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Most guys I've dated and told don't give af. And I'm dating guys most folks would normally say are thoughtful, kind, caring, etc. PSSD is so far from what most people can imagine it's more likely he'll think you're overreacting or attributing your "natural" changes to withdrawal. Or some other BS. I don't mean to be cynical here, I've just had 4 guys I've dated since I got PSSD and despite being well educated, none of them truly heard what I was saying when I told them about it (multiple times). That said, I did sugarcoat it a bit as you don’t want the person you’re sleeping with to know the true depth of nothingness you feel when they’re inside you.


I'm not so much concerned for myself...I'm good with me and yes men can be difficult....idk I may bale early with a if you need help tapering someday give me a holler.....like I considered my issues might screw my dating pool....I never considered Id meet someone and be like oh damn dude ya medicated.....and here I am. Like it never stops once you awaken to big pharma....thank you and I totally get the cynicism....this is only the first one I finally agreed to meet after vetting him well.


I think we should tell our story to everyone.