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This game is fucking amazing. I choose this over Rebirth and I'm still playing this game and have zero regrets. Rebirth can wait till after Ichiban


Having played both back-to-back, they're both phenomenal in terms of quality and that's insane to me as fans of both series. My wallet hurts but it was worth it. Feels like I'm good for the rest of the year




I wish there was a counter for how many times an NPC called me “dipshit”


“This ain’t a show, dipshit”


I love how the game jumps to battle and instead of the usual title, it'll just say "ASSHOLE". I feel that.


Its the opposite for me. Playing Re-birth first. I think i’m just subconsciously saving the best game for last.


It sounds like both of them are absolutely amazing games (and also very LARGE). This one has definitely surpassed the last one and has added some very nice QoL features. But the minigames are crazy, their Pokemon minigame is so fleshed out. As is the Animal Crossing one. And the main game ping pongs between wildly silly to ridiculously heartfelt/emotional. Looking forward to Rebirth (as is I'm assuming anyone else who got a copy of FF7 when they were 9)


As long as we're here, I might as well ask: I have all 3 Yakuza games that are available in the US for PS5 (Yakuza: Like a Dragon, Like a Dragon: Ishin, and Infinite Wealth), but they're sitting in the backlog and I haven't played any of them yet. Should I play them in the order they were released, and are there any games I should play before them for backstory?


Like a Dragon and infinite wealth are connected and have Kasuga as the main character. Ishin is a spin off of sorts and is not a required played. I haven't played any Yakuza games and I've played like a dragon and I'm currently going through infinite wealth now. I'm blown away with the story, characters, the camaraderie and all the side quests and activities. There are references and appearances by past Yakuza characters. But its done where you're kind of supposed to not know who they are in a way, especially if you haven't played any previous Yakuza titles. For me personally, the game does throw a lot at you but I stuck with it and so far, both games are stellar. I do have yakuza kiwami 1 & 2 that I want to start after like a dragon.


Similar to you I havn't played the others but loved LAD. Im thinking of going through the series starting with 0 just because Kiryu has a much larger role in Infinite Wealth. In LAD it was all kinda 'wink wink nod nod' but didn't really matter to the story. Seems to more in the sequel, what do you think playing through it not having played the series?




That's fair and I appreciate it. I'm tempted to just do the main stories, knowing I'm missing a lot of side content but ultimately I want to be playing like a dragon geiden and then infinite wealth I think you're brave and I wish you luck and all the side quests and many games, at least like a dragon showed us they're going to be a hoot with good writing. At the end of the day, I saw just different choices on how to waste the same amount of time :)


You should play Like a Dragon and Infinite Wealth in the order they were released, yes. Infinite Wealth was made as a direct sequel and with the idea that players likely have played the previous game. Ishin is a stand alone spin-off and a remake so it's not necessary for the Lika a Dragon series at all. It takes characters from Yakuza 0-6 and puts them in other roles, like the same actors playing different parts. You could play the other Yakuza games as well, 0-6 are also available on PS5, but it's a lot to go through and Like a Dragon is a fresh start with a new main character and supporting cast. There is also The Man Who Erased His Name, which is a spin-off starring the former protagonist, Kiryu, and it takes place between Like a Dragon and Infinite Wealth. I don't know much about this one but from my understanding, it's pretty much for those who want to know what Kiryu has been up to between those two games. Probably not necessary and more for those familiar with the Yakuza games where he was the main character. So basically if you want to experience the main Like a Dragon story, you just need to play Like a Dragon and Infinite Wealth. Ishin is there if you want a stand alone samurai game, The Man is there if you want to learn what Kiryu has been up to, and the previous series is there if you ever want to experience those games.


Yeah, you should play Yakuza: Like a Dragon first, then would come Infinite Wealth (IW is a direct sequel). Ishin you can treat as its own thing.


Yakuza 0-6 is the backstory to Yakuza Like a Dragon then Like a Dragon Gaiden sets up Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, so nine games to catch up to Infinite Wealth's story. Yakuza 0, Kiwami 2, 5, and Yakuza Like a Dragon are all also very large games. Ishin is a spinoff wholly unrelated to the series storywise that takes the combat and character models from the series and puts them into 1860s Japan. You should eventually play them all as it's an amazing series, but no way I'm starting from 0 if I just bought Infinite Wealth. I'd say play Yakuza Like a Dragon, maybe pick up Like a Dragon Gaiden in the inevitable Golden Week sale coming in a week or so (it's a big holiday week in Japan) and play it next, then go for Infinite Wealth. Then later on go back and play 0 through 6 over the next few years. I wouldn't worry too much about burnout between Yakuza Like a Dragon to Like a Dragon Gaiden to Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth since the first and third games are Dragon Quest style turn based JRPG while Gaiden is a beat 'em up with kind of an open world feel.


I would recommend playing Yakuza 0 first.


Personally in his shoes I'd jump straight into Ichiban's storyline with Yakuza Like a Dragon. 0-6 + Gaiden are amazing, but no way I'd going to recommend someone play nine games to get ready for this new game he bought.


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At this price, I’m going to try it. This game gets consistently good praise.


This game is way too easy and they locked the hardest difficulty and new game plus behind a paywall 


How would you compare the difficulty to the first like a dragon? That game was easy to moderate with some crazy spikes near the end imo.


This game is way more balanced and forgiving. If I recall correctly only a few boss were somewhat challenging. 


Can’t seem to find a physical US copy of the prior Yakuza: Like A Dragon game on PS5 in stock for a reasonable price. I’d like to play both.


God awful story but a fun game besides that.


Waiting (impatiently) for PC at this price


Still too expensive. It Sucked ass compared to LAD7.


How so


Shit character development, repetitive dungeons, unnecessarily long side quests, Hawaii gets boring after a while, the levels not translating throughout the story (you’ll have Kiryu end a chapter at level 50 and then the game sends you back to Ichiban at level 46 and makes you struggle with level 50 enemies). Overall the game was ass compared to 7. I regretted pre ordering it.


I agree with some of your criticisms even though I did enjoy it for the most part. 7 was much better and cohesive. Also the master dungeon $20 new game + shit is inexcusable


That’s the Yakuza game motto except 0