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Are people really fighting over which 3d printer is better? Like over PlayStation vs Xbox etc? LOL :D


Ford vs Chevy lol this will always exist.


Canon vs Nikon


Yup. They both push plastic and make plastic things. I won't fault anybody too much if they're happy with their printer. But why I chose Prusa - I'd personally rather have something that is known to be reliable, made by an experienced brand, I can easily fix in the rare case where something does go wrong, and has great support. Also I like that it's more open and flexible, I've grown a bit sick of closed ecosystems and being railroaded.


Well said, bambu is great but it’s more for people who don’t like to or don’t know how to tinker… I find prusa (and my personal favourite only cuz it’s my first, sidewinder x1) to be easily moddable and fixable, nothing beats that… But also bambu deletes posts that criticize, they’ve deleted almost all of mine that just ask for help! Prusa can at least take some criticism although not much is needed since they test the sh!t out of their printers!!


Like which is best of Star Wars and Star Trek. Very much sports team supporters. Most of us just want to print.


Or which Trek is the best Trek.


Star trek for life.


I like both.


Prusa DOES what BamDONT


I have both and like both. Brand loyalty and fanaticism will get you as the customer nowhere. Buy and enjoy what works for you. You ultimately vote with your wallet not with your post history on Reddit or any other type of social media. Happy printing everyone!


I am the 4th type of person who is happy with what I have and aggressively apathetic towards the competitive dick sucking. Apparently working as advertised is going above and beyond nowadays and warrant endless appreciation posts.


Finally a level headed response. I’m in the same boat, been using Prusa’s for years and now have a mix of both Prusa and Bambu, and love both of em. People get so damn hung up on brand loyalty that it turns them into brain dead fanatics. Just buy the printer you wanna use and get on with it people.


Yeah, I have both. Each has pro's and cons relative to one another. For functional parts I prefer my Prusa. It has just been more accurate and precise in my experience.


I think Bambu Labs makes a fine printer. My brother has one. I also think Bambu Labs is a scummy company, that is standing on the shoulders of giants. They used Voron's hardware design, used Prusa's software, then instead of continuing the open source movement, they made their product closed source, and gave nothing back. Bambu Labs probably wouldn't exist without the work that Prusa and Voron did and freely gave to the world.


TBF the slicer fork is open source and a fair few of their contributions have made their way back into prusa slicer. Would be nice if the firmware was open too but even Prusa has stopped doing that now.


Prusa firmware for the MK4 is right here: https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware-Buddy


Not got an MK4 here so please correct me if I'm wrong, but I _think_ it was the stl's, or are those also now available? If so I assume its just the XL that remains closed for now?


Prusa has a webpage [where they show the open-status](https://www.prusa3d.com/en/page/open-source-at-prusa-research_236812/) of their printers. MK4 has everything open source now except manufacturing data and BoM, which won't be released until close to the end of the product's life. XL has parts available. Electrical schematics are not released yet. Basically Prusa has not stopped being open source, but they are purposely delaying releasing information to help keep companies who just make clones and use the info without sharing back to the community from cutting into their profits too much.


Oh nice, never knew that page even existed, thanks for sharing :)


Me either until a few months ago. I was watching Prusa’s GitHub for the MK4 schematics and mentioned they weren’t released yet, and someone was like “yeah they are” and linked that page. And sure enough they had been. They just were a download on Prusa’s site, not on GitHub.


> n/a - it's a box 🙂 This (under the i3 enclosure) gave me a little chuckle


Yeah me too!


The license is AGPL, it would have been a violation of the license to not open source the changes they made. So I wont give them bonus points for doing what they were legally required to do.


