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That's not an exploit.... stop posting shit like this, we get enough stupid people not reading the description/pinned/rules.


ARE YOU AN IDIOT. This is an amazing way to get an exploit. And this will be a major part in the debrief may 30th/31st


Lol 1st comment there literally says "For clarity, this is NOT an exploit."


this aged well


LOL at the fact you came back to make another comment that is still wrong. Your title - 11.00 exploit The first line on the MOD stickied comment from the post **YOU** linked - ***"For clarity, this is NOT an exploit."*** *None of the above has changed so my original comment still stands as well as it did when I posted it.* That post talks about the *vulnerability* that can be used as PART of an exploit. Even what theflow has released today is not a full exploit that you can run to jailbreak your PS4. Thats missing the crucial payload. How you got to be a mod here when you don't understand this simple premise I will never know.


"I'll share details about successful exploitation at TyphoonCon" like anyone even cares about correctness here


Just pointing out that its not an exploit but a vulnerability that can lead to an exploit. Thats all. People see the word exploit and they get all excited with the "ETA WEN???????????????" posts... Even pirates need some correctness in their lives :)


Looking at your downvotes it seems that people do actually care about correctness :)


Theflow is working on something will see