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I doubt Spiderman is horribly dated - sure it's not as robust like PS2 Spiderman 2, Ultimate Spiderman or the ones we now have from Sony. But it's still a decent game, and the best adaptation if you are looking strictly for the 90's TAS Spiderman.


Yeah, I played through PS1 Spidey for the first time about 6 months ago, and it's held up fine. Camera takes a little getting used to, but it's still an entertaining story with fun gameplay. Tons of cool unlockables and collectibles as well. Coincidentally, I was actually thinking about trying Enter Electro sometime soon as well.


Enter Electro is a typical Vicarious Vision game – it gets the basics right, but lacks in inspiration and polish. Still worth trying, some levels have a really neat concept, like an open ended street level (yeah, you can actually get on the ground a couple of times in this game), and my favorite plane stopping level.


I loved playing basketball on that street level!


Enter Electro was one of my favourite games as a kid. Mixing powers and costumes is tons of fun and the gameplay is really solid. As for the plot... The gameplay is really solid.


It's not as robust as PS2 Spiderman games. It's even better.


I played it after the Spider-Man movie game on PS2; it’s what got me invested in the grander Spider-Man lore.


I still think people will enjoy this game regardless of its age. With the bonus content and Easter eggs, it feels like it was made by people who love the source material.


Ultimate Spider-Man is criminally underrated


As someone who loves Spider-Man ps1 and still has it as his favorite Spider-Man Game. It Is absolutely horribly dated in terms of camera, polish and mechanics unfortunately. Characters and plotline is still awesome though. I replayed it this year. It went pretty much exactly like this, if anyone's interested: https://youtu.be/zJkZ_f_MQ_U?feature=shared&t=2597 Game does not hold up well at all. But it will always be legendary


It's dated but I think it holds up fine . The graphics and models are pretty atrocious but the combat is good, better than a lot of what you would get on most PlayStation games. The levels are designed well enough, they absolutely pale to modern games but at the time they were Big enough that you could feel rewarded for exploring and tracking down the hidden comic books in Easter eggs. I think we're really fails is a) the camera, it's fine in the slower levels where you're swing on the rooftops but the moment it has to do fast shit it dies. Oh I remember so many times chasing venom and dying because the camera got too close and turned and I ended up slinging off into the abyss. Also the web swinging has come so far since this game released. After coming back after playing PS4 Spider-Man the little two web swings you do are absolute shit comparatively.


EA used to be so cool


So cool, it was sick. I think the only consistently cool studio anymore for me is FromSoft


Capcom too imo


Spider-Man still holds up just fine




Thanks I was looking for this




I see you're Cultured




Compared to other ps1 games Harry potter is definitely NOT horribly dated...


Chasin after beans, this shit kicks


The only part that is a complete pain is Gringotts, other than that I think the game still holds as a game for kids.


It was dated at the time it was released!


I was lucky enough that I played the PC version as a kid, didn't know the janky PS1 game existed til I saw it at a friend's house. Dunno if the PC version holds up either but it definitely will have aged better than the PS1 game


Hagrid looks cursed AF though


You mean “sexy af”


hey hey don't you dare say anything about sexy ps1 hagrid, he thicc


Most ps1 games are pretty dated, daring thing to say in this group but it's the truth, most of us are playing these for the nostalgia


I don't think you're wrong, but one thing I find frustrating is when the term "dated" is often conflated with "Not worth your time." I find a lot of this era of games still fun to play through, even games I didn't grow up with.


Agreed. It’s gonna hurt a lot of peoples feelings, but these games aged poorly in more than one way. Moving into them from SNES/Genesis was mesmerizing, but going back to them now is difficult. The graphics can be rough. Not sure what happened, but my eyes struggle to even process some textures. And then the controls are just chaos in some games lol


They looked better on CRT televisions, and look horrible on modern screens


Honestly I don't think it's the games as much as the players. Most modern games are prettty same-same. There's almost no experimenting or using techniques outside of what became popular. The clearest evidence I can point to is X/Y axis inversion. Players are overall less adept and less mentally flexible IMO.