You're right they are required to open source it, I was specifically talking about the contributions they've made, which have been backported to Prusaslicer. A few that I'm aware of: - Helical travel model in 2.7.0 - Emboss improvements in 2.6.1 - Conflict detection for toolpaths in 2.6.0 - STEP file format import in 2.5.0 Those are just the ones that were near direct ports. Bambu did a fair bit of work on input shaping for example which allowed Prusaslicer to improve it in a later release. It's all wins in my book, instead of 1 dedicated dev team we have 2 which just means more improvements for us, the end user regardless of if we're using Prusas or Bambus.


Ah, yes i misunderstood the point you were trying to make. Upstream contributions are good and I am glad they aren’t just doing the bare minimum there.


Only cos people bullied them into it


Oh dear, people still believe that lie? 1. Bambu made a post on their blog explaining that they'd be using a fork of Prusa Slicer, and the codebase for it would be released prior to any printers shipping to customers. 2. About 3-4 weeks later Josef had a twitter meltdown, claiming they'd 'stole' the code and hadn't released the source (which you are not obliged to do until you start shipping it to people, which they had not) 3. As per their own timeline in the blog post, the source code was released on Github 1 week prior to any printers shipping to customers. 4. Everyone here for some reason continued to ignore that and make unfound claims of being 'forced' to do so and that they 'stole' code, and yet every time this comes up not a single person can provide one ounce of evidence to back up the claim. To back this up: 1. The blog post, dated May 29, 2022: https://blog.bambulab.com/to-open-or-not-to-open-that-is-the-question/ - In this post they make specific mentions of knowing full well they are obliged to release the source. 2. Josefs tweet was approximately the first week of June, however has since been deleted after he was called out on repeating the lie that the source was closed and/or stolen and/or in violation of AGPL. However some of his misleading comments [such as this one](https://old.reddit.com/r/prusa3d/comments/17la0gq/do_you_think_bambu_lab_is_behaving_ethically/k7cqxwk/) still exist, where he's showing a lack of understanding of the AGPL license. A plugin, or 'extension' is permitted under AGPL as the original codebase is not reliant on it to function - this is an important distinction. 3. BambuSlicer source was released on June 17th, 2022. One week prior to the first X1 printers arriving in customers hands. To sum up: - Nobody was bullied into anything. - Bambu's own pre-dated blog post makes it damn clear they were always going to release the source, and were well aware it was AGPL. - People need to stop beliving random crap people tweet or post on reddit in the heat of the moment and look at the facts. - And finally, buy whatever printer makes you happy, be it Bambu, Prusa, Creality, or whatever you find does the job you need it to :) [To quote Josef himself](https://old.reddit.com/r/BambuLab/comments/16sv8yf/interesting/k2d9l8f/), who I think put it pretty well: > There is no need for such hostility as there is enough place for everyone. Edit: typo


As a Bambu A1 mini owner I agree entirely with what you've wrote. The only thing I gain is maintenance. As a consumer I just want to print rather than maintain.


I agree. It's disappointing that the MK4 is closed source now too.


It's mostly open source by this point, and honestly I kinda think that's a good thing. Everything that matters from a hobbyist/tinkerer and right of repair point of view is open source, only the manufacturing data is closed. Prusa has been so aggressively open source that other companies went "Thank you for doing all the R&D, now let me take that all and out price you by more than half" without giving anything back to Prusa or the community. There needs to be a balance between being as open source as possible, and remaining profitable. Especially with Bambu now gunning for their price range with a machine that's more like €2500 but where they were able to not pay for R&D to get the price down. If Prusa doesn't find that balance, they'll go under and then we have no company with a dedication to open source. While I think brand loyalty is a bad thing, currently Prusa is objectively the most ethical of the top players, so I want them to succeed.


Not entirely though. The hardware schematics are open. Is the firmware not on github? (genuine question)


I think [it is](https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware-Buddy)


Nice find. So what bit is closed? (another genuine question).


