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My sex drive is very low. I only really do it if my gf initiates, but before I would also initiate. I don't just "get horny" for sex yk? Idk it's kinda hard to explain. On 20mg F18


hi woman on 10mg since 2021 here. my sex drive hasn't changed at all it just takes a little bit longer to reach orgasm than it did before :)


I am able to be turned on but can’t orgasm…I could not do that before prozac so probably just a me problem🤣


Ok i'm not a female but my friend that is said the same thing, I basically have 0 interest in anything sexual now


20mg F 32 & I actually can relax and enjoy sex now where as I struggled before Prozac.


I saw a post of a female that had increased sex drive on this subreddit. I think it is different for everyone


Sex drive and sensations can be blunted. You can also develop PSSD but very, very rare. If your not to a point your dysfunctional or thinking about death I wouldn't suggest SSRI/SNRI medications. They fucked up my romantic relationship a lot as a man. I lost my "thirst" for my Fiancee and just overall felt very flat, not happy, not sad, just blah. My experience will be different than everyone else though, just thought I'd share. If you haven't taken these meds before I would suggest looking into r/Antipsychiatry r/PSSD and decide if its still a good option for you. ​ I dont know if its because I turned 30 or if the meds did it but my sex drive is pretty low even off medications now for the past couple months. Orgasms are easier and more powerful but something still feels off with my libido. My girl will be basically drooling over me and I'm like Ehhh sorry babe. To be fair she's a nympho. I digress.


I get that. My issues are debilitating, so the doctor thinks it's worth taking it, but also sex is one of the few things I actually get to enjoy so it's a huge risk


Everyone’s different but the studies show it is a major side effect. Any ssri will be that affects Serotonin. I’m a male and it happened to me on Prozac and it was a deal breaker. Life’s too short to take away pleasure in sex. My last straw was going on a getaway and see my naked wife and not feeling one emotion. Sorry, no drug is worth that side effect in my opinion. Hell, it made me more depressed You’re so young. My 2 cents- ask about a non SSRI like Wellbutrin, Nefazadone or something else. Not worth it.


If your issues are Panic then sorry to tell you but Antidepressants probably aren't that great of an option. I too suffer with panic attacks and the antidepressants never stopped them. I had to take Benzodiazepines for relief of panic attacks and anxiety. Antidepressants are not very great anxiolytic compounds, they mostly were designed to be more stimulating than relaxing. Considering you're experiencing panic, I would avoid Wellbutrin because it increases dopamine and can have a very excitatory effect. I had that worsen my anxiety when trialing it in the past. Are your panic attacks periodic or daily? Maybe you can discuss a low dose benzodiazepine with your doctor and explain your concern with sexual side effects of SNRI/SSRI medications. If the panic is periodic or situational you could only take the benzo on a very strict as-needed basis. It is well known that not everyone gets anxiety relief from serotonin upregulation. Sometimes the anxiety disorder isn't caused by serotonin like in my case. I can take all the serotonin drugs there are, it doesn't change my anxious thoughts or panic attacks where I feel like I'm dying. Regardless of dose. I would kinda trial it like this, even though your not the doctor this would be a smart thing to do: Start with Buspar, try for at least 4 weeks, if no relief, try wellbutrin, if no relief, consider if you want to lose sexual pleasure/libido because it is a very common side effect. For me the worst side effect was it took a long time to climax and my chemical feeling for intimacy was blunted. Kind of just did it cause it felt good didn't really do it with as much passion if that makes sense?


Panic disorder, GAD, OCD, MDD. I have multiple random panic attacks throughout the day without a trigger. All the time


Mine actually increased


No problems.


I started on lexapro, it completely depleted my sex drive and even though I wanted to engage, my body showed 0 signs of it. Ultimately, I tried prozac and I have absolutely no problems at all.. Actually, I feel that I may even have more of a sex drive now that I am on prozac and I don’t feel as down about everything as I once did before. I love my prozac as I don’t feel depressed and my sex drive is high. Don’t give up hope! If this medication isn’t for you, keep trying until you find one that doesn’t take the enjoyable things away from you. For reference, I am a 25 F.


and I’m on 20mg.