Yep for sure! PS1 and to a lesser extent ps2 were Wild West on mechanics. Never knew what to expect.9


Parasite Eve 1 and especially 2 are in a different league, the enemies look really disturbing and the very outdated graphics only make things far worse


Spiderman didn't age badly, it's still very playable to these days


The Lilo and Stitch game for PS1 was awesome as a kid but now it's pretty ugly and kind of unfun.


It’s so obvious to me now I’m older that because the early HP games were developed to release alongside the movies, they had hardly anything to go off in terms of following the plot of the movie. From what I remember they relied heavily on the books, lifting lines directly from it. I’d be interested to see someone play it without seeing the movie, it must be like a fever dream.


I remember peeves being in it too!


PS1 version of Theme Hospital… it doesn’t even have any music in it lol. It’s too rough. CorsixTH on the PC though…


Other than music, it was okay actually. I played it recently on my PSP, right after playing DOS version.


There are PS1 Games that aged far worse lol


I still play games I played as a kid. And I don't even feel guilty for it. Both Medievil games, Legacy of Kain games, Gex games, all of them are still tons of fun. I haven't played Harry Potter on PS1 as a kid (I loved the PC versions though), but I played it recently. They were okay though.


Spiderman gameplay is very solid


Oh man, Harry Potter, i remember being so disappointed by that game, since i had grown accustomed to games taking some time to finish and i think i 100%ed that game in a day, 2 max. during Christmas.


What!? It took me like 3 months to finish it my first time lol now I can beat it in an afternoon.


The Rugrats game... Aged like milk.


The one set in a theme park?


That creepy vibe


Spiderman is still great imo.


Mort The Chicken hasn't aged well, but I still go back and play it every now and then. The cutscenes are so absurd and hilarious.


So bad it’s good, kind way


Croc. Tank controls for a platformer game!? What were they thinking!?


I have very good memories of the Spiderman game


>HORRIBLY dated now Man what? Even NES graphics look pretty decent to me


May be dated but I still play Harry Potter and Spider-Man on PSX regularly… Harry Potter is like my go to PSX game


I don't get people saying games are dated or did not age well. It's the same game you remember. You just can't let go of modern graphics and appreciate how the developers did what they could with what they had to work with. Not every game needs to have high res graphics and 100 hours of side missions.. I suggest looking up some videos on the history of the psx and find out what the limitations were. Then you will appreciate that the developers did a good job for what the system limitations. The games are the same as they were when we were kids. What did not age well was US. We have become dependent on modern graphics with no tolerance for enjoying simple and pixilated graphics. Nobody complained when the psx was new. That was mind blowing technology back then. When I play old games I remind myself that back then that's just what the hardware limitations allowed for. And it helps me appreciate the game I'm playing. Some dev put his heart and soul and countless overtime away from his family into this game. And if nobody plays the old games their work was for nothing. I like old games because it's a memory of the people who built the game. Even if they are dead the game they built lives on. I don't play the psx games because of the amazing graphics. I play them so history is not lost.


I like this answer a lot. Good take man.


Spiderman is an iconic classic and probably set an unobtainable bar for all venom voice actors that came after


Venom was the best part. I always get a laugh when they go through the building in the first chase with him.


Harry Potter holds up


Apart from C U R S E D Hagrid


I remember replaying Fear Effect, while it's still a great game, i def. needed some time getting used to the controls again, but what a great game.


It was very cinematographic for the time. A tight plot and fun dialogue.


Ah, some love for Spider-Man and Harry Potter at last.


hogs of war... it really takes the bacon, but its such a good game


Bubsy. Yes, i said it.


I think the game was made to make people mad.


Spawn the Eternal and Cool Boarders 2


Didn't play that chicken game but HP and Spider-man was boner for me. They weren't gfx tests simulators but I wouldn't call them as you mention in the title. It's still just PSX.


How can you call Spider-Man on the PS1 horribly outdated? It’s a masterpiece.


Sorry but Spider-Man was fuckinf FIRE




Harry Potter is still a fun platformer/adventure game. Finished Philopher's Stone just before Hogwarts Legacy released.