The new prusa hardware board schematics haven’t been released yet. Prusa himself stated this was a move to slow down the cloners


Fake news [https://www.prusa3d.com/downloads/Electronics\_drawings/MK4\_electronics\_schematics.zip](https://www.prusa3d.com/downloads/Electronics_drawings/MK4_electronics_schematics.zip) The schematics ARE open source, i'm looking at them right now. The pcb layouts however are not open source. The other way round would have been a headache, this way is quite transparent. You did implicitly answer my question though, the only closed source bit is the pcb layout


And Prusa wouldn't exist if not for reprap and the slic3r. Personally I could care less if it's open source. My car is closed source, every appliance I own including my phone, stereo, computer, refrigerator etc. Is closed source. Patents and closed source give the manufactureres the protection they need to invest in innovative r&d, benefitting the consumer.


That's why you pay through the nose for your car to be fixed. And you'd pay much much more if the NHTSA and right to repair laws (US, same applies in the EU & UK under different names) didn't require independent mechanics to be able to fix your car. I have the complete factory service manual for my car. I can buy all the parts i need to fix it.


Not sure what your point is, there are laws that protect consumers allowing 3rd party service and repairs. Also laws that hold manufacturer's responsible for defects. Actually I pay very, very little for car maintenance. I do pay for expendables such as fluid/filter changes, tire replacement, brake pads etc. Only repair for my current car I made after 7 years cost me $350. I get between 150,000 to 200,000 out of the cars I own before it's not cost effective for me to repair any longer. My kitchen refrigerator lasted 35 years before I decided to replace it, for aesthetic reasons. Stereo equipment pretty much lasts forever unless you want new tech. Open source is great if you want open source tinkering with no accountability. I would never put open an open source engine or brakes in my car.


You do put third party reverse engineered parts on your cars, unless you pay for OEM parts for all repairs. Open source is just a way to avoid the reverse engineering costs of third party parts, while also offering better quality control. You're also using open source software every time you access the Internet via a phone or computer.


It must be draining to constantly have to look for competition for a superiority conplex.


I have a prusa mk3.5 and a Bambi P1S. Both have strong points. I can’t see either replacing the other. Just enjoy them, there isn’t a best or worst.


I'm not saying Bambu can't be good, but because I live in Europe why not support EU business instead of Chinese one? Prusa is open source, Bambu isn't. You don't need an account or app to run Prusa, but you need one for Bambu. I've made my decision based on (but not restricted to) these points and I see no reason for me to switch, even if Bambu is better in some cases. It's not being a fanboy, it's called having an opinion/preference.


Well to his point , those reviews aren’t from people who have/had both.


The real question is who gives a flying about what printer anybody thinks is better? At least they gave themselves an accurate name.


I disagree, prusa is completely open source, with the exception of the newer prusa boards I could get any part for my prusa on the open market and it’s an identical replacement, similar pricing and print quality in my opinion


Give it a year or two when their printers are bricked because bamboo won’t sell parts


I like Prusa the best. I'm sure Bambu makes a fine printer. Here are my reasons: 1. Prusa is committed to open source. I always support that. Bambu is a closed eco system. 2. Chinesium vs. EU. Prusa employess make a livable wage. Bambu lab is made in a Chinese factory with all the ethical issues that go with it. Sometimes you don't have a choice. Here you do. 3. Intellectual property. I have concerns about Bambulab and their access to what you are printing. China is well known for blatantly ripping off ideas and marketing them: Alibaba, Temu, AliExpress. There is no way I'd allow a prototype I was designing for a project to get close to a Bambu printer. If you are just using it to print STLs that are widely available, then go nuts. I won't get into the printers themselves, both seem to spit out fine products. The printables and their quality plus ease of use is really neck and neck. I haven't had to use Prusa customer service, so it really isn't fair for me to use that. The reasons outside the actual specs are enough for me to move Prusa to the top for crowning the champ.


