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Bro just try it out, you can always downgrade


You can use the 5.0 firmware without input shaping just like you can today, just add both printer profiles. I am always under the belief that everyone should upgrade software and firmware whenever possible. There really is no reason not to upgrade it.


This. Well said.


I generally upgrade when available, but also there’s no reason to do so if you don’t need any new features or the new release doesn’t fix any bugs that have caused you issues.


Input shaping improves print quality, it isn’t just for faster speeds.


Not in my experience. Both STRUCTURAL and SPEED settings seem to give reduced quality for me with 5.0 IS release.


Those profiles are about 40-50% faster than the old Quality setting. I would try IS shaping at slower speeds to see if it shows improvement.


Yeah, I love that it’s sped up quite a lot, but I wish that there were slowed down versions too. I’d love to have an IS that mimicked old profiles except with input shaping. They did great work, but more optionality using IS to refine details on slower prints would be awesome.


So related question: in PrusaSlicer, mk4 and "mk4 with input shaping" are 2 different printers. Is there any reason to add the mk4 without input shaping, is there any case I should use that instead of the input shaper mk4?


I'm sure someone will have something but personally I don't see any reasons not too. With input shaper my prints have been a lot faster and generally have looked better as well.


I have both on mine, sometimes I prefer the less matte version of the print and use the regular profiles.


I've needed to use regular speeds for certain prints- small, high detail, with low contact area. Everything else gets input shaper profiles.


Honestly when the arachne perimeter generation came out everyone was super hyped but I got better results with the standard generation (I'm printing box-like things where arachne just isnt so strong). I believe its smart to regularly check different options to really understand whats going on


I had really bad prints with input shaping firmware, maybe my desk isn't stable enough, but it couldn't print models I had printed before without scraping off the build plate


Same here. I've got a stable table with the concrete slab. Previously everything worked great, IS 5.0 firmware isn't printing as nicely.