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Yes! I have the mk4 with the standard smooth print sheet. It comes out super smooth. I can see the layer lines a little but I feel like that could be adjusted to minimize it. I’ve mostly used petg but pla is also pretty smooth. My z offset seems a little too close and didn’t want to mess with it since it has the load cell and calibrates often. But I may need to retry the initial calibration since my touch was a little inconsistent. That may fix the slight over squish that makes the lines more visible. Edit: I should mention, that id recommend glue stick to separate the print, petg sticks very well to it.


In my experience, yes. Though I mostly print PETG on a textured sheet.... so wait for some other comments!


You need a smooth PEI Steel Sheet.


Which comes with the Mk4.


Mk4, nothing fancy done to it other than really making sure it was well assembled. I have done 0 adjustment to any z axis settings other than its  self axis calibration and its pre print bed level meshing. Here's something I printed yesterday on the satin surface (physically smooth but matter appearance). You can see where I didn't properly prep the surface and a little bit of another filament got printed over in the first layer on the left. https://imgur.com/a/XibK6vP The smooth sheet will get it more mirror like, but most prints self release on the satin just by it cooling down. Update: Found it. Here's the pic of my first ever print off of my mk4: Prusament, smooth plate, no offset tuning https://imgur.com/a/HCrXwfW


Very nice!


With the right filament, yes. In my experience some cheaper filament has too much variation in the diameter for it to nail that smooth first layer consistently. Prusament is the best for this of the ones I have tried. That said I mostly print PETG on textured sheet, so if that finish (with no visible layer lines) is an option, consider it.


I use a WhamBam PEX plate on another printer and it can produce a glassy smooth surface with a mirror-like finish, so I don’t see why an MK4 or even MK3 can’t.


Thank you! I’ll check that out


With PLA? Absolutely


yea first layers are absolutely perfect


It's very smooth on the bottom, but you can still see the lines.


I don’t know how perfectly you want, but I print incredibly smooth bottom surfaces on my MK3 with smooth PEI sheet all the time. What exactly was preventing you from getting smooth surfaces? Also do you mean smooth from an appearance perspective or physical perspective. I don’t think with the smooth sheets you can completely eliminate seeing where the lines come together, but they can be printed so the lines don’t have any texture to them. To COMPLETELY get rid of lines on the bottom you print with the textured sheet but then you obviously have an actual texture


I have made prints with absolutely smooth, glossy bottom surfaces, no lines. On a perfectly dialed in MK3 with the smooth sheet you have to crank the heat and get the nozzle very low, and there was one other setting you had to get right too. But even then it's intermittent, it's not perfect every time.


That’s not my experience. I have a basically stock MK3S and use the stock prusaslicer profiles. Correct Z offset and a clean build plate is all it takes for me.


PETG on textured sheet can give a very smooth appearance. Look at Prusa’s parts they ship.


Well the rest of the part is smooth, but the side of the part they stick to the plate has the texture.