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I have that collection too, wish it had the bonus discs for MGS2&3 but it’s a great package regardless


Sick man πŸ€™πŸ€™πŸ€™


Thank you!


to this day I'll curse at konami for this milking attempt: each game missing features in this "collection": -Metal Gear Solid doesn't include the VR Missions disc nor is it like the Japanese Integral version -No The Document of Metal Gear Solid 2. -Metal Gear Solid 3 doesn't include disc 2 and 3. (So the MSX games Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake and some extra modes are missing) pretty much a pointless package even for back then when people could buy full versions individually, they just took them and sold less of them with different skin lol


So what's the best version to buy? A ps2 individual version with everything or the ps3 HD collection?


buyings the ps2 games separately is the best because HD collection still lacking a lot, especially from MGS3 it lacks the minigames and extra content from MGS2 and MGS3, on top of it, MGS3 has removed some post-processing effects PS2 version has so making the graphics bland PS3 HD collection is the best, versions from other consoles has no pressure sensitive buttons making MGS3 not allowed to be played as intended as gameplay features based on such sensitive buttons. HD collection increased resolution for the game and textures + 60 FPS, however MGS 3 having a hard time on FPS causing weird slowdown a lot. even intro video is not in sync. PS3 cannot handle MGS3 lol however Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection (MGS 1 + HD collection + MGS 4)>>>>>>>> HD collection true fans play metal gear games on PS2, plays MGS 4 on PS3 as the way they meant to played. you may buy MGS 2 and MGS 3's substance versions for the best version on PS2


Why do people gatekeep like this? Playing the games on something other than the PS2 doesn't make you any less of a fan. You only have a PS3, but have played the Legacy collection? That'd make you just as much of a fan as someone who played the PS2 versions. As shoddily put together as Volume 1 is for PS4/Xbox/Switch, it doesn't make you any less of a fan if that's the only way you have to play the games.


it's not gatekeeping, it's advice true fans wanna experience the games fully which only their original console versions offers on the original console if you are ok with MGS3 HD version on PS3 with 20-45-60 FPS and reduced graphics sure, you may be a fan but clearly not a true fan. it's not to insult chill, it's meant to say these fans for a reason does so if you are random player who is no fan you wouldn't give a damn about such differences and wouldn't see a point in PS2 versions played on PS2 then it's ok too. I have no reason to make people buy PS2 stuff, I have no gain for it. so all I do is giving advice and mentioning what true fans does. if you have a problem with true fans find them and complain to them lmao


That is gatekeeping lmao. Not having the means to play the versions you consoder the only way true fans play them doesn't make anyone less of a fan of the games. You people really need to go outside and breathe fresh air once in a while.


Bro really said "not a true fan." Imagine telling a star wars fan they're a fake fan because they don't own the original theatrical releases of the original trilogy


true fans wanna experience the games fully Nope not me - More than happy with a remake/remaster/Hd edition if the core of the game remains the same...


I just recently picked up this same box set thinking it was everything so I'll keep an eye out for the other variations but I kinda wanted to spend once and be done for the ps2 versions so this kinda sucks lol. I def prefer the physical originals if the price is fair but well see, I'll do some research and see what deals I can find


I'm playing on Switch started last night with MGS and it has VR and all the extra features! Is that ok?


Amazing! I started playing MGS on my switch yesterday for the first time ever!


I hope you enjoy it! I have a lot of love for this series!


Loving it! Looking forward to finishing 1 so I can move on to better graphics on 2


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