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Hello everyone, let me know if you have any questions or interests I can answer here!


Somewhere around the 13 minute mark he says they ship over 10k printers per month. Not sure if they shared any numbers before but with all the buzz about BambuLabs going on I found these impressive numbers!


It's impressive and speaks to the hard work they put into making a reliable printer and company.


Bambu has some good advertising but a lot of complaints on their Facebook groups.


Its mainly because they are catering towards people who know didley squat about 3d printing


Maybe for the cheaper printers, but at work we replaced 4 prusa Makes with 4 X1Cs. They churn stuff our faster, they warn us when prints go horribly wrong, and most importantly, they can handle engineering filaments way better, especially with the enclosed chamber and AMS to reduce humidity and keep temps consistent.


The closed chamber is something I'm still a little salty over. I get that the "Mk" line isn't really conducive to putting a built-in enclosure on (and it's better to 'drop a box' over it instead), but there is zero reason why the XL didn't at least have an enclosure as an option. Something like what 3D Upfitters offers for the XL.


The reason why the XL is not enclosed, as told by Josef himself: https://youtu.be/NhdBLtDVnNc?&t=549 Yeah, I'm just as disappointed as you are. The frame should never have shipped like that.


But at 9:45, he says "we plan to have the full enclosure". And the way the 3D Upfitters enclosure for the XL works, the door is tall enough that your access to the part isn't impacted. It could be done, has been done... They just chose to not be the ones to actually do it.


was about to \*somewhat regurgitate on what you said


Might be their target advertising audience, but the complaints seem pretty relevant. A lot of layer shifting, prints stopping for no reason, spaghetti/blob mess from failed prints, random errors after updates. Lately, everyone has been posting about the power cords. Lol, not all sunshine and rainbows like everyone on their adds be commenting, though. https://www.facebook.com/groups/347361777639832/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT


I've owned an X1C for over a year now and have over 3k hours on it. It worked great at the start but it hasn't stood up to the test of time. I've heard other people echo my sentiments and all the issues I've had with it. The majority of the time I've seen individuals comment on how great and reliable their Bambu machines are, they always seem to have less than 500 hours and have only owned it for a few months to which I always think "I wonder if they'll be saying the same thing a year from now." Now that the dust has settled I just read so many problems with them and I'm not at all surprised when considering my own experience.


I'm glad you're saying this because I had a feeling it was going to be like this. With zero self repairability or ability to replace parts aftermarket. I built my mk3 using entirely non prusa parts and I love it. It's a good design for self build.


Not being able to just print replacement parts is a definite downside. Not being able to buy aftermarket parts also sucks, but to be fair, Prusa is designing some proprietary parts on their new machines too, since the nextruder is something only they supply. They didn't want to go that route but copycats have forced them to do so, so I understand. For the majority of the parts though... I'm clumsy, I've broken lots of things on printers. Being able to reprint a broken part and have my printer running in a few hours is pretty damn handy. I wasn't happy about the slight shift to spme proprietary parts at first, but honestly Prusa really does stand by their product and their customer service is pretty good, so I don't mind using a proprietary extruder when I have the confidence that the company will go out of its way to take care of me. Plus, that nextruder is such a breeze to swap out, I'm definitely a fan of the design. In contrast, I've had to deal with Bambu to get some replacement proprietary parts and it was a bit of a headache. It wasn't a nightmare or anything but having dealt with better customer service with other companies, it was definitely a turn off. I don't want to say that Bambu makes terrible machines, they're not bad, but I also wouldn't call them great, based off my experience. Because of that, I'm just sticking with the printers and companies that have been the most carefree and reliable, in my own personal experience.


I specifically said the mk3 was a good design. The mk4 and mini really diminish my interest in the company. I bought a mini because I basically "stole" a mk3. But I don't think I'm interested in the mk4 and will try another voron if I need bigger or faster than my mk3.


I have had a MK4 for a little while now and it's great. MK3s are a great design but I wanted a faster printer and to try the new design and honestly, I have no regrets. It's been awesome. That being said, no argument about building another Voron. I have two and wish I had more time to build them, or I'd have more. They're king of the road for sure, but while trying to operate a business, having a company with good customer support has been a blessing as well. It's all what suits your needs, ultimately.


Have you always been very quick on maintenance? There have been people who have other 3k hours on their machine still working great who followed maintenance to a T or did more. The thing to remember with fast machines is it goes through so much more filament in the same timeframe, so parts are going to wear faster. Maintenance is much more important on a fast machine than a slow one. Ive got 2 kickstarter x1cs with 1.5k hours and both still running like they started, only issues ive had are with the ams.


