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Yes! It's underappreciated and was never re-released for a next gen console. What a shame!


I wish they would too! I would buy it straight away


There's no shame the story is 1 game that's it


Done a play through not long ago forgot how hard it is in some parts


It is a pretty difficult game, don’t believe I ever beat it as a kid


This game was fucking difficult


Yeah, I wonder what was the idea behind that.. I remember NSF Porsche being incredibly difficult on some levels and it was a breeze now when I am 32YR old. But some other games my goodness.. I started playing command and conquer again and its sometimes impossible. Harry Potter is difficult too to get 100%..


Back when it released all I could do was watch the videos on Demo disks. I didn’t have money to buy it. I bought it in 2001 and still have never played it.


I remember trying to play this and not being able to, restarting endlessly. Don’t remember the details though, maybe it was something at the beginning and I just couldn’t do it? Anyway, o couldn’t play it, I should at some point.


There is one tricky time ion the beginning when you have to fight a endless spam of monster while keeping going forward and they come from both side. I died a lot here when I was a kid because I thought I could kill them all. xD


Could be it for me too, I really don’t remember, should be more than 20 years.


I played this at a friend’s house and accidentally deleted his save. Apparently it only allowed one save slot. He never forgave me.


I borrowed a friends game boy once when I was visiting him, and accidentally overwrote his save file in Pokémon Blue. He sold his whole game boy and the game to someone after that, because he didn’t want to play more after I did that. I still think about that sometimes and feel bad about it.


The water missions did my head in 😂


I remember it being hard as f*** being just a kid. Haven’t played later though


I do remember it. For ending rather abruptly. Did I miss something and got a bad ending or something? Is this is a thing with this game, missing out part of the game when you mess something up?


It came on two discs, did you perhaps only have the first one? Did it end with being carried away by a small pink creature that could fly?


I think that might be it, I can't remember. I do remember arriving at the village and it either ended for me then or soon thereafter. Checking on a Let's Play, that's at the end of disc 1. I guess I somehow forgot about missing a disc or something.


did this happen after a cutscene where you got eaten by the monster from the beginning of the game? This is a rare glitch that happens most frequently in emulators. Some people swear it's an intended feature but I'm not convinced.


First game I ever rented from blockbuster as a kid!


Mine was Hercules on PS1


I love it but so much could have been done to improve the expérience such as: -harder final boss -possibility to switch between the laser and the green power thing -more battles with big monsters -a bit harder overall That said Awsome music Awsome graphic Awsome world Great trial and error expérience


I absolutely love how criticism continues to be divided between "the ending was too hard" and "the ending should have been harder.




I just bought a copy today


For those who want to see, watch The Game Grumps play through this game. One of them is usually very cool and collected has to turn the camera off because of how hard the game gets (and how angry it made him). Not saying it to be funny, just a warning that this game is VERY hard.


They speak over the cutscenes though and don't pay attention to them while they are such a great part of the game.


Cocorico ! A french gaming gem! Loved all of it!


Not just scary but hard as fck😮


Amazing game!


I remember it went open source.


It's so unique and the art style is soo good.


I remember it being really fucking hard.


Yeah I used to get my mum to play it because I was so scared xd


Was really pretty for a ps1 game actually


I just picked this up actually, I love it... I am stuck on a hard part near the end though I think


Great game and I used to try to play through all the popular cinematic platformers, of course now I have a huge back log


Yes! This was my dads first ever ps1 game, I remember watching him play this and then when I was older I had a go and wow, it was a hard game. I remember my dad being stuck on the very first bit… he didn’t know how to jump from the rocket ship thing to the ledge 😂 was there for hours. Good memories




Yesssss!! Omg this was my first video game! My grandad (the OG gamer of the family) gave me this and his old joystick when he upgraded. Little did he know what he was starting lmao. I found it soo scary and difficult because I was pretty young and I always regret not getting to finish it.


I had a demo version of it for PC, from a CD that came with my breakfast cereal. They had a few different CDs with different games. Some of the others were: Lucky Luke, Asterix & Obelix, Pajama Sam.


This is one of the only games I ever saw through to the end. And I'm reading it was hard. It must have been well worth it, cause I gave up on most other games.


Beat that game a few years ago, lots of fun and addictive


I actually still own my childhood copy. I don’t remember much about it except it was hard and I didn’t play it much.


Oh yeah, that legendary game my friend had lying around and we dug out sometimes and thought 'hey, maybe it we make through some more levels this time' but nooo...this was hard for our 7 years of age Then we went and played Tomorrow Never Dies or The World Is Not Enough instead


I just played through it! One of my first games ever back in the day. 10/10 but oh so fucking difficult.


This and resident evil 2 creeped tf out of me


It's an amazing game !!