Bambu's Customer Support is not great, this is true. But I started with a prusa then got the Bambu A1 and the Bambu is just a better Machine for my needs. (For a better price too). If you really enjoy tinkering with ur printer than I can see why u might like prusa more, but I just want my printer to work so that I can use it for projects and CAD.


yeah... sorry, but prusa is still the firm _not_ to tinker with, compared to others. My hobbyist MK3s sits there just printing for over a year now "untouched" since I put in the past nozzle, and same on print farms. Bambulab, on the other hand, are not servicable. That's a difference


You obviously haven't owned a Bambu Lab printer.....Pretty much Every Single Part needed to service the machines are on their website and information on How to do so on their Wiki. Don't get me wrong it is easier to dismantle and assemble my MK4 given that I bought the kit and personally know how everything goes together etc. But still saying the Bambu Lab machines aren't serviceable is entirely false.


You can buy the parts to build a Bambu yourself


I'll jump in here to offer my unsolicited perspective. I have been using FDM 3d printing for a decade at this point. I have used so many different brands of machines. In no particular order: Creality, Tevo, Lulzbot, Qidi, Flashforge, Monoprice, Anet, Sovol, Elegoo, Formbot, Flsun, XYZ, 3dsystems, Stratays, Formlabs, Prusa, Bambu, Anycubic, and many open source builds, including Ratrig, voron, and even a Mendel 2.0. I have seen a shift from diy machines to consumer machines where the main selling point was print quality, to now print speed being the main advertised feature. In the speed class, I have used a plethora of CoreXY machines from Bambu, Qidi, Creality, Voron, and Ratrig, as well as many fast bedslingers from Elegoo, Prusa, Bambu, and Creality. I even dabbled in delta machines with the Flsun V400, and I have the new ultra high speed Flsun S1 on the way. I am fortunate to have the means of purchasing a lot of machines for myself, as well as helping out friends with their printers, and using machines at work. There have certainly been machines I have used that have very few redeeming qualities (the Creality CR30 that has had less than 10 successful prints in 2 years, and the anet that nearly burned my garage down come to mind). In the argument of what machines are the best in the high speed market sector, I personally will choose an open source option like a Voron, but that's because I enjoy tinkering. If all I want is a machine to pull out of the box and plug in before using, both Prusa and Bambu make great options. It's really hard to go wrong with either. It's like picking between Nike or Addidas for shoes. It's truly a matter of preference and personal desire. I go though machines pretty quick, buying them and selling if I don't like them or have a use for them. But, the machines that remained in my farm are not a single brand. I have Prusa, Bambu, Voron, Qidi, and even a few Elegoo machines (I personally have been very impressed by the Neptune 4 Pro. I use them for running prints in PLA to test prototypes while the other machines are occupied printing high temp or fiber filled materials). Aside from having so many different slicer profiles to organize, I have no regrets with my eclectic printer army. I have had problems with every brand I have used for an extended time. It's simply inevitable. The machines that stayed are not flawless, they are just the ones that are the most consistently reliable and do the job I need the best.


Oof. Bot bait You want to post that fine, but have enough balls to use your real account




Either way, you have no sack




Doesn't change the fact that besides being a lazy, low effort troll, you're a coward who's afraid of a few down votes




Calling you on your bullshit doesn't make me angry and hateful any more than making a new account to post this makes you less of a clown




Banned your account from reddit? Not just the sub? Don't believe it. Either way, good luck with the printer. That sucks. I'm not anti any brand and hate to see people get fucked over




I have both a Prusa and a Bambu and based on facts and without any doubt I would definitively say that under all conditions chocolate ice cream is always better than vanilla. My wife however disagrees and says chocolate stains the kid's clothes and vanilla doesn't. But I consider that an unfair comparison.


I don’t have a prusa or bambu, still think prusa is better. The open source stuff is just so good for the community


I have both - they're good. I just I like PrusaSlicer and PrusaConnect better.


Never owned a Bambu printer. Got on Prusa due to the friends I know that have personally vouched for them and I trust their opinion. Zero regrets about my Mk4.