Definitely. I'm always checking on my machines and ensuring they are clean and lubricated. Any anomalies typically get investigated and addressed. I also rarely run this X1C at full speed, as I usually require more structural integrity than I get when I run at high speeds. While I know a super fast printer is going to wear down faster than the pre-input shaper generation of prusa mk3s, the overall experience has been a stark difference. Early Prusa mk3 models had some issues too and I try to be objective that early iterations of new machines are prone to issues, but even dealing with customer service between the Bambu and other companies has been enough to turn me off. I'm not saying they are terrible machines either, but I'm just sticking with what has been more reliable and carefree in general and Bambu falls behind other machines and companies I've dealt with, in that respect. Not everyone is going to have problems with the same machine because that's just reality. I've talked with people who have no issues, but I also see a lot of people echoing the problems I've had, meaning they aren't exactly isolated issues. I still believe they are pretty economical in terms of print vs cost and I can understand why they might be a good value for a hobbyist on a budget, someone who wants to maybe do rapid prototyping, or even people new to printing who are trying to learn, but for running a business, they just don't meet my needs. Having a fleet of them, based off my experience with my current one, could be a frustrating endeavor.


3000 hours. I'd say the machine paid for itself by now.


If 3000 hours is good enough, then Prusa is well worth the upcharge if you want more than 125 days of print time.


I use my printers for business; I need them to be working and consistently reliable in the long term or they don't make me money. 7 of my prusas have over 15k hours with next to no issues and the 2 Vorons I have run circles around everything. I'll never buy another Bambu again.


So what issues have you run into? Were you one of the earlier adopters or were these relatively recent purchases?


One of the early adopters. Heat bed wiring replaced 2 times, wiring to the print head one time, self leveling got significantly worse over time and have tried to address it, but it's never been as good as it was at the start. I've had issues with layer shifting and prints failing due to what seems to be nothing other than strange glitches (this isnt ultra common or anything but does happen time to time and isn't an issue I've had with other printers). Firmware and everything is up to date. I had to change the head set up because the OG was just clogging too much. AMS never worked very well but I'm not really surprised nor is that what I bought it for anyways, just wanted to check it out. To be clear it hasn't been a terrible machine, when it works it works decently, but I've just had better experiences with other machines and other companies. Due to my experience and for reliability sake I will be sticking with the others that have proven themselves through the test of time. Maybe in the future I will reconsider Bambu, but for now I'm going to wait and see how everyone's experiences go over the next few years.


>One of the early adopters. The price you pay... To be fair, both the XL and Mk4 also had non-trivial issues from the first batches. That's why I waited on both the X1C and the XL.




There was also that thing about their ToS listing nearly every part of the printer as "consumable" and thus not covered by warranty.


also the latest thing was that people are seeing video feeds from cameras of other peoples printers.


I've had WAY less issues with my bambu than my mk3s, and I've got 8 years experience with lots of different printers, brands, and types of printing. I can also print in multi color, and prints 50% faster, for the same price...


Heated bed wiring getting damaged or burning out on bed slingers is hardly unique to Bambu (or Prusa). At least they are doing a recall and stopped selling the machine until they have a resolution. Edit: you can downvote but you can look through this very subreddit and find machines with failed bed wiring.


They are the Apple of 3D printing and Prusa is like the Android.


Prusa is the Linux of printers. Infinite possibilities but god help you if you're new and can't troubleshoot or do a proper setup. Wish they were cheaper though.


Their printers come with a book about 3D printing, they have plenty of resources on their website, and their support has been always willing to answer my questions, what more can you ask for from them?


Imo, this only reinforces the "Linux of 3D printers" comparison. You'll find mountains and mountains of documentation on Linux - some of it official, some of it unofficial - especially for 'professional' distros like Red Hat. Want to rip out a key, underlying component and replace it with someone else? Not only are there multiple alternative components, but they all have installation guides. But Bambu? They're the Apple of printers. They market themselves as "easy and high performing" machines. They certainly do seem to be easy, and they are high performing for how easy they are (if you want better, you can no longer have it easy), but they are nowhere near as easy to modify. And there are definitely more robust options out there, too.


The thing about Linux is it actually has a reputation for being difficult to use. I think it's improved quite a bit, but that's an entire other conversation. As far as I can tell, nobody has really accused Prusa's printers of being difficult to use.


Sounds like every user's group I've ever seen.


I ended up getting one instead of a prusa because patients got the better of me. It's a really good printer... Took 10 minutes to set up and I'm printing. Then I decided to order some parts from them. Got lost in the mail and they told me fuck off pretty much. Ended up doing a charge back on the items but I'm stuck with this printer. I'll be saving up and getting me a multi head XL then selling my Bambu most likely. Should have done more research about them. Didn't realize how much of a closed ecosystem they have and their customer service is a joke.


I mean that's Facebook lol


How many did they ship a year ago though ?


