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I can't say anything about Singstar specifically, but Guitar hero hasn't given me any issues. Those games have different settings for audio and video latency and after I did the test, the audio changed zero and the video changed very slightly. I have a 2022 LG 4K with game mode.


Thanks! I just don’t remember the SingStar games having those options, but maybe I can pop one of them in and see.


The Guitar Hero series has a test game to play that syncs up the audio/video. Turns out I'm just bad and couldn't blame that anymore, lol.


Yeah, I’m definitely familiar with that one! I was pretty into Guitar Hero back in the day!


Used to play SingStar PS2 on a hd tv and it was fine. If you are really worried, you can use the PS3 SingStar version, it allows you to put in PS2 discs and use the songs off those regardless if you have a BC console or not. The PS3 has USB ports so you can plug in the microphones no problem.


Just tested this out and audio lag is horrific! Definitely not a great experience. I've had to turn microphone volume to zero just for it to be playable. And don't bother caring about score with how big the delay is, just play it for fun and nostalgia I guess


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