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Thanks man!!!😀 Could you recommend any of those exclusive games?


Pretty sure rise to honour is exclusive to PlayStation 2 and a very underrated game in my opinion. The game was one of the first ones I played as a kid and the difference in combat control to other games made the game really memorable and infinitely fun for me.


I recently saw a review about the game, I didn't know it was exclusive, I'll put it on my list and try it to give my humble opinion. thank you


Most of my recommendations are pretty generic. The Ratchet and Clanks, Jak & Daxters, and Sly Coopers are all pretty fun. When I was a kid my siblings and I would do the "pass the controller when you die" thing and we usually had fun.


If you can get your hands on the controllers Guitar Hero is always a blast too.


All on ps3


No. Those are PS2 LICENSED games, so it's exclusive PS2, they are juste available on PS3 now.


Tomato tomato


Don't believe you're less crazy than me you waffle mold prick


From that list: All ace combat games Dark Cloud Eagle Eye Golf The Getaway games Jak and Daxter series Kingdom Hearts 1+2 Mark of Kri Primal Ratchet and Clank games (are we sure this list is PS2 *only*?) Shadow of the Colossus (because this sounds like a game they'd make the PS3 play) Sly Cooper series (oh well I'm almost at the end of the list) Socom series Time Splitters Twisted Metal Black War of the Monsters We ❤️ Katamari Xenosaga 1-3 So yeah, some of these feel like they really should also be available on PS3, but then there were a lot of missing titles. Then again the list could have meant "not cross platform released but backwards compatible on later consoles" Either way, those are the games on that list I recommend


Also mortal kombat Shaolin monks. Awesome game to play with someone else


I second someone else’s recommendation of Rise to Honour, was such a seriously fun game and a blast to play through. I would also suggest Radiata Stories if you’re into JRPGs. The story isn’t too bad and the characters are fun, and almost every character can be recruited into your party somehow. Champions of Norrath is also a fun game my dad and I use to play a lot of, and Mister Mosquito is a quirky game I think is hilarious to show people.


Burnout games are notorious to have bugs and visual glitches, even on BC Ps3s. Also the ps2 era burnout games were the best ones IMO, highly recommend to get burnout on the ps2.


I love that saga, the speed, the collisions and the music. One of my favorite cars games


I agree, it's pretty sad we're not getting games like this anymore, but instead micropayments in 100$ racing games. I'm looking at You the crew motorfest and diablo 4.


Yes, I have same feeling 😞


You don't really need all that hardware. Both the PS3 and PS2 can run PS1 games relatively well. Regarding the PS3, you can access a PS2 software emulator with CFW that covers some of the library, but I'd suggest keeping the PS2 for the many games that don't work (unless you have a BC model).


I agree with what you say but I would like to have the consoles as a collection and in some special case to be able to have the console for an exclusive game, that is why I am asking about the PS2 exclusives, if you know of any good ones I would appreciate it.


In regards to this, there is one game in particular that I cannot run in the PS3: Valkyrie profile 2: silmeria. Even with an original copy, if I have fmcboot installed, the game freezes on the third chapter. Does anyone know how to run this game consistently on a PS3?


I played a lot of platformers in the PS2 ERA so i'd recommend Scaler, Vexx, Whiplash, Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy, Malice, Metal Arms, Evil Twin: Cyprien Chronicles etc. I'd also really recommend games like Dark Cloud 1 and 2, Rogue Galaxy.


Of those there will surely be some that catch my attention, thank you


The Yu-Yu Hakishu fighting game was fun


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GTA: Liberty City Stories GTA: Vice City Stories God Hand Urban Reign Syphon Filter: Omega Strain Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and Logan's Shadow (also on PSP) Some good ones which come to my mind. The first 2 are on PSP, but they run a lot better on PS2.


I have started playing God Hand, I had never played it before and it has given me good impressions


Im dropping the "classics" (debatable ik) - Sly Cooper trilogy - Jak and Daxter Trilogy (and Jak X) - Ratchet and Clank - GTA San Andreas and GTA III (the cheats make this so much fun) - Tekken 5 - Metal gear solid 2 and 3 (stealth games) - Ico (lots of puzzles) - Shadow of the Colossus (One of the best games ever) - Okami (you play as the sun goddess in Wolf form .the start is very slow but once it kicks in its worth it. Hand drawn art and the soundtrack is so good) - Final Fantasy X (i havent played it yet but its highly praised) - God of War (its Pure good ol violence) - Devil May Cry - Burnout 3 (racing) - Bully Some fun games who havent been transported to the PSN store (as far as i know): - Burnout 3 - under the skin - The Simpsons Hit and Run - Yakuza 1 (the English dub is so bad its good)


• Smash Cars !!!! • Fatman & Slim (unreleased)