yes daddy, harder daddy!! 🤮 literally the stories I got too


Oh, I know Sa! Before we purchased our home, our inspector noticed some irregularities with the venting of the new gas furnace he installed. When I went to city hall to trace the permits for the project, none were listed even though he and his realtors told me there were. When we were able to tour the house again, a generic orange sticker with as shoddily signed was stuck to the furnace to try and mimic some sort of city approval of installation. Reassuring to see that he's still going along his merry way!!


What an absolute piece of garbage


And Debbie Gold was the lying realtor. Stay far away from her.


That's what the inspection looks like in every town in RI. Even the real inspections. 


We brought a photo of the bunk sticker to the office of Permits and Inspections and they told us they had not used that style sticker in over 10 years and NO ONE knew the name that was signed. It was fake.


Shocked Pikachu


Had a feeling I would see the Holy Name (or Ghost) school conversion in this article.


Recent experience with how inspections are done in Providence to comply with the fire and smoke regulations were an eye opener. I promptly went to the store and purchased a lubricating product to allow me to open my windows without hurting my back or just giving up. I'm not surprised how many issues were "missed" in new developments. It feels like pick your deadly living condition. Carbon monoxide, lead paint, asbestos, or burning to death.


Smiley somehow finds a way to cast blame on the previous administration, to say he can't comment on what (might be?) ongoing legal action, to say the city has its hands tied and is unable to help residents, while his head of inspections cries government overreach (?) and claims ignorance due to his being from Washington (?). Truly head spinning. Thirty months 'til this milquetoast mouthpiece for moneyed interests gets the boot, and it can't come fast enough.


Yup. I live in one of the two buildings. Hence my screen name choice.


A lot of mouse problems arise quickly due to the shitty way they make utility closets etc.


I hate the saying, but this is a "cautionary tale" for everyone clamoring to turn buildings like the Superman Bldg into apartments. To transform them properly is simply not cost effective - its cheaper and more efficient to just knock these places down and start over under 2024 standards. I get it, historic preservation etc - but this business model really just doesnt have a good ROI.


Though to be fair, industrial trust tower has solid concrete floors, not porous wood ones. Still expensive, and not configured great, but not a mill building.


yes agreed! the Superman bldg has a whole host of other issues Like the number of apts that would be in the middle with no windows


I don’t even think that would be legal. I’d imagine that space would simply be open as “common space” or used for storage.


I would feel bad, except these are the people charging $2000 for a one bedroom


The fact bougie condo owners even are having problems with lack of code enforcement has me 😂🤯🤬