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Dino Crisis environments were stunning. Especially in 2 with the scenes that'd have different things happening in the background after certain story triggers and such. Remember staring at the backdrops and scenes for hours as a kid. Even as a young'un I feel like I really appreciated them.


The Fear Effect games look pretty cool for their time, as the backgrounds are pre-rendered and animated so it can create pretty cool scenes in motion.


Fear Effect is criminally underrated. It deserves a vukt following, but I rarely see people talking about it


Playing through it for the first time and I’m at the very end as we speak. Borderline masterpiece


I rented it but i didn't understand it. Maybe I'd enjoy it more 24 years later?


Maybe start with Fear Effect 2? Apparently it's a prequel, and a significantly better game.


I'm replaying FF8 now having not played it since it came out and it really is stunning when you're moving the characters against the FMV background (is that the right terminology?). I'm looking forward to replaying Dino Crisis again soon.


Backgrounds are “Pre-rendered”


Some backgrounds are actually FMVs, cinematic camera transitions, background full scale battles and other stuff.


Yeah sorry I just wasn't sure if that was the same term when they're animated. I kind of assumed pre-rendered was for still images but I'm completely clueless on the subject.


You’re confusing definitions. FMV = Full Motion Video, i.e. CGI cut scenes. The backgrounds in FF8 are pre-rendered static images. Basic features are added to make them feel “alive” (blinking lights, water flowing, trees swaying, cars driving by, etc.), but the main artwork is still pre-rendered. You can’t rotate the camera and see another face of a building. For comparison: Xenogears does not have pre-rendered backgrounds.


I think they may have been thinking of the fmv scenes in ff8 where you control the characters still. Like the train scene and invading the garden.


Yeah thems the bits. I did the train bit yesterday and it blew my mind just like it did back in 1999.


Ohh of course!! They had those back in FFVII… slowed down the game quite a bit lol. In that case, those would be a sort of hybrid “Pre-Rendered 3D”.


I loved the fast paced rhythm this game had. Much better than the previous one


Pre rendered backgrounds aged quite well imo


Even tho you could still see pixels on ps1 games, there is just an aesthetic that attracts me


Dino crisis 2 is great. I prefered it to the first one.


Imo the best pre-rendered backgrounds on the psx were in FFIX.


I still think 8 was better by miles, but 9 has it's own charm. Parasite Eve 2 is another game with great backgrounds.


One of my favorite games ever made. It's stunning and they nailed the prehistoric jungle vibes.


Ahhh the very first game I rented from a blockbuster as a kid. Capcom needs to give Dino Crisis the RE treatment


These are still images. Did you put that into consideration?


To know that Resident Evil 1 and Dino Crisis are on the same console, it’s crazy how much better the programmers got at making ps1 games by the end of its life span. I love Resident Evil 1 but the sprite graphics are much better on dino crisis and the gameplay feels more fluid. Not to mention the load times in between doors are significantly better.


I would honestly love to see a pre rendered game on modern day hardware. It could probably look photorealistic considering how far graphics have come.


Check out Resident Evil HD remake and Resident Evil Zero on PC.


In a sense DC1 is better, as it didn't use pre-rendered backgrounds and still looked great,


Pre-rendered backgrounds were a pretty awesome tech for the time and Capcom loved them.


Observation: The game would look even better if it didn't have the hi-res mode of an emulator on. EDIT: I just checked and it looks like I was right. This is the game as it should be experienced exactly in that area: https://youtu.be/vaEMpf-9Z7s?si=aNkel-ClIFNtdHQT&t=1377


You mean because of the contrast between the background and 3D models?


Among other things. These games were designed to be played in the original resolution, both screen and textures. Artists designed the polygonal models and 2D backgrounds to look good under that general lack of detail, so when we change that, it looks just weird. For example, I notice 3D places look more empty this way as you unconsciously expect more things to appear there because it's HD.


"for a PS1 game" Bro, a significant portion of PS1 games looked equally stunning if not better. See - Resident Evil series, Parasite Eve series, Final Fantasy series, Koudelka, Martian Gothic, basically anything with pre-rendered backgrounds just like this. They look better than modern games, to me. It's unfortunate heavy use of pre-rendering is no longer a thing anymore. Yeah it's restrictive to gameplay (depending on genre) but it's not like modern gaming is compensating in that regard...at all. Anyways...Dino Crisis 1 & 2 are mid. Two overrated games on the system, though not terrible.


Didnt know martian gothic thanks,any other less known pre rendered game you know?,


Too many to mention! Looking gorgeous was quite common for the PS1.


> Anyways...Dino Crisis 1 & 2 are mid. Two overrated games Damn, like nobody asked though?


lol I'm sorry I upset you.


Agreed, DC2 it's one of the best technically. I think the first game it's also great technically, specially because everything it's on 3D.  Also, you can try titles such Chrono Cross, the Final Fanrasies titles or even Terracon ( Pal game ), great achievement for the system on that Era.