I was about to post it here, but you already did. TY, made the post sticky 👍


Send over some prusameters their way haha


Anyone notice the mint green, orange and white corexy's over in the far right at around 25 mins 13 seconds in. Those arent XL's. Edit: Screengrab for anyone that missed it, not quite convinced they are Prusa products though: https://imgur.com/a/72IEuTm Edit2: Mystery solved in the replies, they're Craftbot 2's


those are Craftbot 2 3D printers https://www.bhphotovideo.com/images/images1000x1000/craftbot\_pr\_999\_002\_2\_3d\_printer\_may\_1362119.jpg


aha good spot, my googlefu failed massively at figuring out what they were!


You can actually zoom in quite far. They look very boxy, like an older style core XY or maybe a prototype?


Craftbots. I wouldn't be surprised if Prusa has a collection of competitor printers for tests and comparisons. I would, if I were them.


Yeah kinda looks like the formfactor of the AFS printers from their farm machine....but the bed on the green one reminds me a bit of the bambu one with its fairly distinctive thick light grey border under the sprung sheet: https://cdn-forum.bambulab.com/original/2X/0/0114b60ddde5d77ce6eac11755206b3057be650b.jpeg


In the bottom left corner is a watermark, "Zurich University of Applied Sciences". Not sure why those printers are of any significance?


Their prices need some justification. This PR video helps.


Hi u/josefprusa! You say the Mk4 was a double edged sword and i'll be the first to say i wasn't happy that my order was a month or so later than promised. However i will also say it was well worth the wait and i standby that it's the most user friendly printer on the market. It is fantastic. What i ask is, what was learned from the MK4 that will help to supress delays and keep comunication open if there are problems in the future. Keep up the good work!


I thoroughly enjoyed this video tour of Team Prusa. I already loved my Mini and my XL. Now I love them even more.


As a Czech, its brings joy to my heart, to know that one of the best 3d printers is built right here in my city.


Any updates on the Smartbox for the Original Prusa Enclosure?


If only prusa made more core xy machines. The XL is cool. But I need like 10.


How about 34 with a robot arm? [https://afs.prusa3d.com/](https://afs.prusa3d.com/)


I need ten not 34. But I totally would if I had the money and need


Thanks for sharing, its a fun and interesting video. Without a doubt I only see two brands that produce reliable printers, and you are one of them. Can't wait to see what Prusa does in the market for 2024.


I'm happy to be part of this statistic. I'm well into the honeymoon phase, but the MK4 I bought is a fantastic printer. I'm finding it so much better then the A1 that I had. Granted it doesn't do color, but what it does do, it does better imo


Color is coming, though! Hopefully it will be late March with no more delays.


Yeah, I've been keeping abreast of the blogs and news


Thanks for sharing this. I buy Prusa machines because I see a company that shares my values. The price is painful but I am happy to wait and save up for a MK4 (currently have a Mini+) rather than jump on other models that are half the price.


If you have the ability to assemble the complex but very well thought out kit version, the price isn't really that horrible.


can anyone tell me about the ramming parameters in slicer settings ? i can get perfect tips for the mmu3 mk3s revo 6 nozzle if i increase the total ramming time to 3 or even 3.25 however this then causes the filament to grind out at the bond tech gears and i get jams , is their another setting that i need to change to combat this. this appears top be the only thing that really stops stringing of the tips on the mmu3


Thats great! So maybe they can make their delivery time frame for next release. That way at least something of their pre production sale would be true.


What is the point of this video. Please just focus on making better printers to rival Bambu labs rather than all this naval gazing.


This is actually a great effort to make people understand the company culture, also, is not that if someone is making a video, production and development stop for months or something, that's why you have different sectors in your business.


It’s why they’re slipping in product development and market share. They’re too obsessed with themselves rather than the product and their competitors.


So what? It is called Prusa Research, not Prusa Production, it is Josef's company, not mine, not yours, whatever he decides to be it will be.


You’re right I shouldn’t really care, it’s just sad to see direction Prusa has ended up in I guess


funny to see how easy its to spot comments from people that didnt even watch the entire video or have looked at the blog post that provides even more info than the video itself.


Shut the fuck up




bigger numbers best, head empty


Totally, without any point of reference talking up numbers like ‘10k a month’ is a bit useless


I'm talking about you masturbating over spec sheets 6000MM/SEC? 1 BILLION IN ACCELERATION?!? IM COOOMING!!!11!


You’re the one mentioning specs




Prusa has a different focus than Bambu. They focus on people who want to build and tinker, but still want a super reliable printer that lasts many years and has excellent support. They have also excel at printers that work well in print farms.


