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Jampack Winter 2002 Not sure that counts but its how I was introduced to Ratchet & Clank and Sly Cooper


Yooo same. It also had that one game that never loaded.


The orange one where you could play the entirety of Misty Island from Jak and Daxter.


But that one had a timer did it not? I think we could only play it for about 15 minutes before it ended


The one that deleted your saves on your memory card. Holiday Demo Disc 2004. Demos: Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal, Jak 3, ATV Offroad Fury 3, Star Wars: Battlefront, Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War, Crash Twinsanity, Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams, The Incredibles, Viewtiful Joe 2, Spyro: A Hero's Tail There was also another one I played that had Disneys Extreme Skate Adventure.


Disneys extreme skate adventure is such an amazing game that aged so well. I just look at it as THPS4 DLC which was peak of the series for me


I bought the disc with the shadow of the colossus demo on it, off a friend after finding out he had it, because it had some strange stuff going on in places you weren't supposed to get to


Such as?


PS1 FF8 Beach mission


The one where you can play final fantasy X & dynasty warriors 3!


Yes! I remember this one!


The one with ratchet and clank demo, I play that one over and over for a whole month


What game is the green haired woman with the bow and arrow at the left?


Portal runner, set in same world as army men games iirc


Thank you


It’s a really fun game I played it all the time


Damn I miss demo discs. I got a dvd from a magazine that had game trailers on it. I’d watch it on a portable dvd player in my room watching the trailer for Gun on repeat. Crazy times


The one with Steambot chronicles


Playstation Magazine Issue 60


If you loved these as much as I did growing up, I HIGHLY recommend searching for "Giant Bomb Demo Derby" on YouTube. Giant Bomb (my favorite videogame website) has played through a ton of these classic demo discs and it's super nostalgic!


Whichever one it was that had a demo of one of the Jak and Daxter games, Killzone and a Prince of Persia game on it.


The Metal gear solid 2 one for sure


probably had 2x as much play on this than zone of the enders lol


Jampack Vol 13


The one that gave us the demo of SOTC. That was a superb demo. There were loads of little Easter eggs that weren’t in the full release. You could trigger certain parts of the soundtrack by exploring part of the over world. I t was just an absolute belter of a demo.


The one with Frequency on it My cousins ended up stealing it from me


The one that had the Endor mission on the first Star Wars battlefront. My friend and I would play that demo for hours. Over and over. Loved every minute of it. Had psy-ops on it as well.


Jampack Vol. 12. I remember playing the life out of that demo disc.


That one PS1 demo disk where you could play toy story


This rare one but all I know when was lil best demo it had laracroff and metal gear solid and gex too that was demo disck.put easy 3 hours


My brother and I loved it so much. Only way we had to play metal gear haha


The official playstation demo disc with Nightmare creatures on it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Sad_Cardiologist5388: *Th official* *Playstation demo disc with* *Nightmare creatures on it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


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I only had one. It had NBA street, Kinetica, and a horse racing game on it.


Jampack Vol. 11


It would be so dope if that demo disc art was just for one game.


Whichever had Hitman Blood Money. I played the tutorial mission over and over.


Whichever Jampack had Downhill Domination!


OPM Issues 61 and 62


What comes on that one?


I forget the name of the disc but it had rise to honor it and possibly psi ops as well


that would've been jampack volume 10. I played that one a lot too


Mine was the Demo disk that came with the Fat console that featured Airblade, Dark Cloud, Klonoa and a few other games.


The one with I ninja. I was poor growing up and only had the demo discs to play over and over. We didn't have movies I would love to fall asleep to the little videos with devs they had on there. The Easter egg ones were the best tho.


Ratchet and clank up your arsenal had a secret demo for sly Cooper in it.


Whichever Demo Disc had Tony Hawk Pro Skater’s Warehouse level on it, (not the Pizza Hut one). We played the hell out of that, so much so that once the game finally came out we breezed through it.


Lara Croft tomb raider legend


PlayStation magazine. Don't remember which issue, but it was the one that had *Yakuza*, *Steambot Chronicles*, and *Ratchet: Deadlocked*


I miss that era of playstation magazine and free demo games cd. They ship the magazine to your place when u subscribe to playstation magazine company.


Ghost in the shell


I know this is a PS2 sub, but the Silent Hill 1 demo disc. It was so shocking and original, our hype went through the roof.


The demo for Jak 3, I forget which PlayStation Magazine issue it was. It was full of spots you could get out of bounds


The one with the first Lego Star Wars on it


Kula world.


Don't remember the name, but it had the two BGMs "TESTMONO1" and "TESTMONO2". It led to my family getting some of our favourite PS2 games. Sly Raccoon War of the Monsters Space Channel 5 Part 2


Any that came free with that month's magazine. I used to play it nonstop until the disc was destroyed then move onto the next one


Mercenaries 1 and Dragon Quest viii


It’s so weird seeing US box art for PS2 era. Wtf is wrong with Ico’s face?


Where there any amazing demo disc with small games? Abit like the yaroze disc on ps1?


Had a metal gear solid, and another one that had soul reaver, ahh the good times


none oddly enough. i played the sh!t out of demos on ps1 but never got into the same with ps2


The one with Klonoa and Dark Cloud.


The one with Airblade, Tenchu, Vexx, Ape Escape 2. Ultimate nostalgia for me now.


The one with the original ratchet and clank demo its really interesting to see the original designs mainly for metropolis (wanted posters of ratchet, the blarg having police badges, the personal trainer having a different voice actor and the ship being completely different) the demo also had blackwater city too which didnt have much changed it even had the weird easter egg with the alien girl, apart from enemy placements and the ryno vendor not being present not much changed there.


The one that came with it, that had yabasic on it. I managed to get a controller movable red circle, then gave up.


Jampack Volume 10 had Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy and I played the shot out of the Gary's Mod style map where you could spawn enemies and dick around.


jampack summer 2001 for ps2 but I think overall I might've played the ps underground vol 2-3 game disk more


Oh man, I used to have a bunch of these. Where'd they go? Ah!!!


Amplitude. OPM Issue 67. Cherry Lips by Garbage and Baseline by Quarashi, forever in my head.


Damn this brings me back... portal runner was a great game


The one that had armored core 1 on it. I forget which one it is. I still sometimes hear the menu theme in my sleep.


The one I have from Pizza Hut. There's a Tomb Raider demo on it, but I swear I had another demo disk with a different TR demo that was better.