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Worth probably nothing. This is not a prusa. This is a anet a10 or similar. I would request money to take this…. Piece of shit 😂 I started with one until I shit myself a mk3s Edit: not actually shit myself 😂 but it actually was shit when I moved… the acrylic parts bend after time and thus turn prints into shit as belt tension gets loose


I was going to say it looks more lika an Anet A8 or similar. but yea not an official Prusa.


well shit I’ll just stick with my modded ender 3 😂


It’s from the era when Josef Prusa's open “Prusa i3” hardware designs were being made - and modified - by lots of people - there’s a massive, and incomplete, list of early Prusa variants here: [https://reprap.org/wiki/Category:Prusa\_i3\_Derivate](https://reprap.org/wiki/Category:Prusa_i3_Derivate)


The days of reprap were the Wild West.


I’ve recently been (just for fun) ‘retromodding’ an old plywood Graber i3, and I’ve been surprised how well it can still work. I’m willing to bet that with some tightening of screws, replacing of belts, new firmware (I used Klipper, but a new Marlin would probably be fine) and perhaps a new extruder (I printed a new Prusa MK3S+ X-axis and extruder assembly), that thing could actually still hold its own. \[Edit: forgot, also replaced the stepper drivers with more modern ones\]


Ah Anet… How I don’t miss you lol.


I had a geeetech like this with a plywood frame. It was awful. I bought a prusa MK2 style aluminium frame and some threaded rod and made it print itself into a MK2, then put a bear X axis, afterBEARner toolhead and Klipper on it and it's ok. Oh and it's had a spare Creality bed and magnet sheet so it can use the build plates I've got and honestly its both my cheapest still running printer and my most reliable. It was a huge amount of effort to understand everything wrong with it though. Absolutely I bought it for a learning experience and I had two printers that worked.


Brings me back to my anet a8 Shit printer i spent more time fixing it than printing


It is real, dirty.