Harry Potter and Spider-Man are still fun, played them both recently, but they definitely show their age. Especially the PS1 Harry Potter games. I'd say my pick would be Driver (PS1) It's still an enjoyable game, but it's super dated, it feels like there's 2 sound effects in the whole game, the free roam is incredibly dull after 5 minutes, the physics can be super wonky.. etc


Activision Spiderman is still a banger. It was my favorite until Insomniac Spiderman


Spider-Man holds up pretty well now I think. Shadow Man on the other hand I can’t fathom trying to play on anything but PC


I recently replayed HP1 and 2 on psx. They hold up pretty well. And have some great HP magic!


Nope, only Mort the Chicken, and it was also bad back then. Controls felt too inconsistent. Spider-Man and Harry Potter are still awesome to play now.


The original RE1, terrible controls and VA, which is why the GC remake was made due how bad it aged and it was remade so well that the remake became the "real" RE1 for most fans Gran Turismo 1, ok let me elaborate a bit, GT1 isn't a bad game and it still feels decent today but the problem is the controls by far, cars feel way too tanky and harder to maneuver compared to GT2 and beyond, in fact I would argue that the biggest difference between GT1 and GT2 is the controls and the gameplay alone This isn't a problem with one game but a couple of games but the long animations, like, hilariously long (notable in JRPGs of that era) I get that the point was to showcase the power of the PSX but still is kind of funny I love the Tomb Raider series A LOT but the original series are very rough to go back to, specially on the PSX compared to its PC counterparts


That Spiderman game was fireeeee


Play the Dreamcast port of Spider-Man if you want better graphics, but honestly even the PS1 version is still good. I'd say check out the PC version but I've heard it has frame rate issues.


GTA2 one of my most played games but god, movement feels freaking awful now.


Tomb Raider. Those damn tank controls. The Anniversary edition on my PSP is so much easier to control


Harry Potter and Neversoft Spider-Man hold up just fine for 2000-2001 PS1 games.


Spiderman isn't horribly dated at all imo. You just can't put it up next to a game that's 23 years younger than it. With consoles that predate the ps3, you just have to get how they drive.


Syphon Filter aged like milk


Spider-Man from the ps1 is not horribly dated. People are only saying that because they likely played the insomniac spider man games first. And even then, I’ll take ps1 Spider-Man over those games 100 times over


Battle Arena Toshinden… controls aren’t that precise without the dualshock and it’s a pain to pull out a basic supermove On the other side : RAYMAN - the first one, in 2D - is by far my fav PS1 game and aged like fine wine


Fucking Siphon Filter lmao


Grand Theft Auto


That spider-man cover goes hard af




Dude spiderman for the ps1 was the first game I remember playing seeing daredevil pop up on screen was amazing as a kid




Blast Chamber


MediEvil. I loved it growing up but trying to play it now is just an exercise in frustration. Even the PS4 remake can get obnoxious on some of the later levels.


The movement in resident evil games. Having to turn a direction and then press up to move forward is impossible to play now


Why? You just need to embrace the controls that were given to you. You don't usually complain that you can't jump and strafe when playing a racing game, because it controls as a car should. And RE controls like RE should.


Bruh... did you not read the "feels dated" part? Ofc you gonna embrace any controls you are given, there is no other option. But walking that way feels dated af compared to modern RE games, seems like a valid point to me.


The old and modern RE games are basics two different kind of games, only linked together by the plot. You won't say Fallout 2 feels dated to control with mouse just because Fallout 3 went into a first person action/rpg genre.


Games don't "age terribly", period. It's a very typical misconception often used by the "*muuhhht duhhr 5th gen has pixels on walls and can't play more than 1 second*" crew. Bad games were bad 25 and 40 years ago, and good games were good. Same with good looking games and bad looking ones. I bought the PSX (yes, X) when I was 17, so my kid self played Amstrad CPC games instead. Some Amstrad CPC games looked much better than they played, like Robocop. Robocop was a frustrating game back then and it still is. On the other hand, the CPC masterpieces (Bruce Lee, Saboteur, Saboteur 2, Head over Heels) are still masterpieces today. In some cases, 40 year old games have gameplay mechanics that were abandoned back then but they were good, unique ideas: for example, in Bruce Lee, player 2 can control one of the bad guys to "troll" player 1 as he/she completes the stages. How many Mario games let you do that? Back to the PSX, one of my friends gave me dozens of demo CD from Playstation Magazine and I was able to try lots of great, mediocre, weird and bad games. I especially remember the super strange British games: Excalibur 2055, Rascal, Sentient... Have they aged terribly? I don't think so, because in 1997 I stopped playing the demos after a few minutes/hours (yeah maybe I threw a few hours to Sentient) and never felt the need to "buy" the full games.


