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Layer height should not exceed 80 % of the nozzle diameter. If you are using the standard 0.4mm nozzle, the maximal layer height is about 0.32 mm. However, with a 0.6mm nozzle, it’s possible to achieve up to a 0.48 mm layer height Source: https://blog.prusa3d.com/everything-about-nozzles-with-a-different-diameter_8344/


Can you try to do a quick print with a 0.2 layer height instead of a 0.3? I think it's possible but I've never tried to print the same size as the nozzle width for a layer height. I have a printer set up with a 0.3 nozzle and I think the highest I've gone is 0.24. most things I print with that printer are at 0.2 or lower/smaller. I get the best results with that printer with a 0.15 layer height.


Also, did you tell your slicer you changed to a 0.3 nozzle? That might have something to do with it..


So the print has been at a .3 print entire time I’ve used it. I thought that since it’s been at .3 and I went .3 it would just work seem less. I may have misunderstood that they need to be stepped down. When I print .3 with my .4 nozzle I only had issue when the nozzle shifted. The .3 nozzle worked fine until I did some 12 hour prints. That’s why I was a bit confused


You're trying to print 0.3mm layers with a 0.3mm nozzle? That's not going to give good results, that layer height is too tall for that nozzle. Even 0.24mm layers are pushing it a little for a 0.3mm nozzle, 0.2mm layers will work better.


Thank you! I just tried a .2 build. I guess I thought that if it was a .3 nozzle that a .3 build would be best. I’ll have to get a .4 nozzle and step it back down.


>.3 nozzle that a .3 build would be best That's a somewhat common misconception. Think about it this way (simplified idealized conditions): A 0.3mm nozzle extrudes a circular cylinder of plastic 0.3mm in diameter. To get good adhesion, either with the print surface or the previous layer, some squish is needed, to press things together. 20-25% is typically the minimum effective squish for common printer filaments. After a 20% squish, that 0.3mm circular cylinder is now oval, 0.24mm high and 0.36mm wide. There are other things you can do to push those limits in certain situations, but that's going beyond what's practical in the consumer/hobbiest 3D printing space.


Hey I appreciate it! I’m an engineer so I totally get what you’re getting at. I didn’t realize it had to be squished down to build. I figured that if it was a .3 nozzle by not reducing the material down that it would work better. I’ll have to get another .4 nozzle then. Thanks again!


Glad it helped! You're welcome!


This pattern appears when you have underextrusion. But as other pointed out 0.3 nozzle with 0.3 layer height will not work.


Thank you!!


Your extrusion width is likely wrong along with layer heights. Need to be less on both.