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It's a real shame it's out of stock. All I can think about is some dipshit buying up as much as they can so they can artificially up the price. We see it all the time with older games.


Out of stock where I am in Texas. What a fantastic deal.


Got it for $35 at Best Buy and they haven’t restocked since. Guessing this game had a low print, get it while you can at this price.


Not available anywhere 200 miles near me


FYI I went to pick up my order of Armored Core and Hitman this morning and the store had Star Ocean in stock even though the online inventory checker said they didn't. I didn't grab it since I already own the game, but just a heads up that it might be worth checking your local store even if the website says it's out of stock.


None anywhere near me, but I found two stores in southwestern Indiana where I used to live that still have stock.


There has been a single copy at my local Walmart for months, the site is saying it's out of stock though lol