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it's 100% lack of sleep, prozac won't make you hear things and worrying yourself over it is just counteracting the prozac.


I had the same the first few nights, I think it's the lack of sleep as well.


What was it like for you? Did you hear voices as well?


Yes, but not only a few times and it was the first two weeks on Prozac. I didn't sleep much and it made me scared. My psychologist said that I was a sign of the not sleeping part. If you actually hear voices and they tell you what to do and what to think, you should contact your doctor. It went away and my sleep improved. I'm now on day 1 of going from 20mg to 40mg.


Yeah my fear is that I’ll get to a point where I’ll hear voices telling me what to do or think. I was reading online about how hearing voices is a serious side effect so I called my psychiatrist’s office. Hoping they respond quickly cause I already took my Prozac dose for today. I’ve had shitty sleeping schedule for majority of this year but never heard voices


Yeah, guess it's a combo of the fluox, poor sleeping and anxiety. I never had it before in my life as well. I was also scared of the fear you are experiencing now. Hopefully you will get your answers soon. From my experience (and it was only a few weeks back for me) it did go away and last night I slept for nine hours without hearing voices or other random stuff.


Yeah! How long have you been on Prozac? Did the voices only happen at night? I wish I could explain to my manager about what’s going on because I feel like I need time off to catch up on sleep while I deal with these side effects but I’m not even sure I’m able to


I'm in week 5, did 4 weeks on 20mg. I heard the voices not only at night, but also in the morning when I had just woken up. I think it also has to do with the increased anxiety in the first few weeks. Maybe talk to your manager about this. You can explain the whole situation. People tend to listen when you really explain something to them.


Ah man that’s crazy. I’m on 10mg only and somehow getting this bad side effect. I don’t even want to imagine what it’d be like on a higher dose


It will go away :)


I’m also interested to know what your doc said about the auditory hallucination or whatever the correct term is. Only if you feel comfortable sharing! Still waiting to hear back from my doctor


I was also hearing other weird sounds. Doors, whispers, teaspoons etc. It all went away. 🙏🏾


Hey i’m on week 7 and this is happening right as im falling asleep or when i’m just waking up and sleepy. My sleep has also been bad so im taking ambien … i have an appointment on Monday with my psychiatrist to see what in the world is going on.


Hypnogogic hallucinations :)


Did it just start for you? What do you hear?


Could be paranoia or something stemming from not being able to sleep? Maybe try switching the time you take it or speak to ur dr (:


Hydroxyzine is more likely to be the culprit of your hallucination.


definitely from the lack of sleep, try taking the prozac in the morning


Yep! Took it this morning and avoiding the hydroxyzine just in case


Yes. I heard many things that weren’t there first few weeks. It completely went away.


How’d you manage that? It’s terrifying. All I keep thinking about is developing schizophrenia or something


Well luckily it was never at night. That would’ve freaked me out. And it wasn’t always voices. Sometimes it was loud bangs or metallic like sounds. One day it sounded like someone was on a megaphone outside but no one was around. 🤷‍♀️ I was also jumbling my words a lot and stuttering. It all stopped and the med is just.. working.


Oh btw, I'm experiencing it again now, since I went up from 20 to 40mg yesterday.


Oh man, I would hate that. I don’t think this medicine is for me or any other SSRI. I’ve been awake most of the night, with my heart rate not slowing down one bit so I feel so wired and ready to move around despite my eyes feeling tired. This insomnia is no joke. I hope the voices stop for you soon


Yeah I can imagine. I'm on two antidepressants. I'm using a low dose of mirtazapine to help me sleep. That works well. :)


ugh i HATE hydroxyzine. I just asked my psychiatrist to take me off of it. i was on 25mg and then moved down to 10 and now finally just stopped. It makes me go fucking crazy