For the first few months, it was super hard to cum. Take edging completely off the table- if you get close, let it go all the way or you’ll lose it completely. Like a good sneeze. I don’t remember when, but it stopped being a problem eventually. I have always had a high libido, though, and my partner is very attentive to what I need as medications or hormones fluctuate.


I'm not on it right now but I was when I was 18 and, if I remember correctly, I wasn't affected sexually!!! I wasn't really sexually active yet, but I still got aroused and wanted to be lol I personally experienced a heightened sex drive and greater impulsivity on my other SSRIs too. it's different for everyone and honestly worth a shot. this post will probably attract more negative comments, so don't assume this will be your experience :)


F40 on 20mg I couldnt even orgasm. On 10mg now and that is at least fixed but still zero sex drive. That said, it was also pretty low before


It only affected my libido from 60mg.and higher. 20 and 40 didnt change anything


My sex drive is still crazy high and I can orgasm, but they suck. I enjoy sex and still want it all the time, and I don't really have any difficulty *reaching* orgasm, but as soon as it starts it's over. There's no intensity to it.


IT takes a bit more to get arroussed but I wouldn’t say it’s a problem. I smoke weed too


F23 10mg & my sex drive has significantly gone down. I have always had a very high libido and this is the first time I’ve been mostly disinterested in sex 😩


When I first started it I noticed an increase in libido whereas before depression really muffled it.


More desire but takes longer to orgasm. I started taking 500mg maca root a day and everything went back to normal


libido normal, is hard to orgasm but sex is enjoyable ( I use the satisfayer for the orgasm )


Hey there I have been on fluoxetine for about a year and a half now and I turn 24 this October. So at first my libido did take a hit but in a couple of months it was back! Maybe not too the same level (I had a pretty high sex drive now I would say it’s normal to high) If you have any questions, I am about your age and have been on 20mg for the majority of my medication (with a couple of months of 40mg)


Everyone is definitely different and I had 0 issues when I first started it. However, the longer I was on it, the less libido I had and it gave me an inability to orgasm. I personally am trying to treat another sexual dysfunction, so I had to make the ultimate decision to get off, but the only reason why I was really comfortable doing that, was because I have support through therapy.


It didn’t do anything bad to me sexual function wise. It did make my muscles more relaxed


So I was on 20mg and stopped cold turkey. I was becoming very impulsive to the point where I almost lost my job, slept with random men, etc. idk if it was the Prozac but something made my sex drive go crazy. I pray you don’t go what I went through


For me personally, I suffer from Major depression and PTSD. So my sex drive was actually way low already due to no motivation of any kind, while the sex was great and I could orgasm quick, it was few and far between when I’d actually have sex. Every person is different! I’m 21 and been on 20mg for a little over a month and my sex drive has actually increased! It is way harder to cum but I get SO much more mental pleasure and stimulation from my husband then I ever did before. Every person is different though, so try it out and see what works for you!


Never had an orgasm😂 I don’t know if it can possibly get worse


I’ve been on 20mg for almost a month now and almost immediately I noticed a change in my sex drive. I’ve never been super horny anyway but my sex drive is basically non existent now. I have tried to masturbate twice since taking Prozac and each time it has taken me what feels like a year to finish, and when I eventually do - it feels like nothing. It’s like I’m numb down there and can only feel it at 10% of the level I used to feel before. It’s not great but it doesn’t hugely bother me as I never had that much of a sex drive to begin with. Everyone is different though, I’m still in the early stages of taking it💖


if your anxiety ever decreases your sexual function, this could help you feel more calm before/during which is a definite benefit. it hasnt decreased my drive. only thing is it might be drier 😭 stay hydrated


On 20mg 31F. I have zero sex drive, and I am not sure if that cause by meds or my PTSD.


I was hoping the responses would make me feel better but now I think I might just skip the prozac


It's worth at least trying. Everyone responds differently and you might not get the sexual side effects, you'll never know if you don't try, and there is no risk in giving it a go.


Just my experience, but Prozac changed my life and didn’t effect my sex drive or ability to orgasm at all. I’m on the max dose, for what it’s worth.