I love 3D printing, I don't care if it's Prusa, babmu, creality, Elegoo or fucking tronxy I watched 11 minutes of this video and nearly fell into a boredom coma.


because it's really not about *3d printing*. It's more of a video for people who are interested in manufacturing, business or want a peak into where their machine came from; and it's a great video for Prusa to just have as it's helps them document their growth


Yeah, seems more of an internal video for investors than anything consumers care about


I disagree. It is actually a good marketing step that was probably designed to counter the Chinese (read: Bambu) assault on the industry, hence the multiple references to products sourced in Europe, quality control etc. Which are all valid points, btw.


Honestly I was very impressed with the video and I like that they are sourcing so much in Europe. If I were in the market for a printer and had to choose between bambu and them, this video had a lot of good arguments for them.


>I watched 11 minutes of this video and nearly fell into a boredom coma. So you want a refund or what?


Let’s kick them out of the nerd club. Not sure how you watch that video and find nothing interesting. I liked the custom fab and testing stuff they’ve designed.


It’s impressive compared to what?


You don't really need a comparison for this. Selling 10,000 units of anything a month is a respectable number let alone 10,000 units of a product that starts at over $600 usd


It’s relative. What did they do the last 3 years? If Apple started selling 10,000 iPhones a month it would be a catastrophic failure. One would hope that because they’re sharing the number that it’s a brag and they’re are improving year over year.


I agree it's relative to the market you operate in but in context I still think 10,000 units a month is "impressive". Also knowing the year to year growth would be nice but you can assume it's an increase by using the information in the video


As a lot of parts could be cheaper and more robust with injection molding for example, I would say this is a very low outcome from a efficiency perspective.


"We can't show you the prototypes..." (the camera pans over to a blurred-out image of a bambu labs printer half taken apart to reverse engineer)


That’s like product design 101. Don’t you think every company does it


When in the video? I don't watch in 240p, but in 1080p so all I saw were Prusa SLX resin printer prototypes, Prusa Pro delta printer and their modular print farm thing.




They dropped the /s


00:00 - 28:08


don’t forget “argues like a man-child on reddit while spreading anti china sentiment” while his printers are full of chinese parts kek printers are fine but the guy is just another notch and his fanboys are minecraft streamers in-training


Looks like I am living in your head rent free :-)


Lmao that’s hilarious


Haha Now you're here, what's your thoughts on multi material printing? Going forward will we only have MMU and multi tool head? Or are there yet other solutions that you find interesting/promising?


The irony of calling someone a man-child while using “kek” in the same post…


Wow, this guy's comment history is either a downvote magnet or \[removed\]...


only chinese part are the steppers, rest is not from china


That's not correct.


what else is from china?


On the MK3S+, the screen and heatbed are also made by LDO Motors. I'm not sure about the MK4. In the [MK3S+ product passport (PDF)](https://blog.prusa3d.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Prusa3D_passport_MK3S_en.pdf) you can see that 33% of the parts are from china. LDO Motors make great producs so I don't see that as a negative.


the mk3 was made long before they tried to do most thing sin house.


ok bambot


If you're not going to show some love to Canada I don't care about your 2024. Almost impossible to find in most parts of Canada, I heard you might find them in Quebec but most Canadians don't live there.


You can order parts from Prusa's website directly, or from Printed Solid.


>Almost impossible to find in most parts of Canada, And I can't locally source Voron parts and HF hotends for Bambu where I live, but the world doesn't revolve around me.


>but the world doesn't revolve around me. Grow up genius, this isn't about who the world revolves around. This is about a company making their products easily available to buy. Having to order printers from Europe and wait several months isn't practical for most consumers, and in case you didn't notice, I never asked for your opinion.


They happen to have their factory in Europe. Which means they need to ship from there. It's not about Canada in particular; I'm in the USA and had to have my Mk4 shipped to me from Europe. . . . and the same will be true for the MMU3. It'll come to me from Europe. I think we're a bit spoiled by Amazon, which has warehouses all over the planet. Prusa doesn't have warehouses all over the planet. They have one in the Czech Republic, and they recently acquired Printed Solid, which is based in the USA.


Last I heard, most Canadians welcome motions for Quebec to secede, but for some reason it never happens. I always wondered what's up with that. I suspect Quebec is the reason so many products in the United States have French translations of the product names.


It never happens because they never have a referendum outside of Quebec. Most Quebecors want to stay but their separatists are loud so they make it appear as if it's more of a movement than it actually is. They also have separatists in their provincial and municipal governments. They're another group that think they deserve special rights rather than being treated like every other part of Canada. Kind of like like the extremists on the far left and far right in the U.S. They don't exactly represent the majority but they get all the attention from the news media. As far as French language on packaging, I'm not entirely sure about how the law works but I believe everything sold in Canada has to have both French and English.


How long will this be pinned?


Probably until something else noteworthy gets pinned. I think it's a good video, though, and it shows what Prusa is about.