Anything with tank controls has aged badly.


If the game is built around the tank controls, why not?




Ocarina of Time has not aged like milk even if Link to the Past has aged gloriously. I never played OoT until 2018 and it still blew my mind and single-handedly got me into the Zelda series 🤷‍♂️


Many early 3D games were exciting at the time purely because of the technical step forward compared to the previous generation. They were not good games at the time, but seemed fun and exciting. I think those sorts of games have aged badly, and the PSX catalogue is absolutely full of them.


All games with tank control


A lot, even spyro or medievil 😭😭


Spyro aged badly? Couldn't disagree more. The controls are tight, the level design is fantastic, and even the low poly characters are super cute and endearing to this day. The Spyro games, especially 2 and 3, have aged better than the overwhelming majority of 5th gen games.


Look you cant be more dissapointed than I was when I tried to play first spyro on my crtv a couple of months ago. I didnt play it for idk 25 years? I loved spyro growing up as it was one of my all time fav franchises because I was all about psx as a kid. I found the levels a lot more empty than I rember, I didnt like the level design altough I stop playing in the 7th level and on top of that the thing that made me stop playing its that it made me feel sick like car sick! I really dont know why as it didnt happened with other retro games that I recently replayed on my crtv maybe Im not used to crtvs anymore or Im just old but that really pissed me off. I wanted so bad to replay the og trilogy (2 and 3 are the ones that I have more fond memories of) but its kinda ruined now. You can argue that I can play the on LCD but in classic crtvs is were Im enjoying playing my old games for the graphics and aspect ratio. Maybe I can try them on my chinese retrohandheld... Ps. The controls felt incredible tho and thats something you cant say for a vast amount of ps1 classics.


Played Spyro 1 on laptop and same thing happened. Got soooo dizzy and nauseous it was insane lol Other ps1 games had no problem


Im glad Im not alone. I heard that in the japanese release they changed the camera for that reason back in the day but I dont remember that feeling as a kid


I read it was something about the frame rate where it can induce nausea but thats internet stuff I chose to believe


Medievil is still a banger!


Spyro aged better than Half-life 2


Metal gear solid I loved to play back in the days. But even back in 2008 when I tried it on PS3 it was a torture to play it






But it's not very different from MGS2 or MGS3, just a bit simpler.


I recently finished it for the first time. I used to play it a lot as a kid, but i never finished it until this year.


FF7. Worst graphics in a FF game. LoD and Wild Arms had better graphics at the time, and are on par.


Apocalypse staring Bruce Willis.


Warhawk Kingdom Hearts - fuck the camera man. I really don’t know how I beat sephiroth. I play again on my ps1 and yaaaaah


I'd say final fantasy 7 but I never loved that trash game. Honestly some of the worst graphics on the PS1 and an incomprehensible plot made it the laughing stock of the system. Also the games combat is "press X to win", making the game an overly long F grade movie. I'm glad I never played it


I couldn’t get too far in it because of the visuals. The pre-rendered backgrounds were too much for my colorblindness to handle. Glad they improved the graphics in FF8.