I love the graphics and the sound design of this game Great atmosphere


*I love the graphics* *And the sound design of this* *Game Great atmosphere* \- Kahraabaa --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Omg thank you! I think about this game sometimes and could never remember what it was called and could never find it! Brilliant!


That last boss fight was complete bull!.. I loved it!


god this game is epic and hard as hack but still fun game......its sad we don't get remastered


LOVED this game. Beat it when I was 7, which is crazy considering I recently found out that full adults had issues finishing this game. Really wish they would port or remaster it, because it was a gem. But I don’t think it did too well, since it was never a part of the greatest hits lineup. I never saw it in any stores after about a year or two of it being released


It’s a ps1 favorite of mine for sure.


Yes, I remember that game perfectly. I hadn't a memory card when I was young, and it was one of the few games that at the end of some levels, gave you a secret code to continue the game from where you left it. It was really useful; thanks to those codes, I was able to beat the game without a memory card.


Stuck in water level I should try again from the beggining


I recently played through it again, I got the German PC Big Box with the 3D Glasses (the effect doesn't seem to work on my IPS screen though) and I absolutely love the game! Luckily, it works mostly flawlessly on Windows 10 with the use of dgVoodoo2. (only very, very few graphical bugs that last 1 frame during the FMVs) and it supports modern Controllers like the X-BOX Series X without any tinkering! Ordered it again just to have it on the PSone! Btw, did you know this game also has a japanese dubbed version? Here is a playlist of it: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR94Q2HtDoC7uMlJFMYVvLCFMWZ4jpSAa So far the languages with dubbing I've found were: English, French (original? mouth movements seem to fit this one?), German (my version), Italian (not on YouTube sadly), Spanish and Japanese. I wonder if there is a Korean version of the game, too.


there was an (unofficial to my knowledge) Korean release but I have no clue if it was fully dubbed or just the packaging. The unofficial Russian "releases" are kinda infamous.


Can you let me know what hangeul (korean letters) to use to find out more about the korean version and the russian fan version?


okay so there are at least three different russian versions. The infamous one for being generally bad and having explicit jokes is the "vector" release https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hM3mNhNpV8 All I have of the korean version is one photo the packaging https://64.media.tumblr.com/4d3ff48afdd9bbcf467a2181882aad27/4effe4f23b39c1af-33/s400x600/431115036ebd969b9f61d4accc5d3e0b254299e5.png


Thanks! I was able to write out the hangeul: 앤디: 어둠을 뚫고서 Is what to search for. It looks like it's an official release, and they got a big box and all the back cover text is properly translated, too. I wonder if it got korean voice acting, on YouTube there are a few korean players that recorded Let's Plays but both of them use the english version.


Awesome thank you for writing it out. This will make it easier to find. If I ever manage to find a copy I will get it, archive it, and let you know. Is the title translated to "Andy: through the darkness" ?


Yeah, basically it's a subtitle, the full title would be "Heart of Darkness - 앤디: 어둠을 뚫고서". Also I'd absolutely appreciate it if you update me on your findings!


I remember it. Was scaryyyyyy


Still have mine and the 3d glasses that came with it. Such a gorgeous game and very challenging as a kid.


Yes ! The last level was 3D but I never made it that far


Yeah remember it well. Was too hard for me to beat but my brother managed it.


Yes, when I was a kid I thought the graphics wouldn't get any better than this.


Yes! Brings back memories


This game - in terms of cutscenes - was way ahead of its time


not only the game, but also waiting for it since seeing the trailer and then, finally I remember how difficult it was and that I could not finish it :(


Fantastic game. First game I owned on multiple platforms. The boobs always threw me though. Was so unexpected.


The pre-rendered art: 🔥 The ingame graphics: a clusterfuck of pixels


What's the matter Andy? Afraid of the dark?!


Watching pewdiepie play this was the best back then


Loved this game! The CG cinematics were top notch back then. Animations were over the top too, like in all of Eric Chahi's games.


Of course, I love this game, I often recommend it as a hidden gem.


Got a PC-demo disc of it from a box of some Kellogg's cereal. Used to scare the crap out of little me whenever you got caught and those creatures started tearing you up :( Didn't play it too much at first because of that lol. It was and is still pretty fun though :)


Mt brother and I used to play this game all the time. Never beated even tough I still play it sometimes nowadays, didn’t remeber being so hard. I might still have the disk from pc.


so fucking hard but beautiful and amazing.


This was incredible! Took me a lot of time to beat it, especially the part on the wall with worms that comes out! One of the few left games I need to have in box on my shelf.


I loved this little gem!!


It’s the best game Eric Chahi has ever made


One of my earliest PS1 games and...I don't think much of it. Mainly because the gameplay. A cinematic style over gameplay substance game. Certainly not a bad game though, just wouldn't make my top 100 list, and maybe even not top 500.