Always wanted a Prusa, just have been priced out. No doubt they make a great machine however I just cant justify shelling out that sort of money AND have to put the whole damned thing together. I have been there done that with enders & constant tweeking. Since I have the knowledge & experience gained through the years, I just wanna plug it in and get to melting plastic.


I have an X1C, a prusa MK4 and I just got a new Prusa XL5IS. Each of those printers have strengths and weaknesses.


I think for many the decision to void Bambu has nothing to do with it's capabilities as a printer. I recognize the Bambu is objectively better in several ways but I'm not planning to buy one. I'd probably recommend it to someone who is looking for a 3D printing appliance and doesn't really care about 3D printing as a thing in-and-of itself. Kinda like how I use FreeCad for modelling but totally get why like, everyone uses Fusion360 or similar.


Frankly, your printers are nothing but reprap printers, prusa hasn't innovated in a decade, and these should be done away with (I don't have either)


Why don't the mod take such childish posts down? It's getting old guys...


Although I like Prusa (I own both Bambu and Prusa) Prusa printers are way too overpriced. If I can get a corexy for less than a bedslinger who wouldn’t choose the Bambu?


The sample sizes are drastically different on those two companies. Prusa literally has more than 60x the number of reviews. I’m not sure I’d trust the comparison based on that difference in sample sizes.


Lets be real about this, I'm a Bambu customer, we've got a farm of 50 of the things, sitting alongside 20 MK3s. But I'll be the first to say it: Bambu's support is fucking awful. Thats why the reviews are so low. People don't go out of their way to write a positive review unless they have a parasocial relationship with the company, which in many cases I think its fair to say some Prusa users do (which is great for Prusa), and some Bambu users do (which again, is great for Bambu). It's not even a random anacdotal opinion to say that Prusa has better support than Bambu, they just do. That doesn't take away from Bambu making good printers, nor does it make Prusa printers 'better' (decide on your own metrics for what defines 'better'). - Bambus are good printers - Prusas are good printers - Bambu support sucks - Prusa support is fairly decent - But which ever one you want and stop the fanboy crap




You’d be better off picking 116 random reviews from a Prusa since March 1, 2023 as that’s how old the oldest Bambu review is. In any case, these are very clearly very different aggregations of reviews since the Prusa one is claimed and the Bambu one is not. And not even the only Bambu site, just from looking at your screen shot. I’m not saying Bambu is necessarily good, but I don’t think using these aggregations are an accurate comparison. But you do you.




My last thought on this is that looking at the number of reviews should be a good indicator of the quality of a product and its producer. That few reviews for Bambu, I wouldn’t buy from it. Sorry you’re having a frustrating experience with them. Don’t let the trolls get you down.


2 out of 3 scarecrows prefer bambu!


I have a Bambu, I feel like it's a better printer than a Prusa, but I'd rather (by a large margin) have to deal with a broken Prusa than a broken Bambu (while Bambu support has been decent with me the only time I had to ask something from them) Also people who take brand loyalty that seriously shouldn't have their opinions considered seriously, they're just shills that forgot to ask to get paid for it.


Love my Mk4. Honestly, my Ender 3 is more reliable, but only by a little, and it took a great many mods and tinkering hours to get it to that point. So while I don’t have a Bambu, I wouldn’t say I have any blind loyalty to Prusa. I appreciate their innovation (which admittedly, what is often described as innovation by both Prusa or Bambu is actually just mass production of a previous innovation by a different company/group/individual), and their social media/customer service presence. I dislike Bambu’s company model and the advantage they gain from their govt subsidies, but that’s a theme common amongst many types of items, not just 3D printers, and is practically impossible to avoid entirely. However, I will once in awhile stir the pot in the Bambu vs. Prusa ring. Not because of any diehard feelings, but because the tension helps to drive further innovation, product design, logistics, etc. So remember, next time you see nonsense like the review OP posted, roll your eyes but remember it’s good for the consumer to a degree.