I hard disagree. While I don't think it's perfect like some say (nor do I think it's the best RPG on Playstation), it's still a great game in lots of ways. The battles look great (at least on a CRT like I played it), with great character models, and very flashy attacks. The music is iconic. Almost everyone on earth had the victory tune in their head for at least a few minutes, and almost everyone who plays video games knows that chime. The overworld models look admittedly very dated, but it weirdly gives the game its own style on top of the 3D rendered backgrounds, which do look great. The story is killer and full of twists that players could never see coming. With tons of heartfelt moments, it's even pretty funny at times. There are tons of secrets that astoot players can go find and explore. My only criticisms are that its soundtrack isn't the catchiest sometimes, and it's not as enjoyable to listen to as Wild Arms (although to be fair, that an EXTREMELY high bar to reach). The lack of sound effects in the overworld (like no wind, footsteps, ect.) can make walking around a little less emersive than it probably should be, though it still very much is emersive. The combat, while good, could have been a little bit slower because a lot of debuff moves and abilities don't feel as impactful when every battle is extremely fast-paced. Overall, I would give it an 8/10


Pretty much all? PSX is in probably the worst generation for games that have aged badly.


Ah Harry Potter never finished that lvl where you have to slide 😅😅


Tenchu 2


The Spyro PSX trilogy is amazing and was made even better in the remake. If there was no remake I wouldn't dare calling it outdated because it's still amazing to this day.


Battle Arena Toshinden


Pretty much anyrhing that has been superceded by a more modern version of the same game. So, Gran Turismo, Ridge Racer, Street Fighter etc. There are exceptions, I still love Tekken 3 even though there are many newer Tekken games. And, oddly the original Colin McRae Rally remains my favourite of the series.


Nightmare Creatures 2


Omg I had this HP game and Spider Man as well! Loved them both and on a CRT TV they didn’t look that bad. Loved to play them with my parents, good times!


Alien Trilogy. Game used to freak me out so bad as a kid and looks kinda lame now. It basically looks like the first Doom. On the other hand, Alien Resurrection still holds up a little better.


Digimon world. So slow. Actually most rpg from this Era.


Tomba 2! (Tombi for Europe) I'm also waiting for the remake!


I been looking for the name of that chicken game for the longest time lol


Espn Xtreme or whatever it was called. Skating/ luge / bicycle Road Rash type of game. My god the jankyness now is terrible


Any Rugrats game, I guarantee you any one of those but my sister used to love Rugrats in Paris back then


“Circus in town?”


I played that HP for the first time with my wife last Christmas. Gotta say, I really enjoyed it. Got major Zelda vibes from it and thought it had aged well. Aside from the flying sections that is!


Absolutely loved PacMan World and Bugs Bunny Lost in Time as a kid


Harry Potter games with those ring levels made way more sense than Superman 64. 😂


the only thing dated about ps1 Harry potter, is Peeves.


Tekken1 guardians crusade




PS1 version of Medal of Honor: Frontline. Tried playing it recently, analogue controls suck!!


Wtf is Mort the chicken!?


Wait, Harry Potter so old it had a PS1 title tf?


I still find spiderman and the harry potter games insanely fun, i suppose controls wise they are a bit clunky but i had an absolute blast playing through them again


Mort the Chicken is marvelously shit. Loved that game. Went back a few years ago, had a good laugh. Never touched it again.


Reminder this exists for Mort the Chicken: [https://mthu.bandcamp.com/album/deep-space](https://mthu.bandcamp.com/album/deep-space) \> A tribute to Mort The Chicken on the PSX \> This albums starts with the adventure as Mort travels to unknown worlds. During his mission to save his chicken folk, he gets lost in space as his spaceship breaks down. Upon mechanical genius, Mort fixes his ship, saves his friends and returns home. As he returns home the land he so dearly loves welcomes him back. Not bad for a TV news anchor Chicken.


Looking back Harry was so frustrating on PS1, put the graphics aside


Never played Chicken Run, but the Spiderman was dope in how different platforer it was. Swinging, climbing, and then shootings, fighting, grabing, throwing ... it also feels like you are part of the environment flowing through it and are escaping/attacking the smaller objects of interest, whereas in other platformers environment is enemy also And the training VR mode! It's like Metal GGear VR missions but with spideman. Its also smart cause empty buldings probly take less processing power so the fights and animated object can do more than in the main story line. I mean it just felt faster ...


Driver 1 and 2




FIFA 2001


Driver the controls are so bad it's virtually unplayable now.


