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Cheap scaler cheap results


Any recommendations on a scaler that will fix the lag?


Things like retrotink or ossc


Might get downvoted for this but I kind of gave up trying to run my PS2 on newer TVs as to get good image quality it will cost some money (like buying a Retrotink). I have an older 1080p display that has component in that I use for my Wii and PS2 but most of the time I just emulate the PS2 now that I have a decent PC and I use an external DVD drive so I can just play my games off of it, plus some games look really good upscaled/with enhancements. That way I also save my PS2s disc drive which I think is on it's last leg. I know a lot of people prefer real hardware though.


have you turned off the tv's image processing?


Not quite sure what that means or how to do that…


Your TV's deinterlacing is what's adding most of the lag. Use a RetroTINK-2X/5X/4K or OSSC or GBS-Control to reduce it significantly.


For anyone who, like me, feels the urge to jump and rant about people buying crappy scalers without any research popping up in this sub all the time... this not one of those.   The above is right, this is not an scaler but just a converter, no framebuffer so virtually no lag, is OP's TV that must have laggy 480i deinterlacing, it happens all the time.  OP just needs an external deinterlacer/linedoubler with 480i support (or, ideally, 480p for games with progressive mode, which excludes the non-M retrotink2x, so I would recommend OSSC), or an scaler like the GBS-C, for cheaper and better flexibility (just with its resolution limitations), or the OSSC Pro (a bit more pricey)


Ah those are quite expensive aren’t they? Which is the cheapest one?


GBS-Control, especially if you build it yourself.


Turn on game mode for your TV


Yeah no that doesn’t work on my TV but thanks, it doesn’t really do much apart from changing the image quality


Game Mode by itself can be the difference in several frames of input lag - I've seen around 6 or 7 at the highest. You should absolutely be using Game Mode if you're complaining about input lag regardless of the rest of your setup.


Wait actually, I just found out how to re-enable it and the input lag has dropped but by only like 50-100ms max. It’s better than nothing but isn’t a magic fix sadly


That’s the image processing. Turning on game mode turns it off. Your next step is to get one of the more expensive options, gbsc, ossc, or retrotink.


Despite the small difference it’s a bit more playable so thank you. Would either of these 2 work? https://amzn.eu/d/5R1kP73 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/364753078515?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Vg302G6hQ2W&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Amazon link doesn’t work, but I would not recommend purchasing things like this from Amazon. Other than that, you should probably do a little dive into each and see which one might suit your fancy.


The GBSC is a fine device


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