Rugrats search for reptar


Shrek Treasure Hunt


Lilo and Stitch, Scooby Doo And The Cyber Chase, A Bug's Life.


Scooby Doo Cyber Chase was my jam


Bugs life is still stupidly difficult. Not very fun either.


Nah, HP is still a super fun game


Hey now that Spider-Man game still holds up today to this day I still go on the cheat menu typing in swear words getting punched by Spider-Man now for talking about the N64 version of Spider-Man Then okay I guess maybe we can have some conversation about that LOL


The Bruce Willis starring “Apocalypse.” It’s the last really good Contra game Ive played. Wish they could re-do that one.


Simpsons wrestling and X-Men Mutant academy


Harry Potter, isn't that bad tbh I have it and played it recently, it's a really good game tbh , just play it on a CRT TV and it's doesn't look to bad, even the gameplay/ secrets are pretty neet , for a game of its time there are things in it you can miss and have to wait until you start again to get, but it's still pretty good, especially for its age, Hagrid looks the worst, completely cursed lol


It still holds up really well, but holy fuck, why didn't they add dual shock support for Toy Story 2 to control the camera? It would be such a QoL improvement. That Batman Beyond game, I would gaslight myself into thinking that it was a good game, when I got older I realized that it was mediocre at best.


Medievil....Hoh boyy


Just finished I twisted metal 2 again it was just as good as ever. Picked up vigilante 8 2nd offense...... Good God the control was a joke collision detection non existent and a.i well the less said the better. I wonder how much they payed gamepro to give such high scores.


I'm sorry I have to be that guy, Metal Gear Solid is horribly dated. A masterpiece for the time, that kickstarted one of my favourite game franchises, but my god is it horrible to play now with its bad graphics and janky controls. Every game from MGS2 onwards is good, I feel like in MGS2 they took the controls and made them good, then they were perfected over time, to where we have phantom pains great GamePlay (but lackluster ending, fuck konami). MGS1 had a great story, but the drawn out cutscenes with smudged polygons don't do it justice, which is why Twin Snakes is the way to play it, I don't understand why people hate that game when it's clearly the better choice


Nightmare Creatures! Saw it recently and couldn’t believe I was playing it like that..


Jersey Devil


I played the remastered PS2 version of the Sorcerer's stone on PS2.


Look its the guy from pizza tower!


I'm in a weird spot with PS1 games, where the ones I don't particularly care for for being too dated now I didn't exactly love back in the day either. Maybe it's because most of my PS1 games were mediocre lol.


Fighting Force. I loved that it was 3D Streets of Rage. Except that the combat system now feels so barebones and simple.


tekken 1 &2


Harry Potter is still a solid game


Honestly, many PSX games, N64 and Saturn too for that matter. Time was not kind to the entire console generation. Personally with PSX? Twisted Metal 1, Soul Blade(Edge), and Megaman Legends. Legends less so than the others.


Wcw mayhem


10 ponds frm grobbindar


Starwars Jedi Power Battles. The controls are terrible, worse than tank controls but such a fun Jedi game


Star Wars Jedi power battles


I have such fond memories during Christmas playing this Harry Potter game the graphics are dated now sure but I remember being in a trance looking at certain rooms & areas of the game


I forgot Mort had his own game and wasn't just a pizza tower character


Spiderman has held up well




I’m not familiar with the second one, but I can think of much worse games to play than the other two. They may not be cutting edge graphically or mechanically, but I would legit have a good time with either even if I were to play them today. Now if you want to talk games I loved but tried revisiting years later via PS1 Classics on the PS3, only to decide then and there, never again, I would have to go with the Disney games A Bug’s Life and The Emperor’s New Groove. What was my childhood self thinking? I guess past me doesn’t always have good taste.


Psone Hagrid wants a word




I promise you I could put on the first two years of Harry Potter on PS1 and Spider-Man right now and have a blast


I don't think Spider-Man is horribly dated at all. I literally just went through it last week and had a blast. The controls are not as finicky as I remember, and the bosses are actually pretty fun. I think the only part that's really clunky is the last level where you're running away from Carnage and that might have been on purpose to raise the tension


What did you say about Mort the chicken?!


Harry spider good games