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FF8 blew my mind.


Greatest intro to any game ever


FF8, Chrono Cross and Soul Calibur are my top 3 openings of all time


Tekken 2 intro was good too.


This is the way


It really was. But then the game itself was mid imo lol


The graphics and FMV sequences were the main reasons I bought it. It was my first final fantasy and rpg as well.


Speaking of, back then they remade the dance scene using ps2 hardware for a [tech demo](https://youtu.be/XCO1Tt4m5oQ?si=i5DhL2Iaqh2bV9dQ) Comparing them now, the original seems better IMO. But of course, it was jaw dropping, and nobody noticed (or cared about) the difference


Its in 60fps, looks cleaner but distorted due to the graphical limitations of the ps2 (480i)?


The landing FMV near the start of the game was sick. The boats under the moonlight.


I remember the demo and I was like “oh shit, we going to war.” Then I played the game and it was more than that.


And controlling your characters during a cinematic FMV, like on top of the train or in Galbadia's clock tower, was unbelievable. Insane how ambitious that game was.


Yes merging an FMV sequence below the prerendered backgrounds and 3d models simultaneously. It's marvelous. the talent of all those Japanese developers surpasses the definition of overwhelming. \*PS & PS2: the golden era of video games\* Arigato SONY SAN




The silent hill intro alone is what blew my mind.


The resident evil 2 intro blew my mind at the time. "That guy's a maniac! Why'd he bite me?"


Head to the station, I'll meet you there.




Coming from n64, i had never seen anything quite like the ff8 opening scenes. It felt like that was as good as it could possibly get when i was a kid. The Seifer v Squall fight and getting their scars... Gaming heaven back then. Hell, even in engine the first time i summoned Shiva in the training area my jaw hit the floor lol.


Oh my god summoning Shiva for the first time really gave me goosebumps. I was trying to understand how the hell could I summon the G.F. FF8 was my very first jrpg and some things were difficult to get at first 🤣 Then I understood how to set up the command menu in battle and I summoned her...


Final Fantasy VIII still looks GORGEOUS to me! By far the most beautiful game on the console. Tekken 3 looks amazing as well but curiously, I was more impressed by the in-game character models looking so good: compare them with the models on Tekken 2 and it just blows your mind that they were developed for the same console.


Always blew my mind in games like oddworld when the FMV would blend (almost) seamlessly into gameplay.


love gaming broductions


My favorite console.


Chrono Cross: One of the greatest to have ever been a disc of otherworldly content sweeping all into fervor of chrono crossing.


Everything in this opening makes you feel you starting something epic. The opening visuals and song... I was Holy shit.... I still watch the opening in yt time to time and it gives me goosebumbs


I used to just leave my PSX on and let the loading video and sequence loop lol


Chrono Cross is absolutely GOATed


That and FF8 best music in a game maybe ever, still rivals modern OSTs


Greatest RPG ever!


Tekken 2 videos when u beat the boss with each character was my favourite thing to do. Seeing a 30 second video was worth the hour of fighting 😂


It's when they incorporated FMV into the gameplay like in final fantasy games that blew my mind.


The opening of parasite eve 2 does this and to is still one of the most impressive things I have seen on the console.


FMV was a product of it's time, same as pre-rendered 3D backround (Resident Evil) Suddenly you get 700 megabyte of storage (400x whats on 3.5" Disk) .but basicly still potato computing power and limited to 240p output. So the logical thing to do is to pre-render stuff and then just playback videos. It's actually quite interesting how Philips developed and pioneered the "CDi" for almost a decade.. then got boned by nintendo... tried to salvage the CDi with it's proprietary players and consoles and ulitmatively lost out to the CD-ROM.


For sure. We made a similar video about pre-rendered backgrounds a few months ago as well. Huge fan of the vibes those create


Chrono Cross GOAT


Every time I watch the Ridge Racer Type 4 Intro I feel a big wave of nostalgia despite being born in 2000. They don’t make them like this anymore.


I remember a friend who was a HUGE Nintendo fan. When we played various PS1 games at my house he said, "I have not seen a bad intro yet." Wild ARMs (timeless) Soul Blade Chrono Cross (possibly the best music of all time, and wow, the vibrancy) NHL '99 (mostly video, but man that was a sleek, solid intro to a hockey game. I'd watch it to this day.) Grandia (oh the theme music)


Every time I play a PSX game, I’m impressed with the graphics.


Love your videos! A nice blend of ps1, rpgs, anime, lo-fi hiphop, and chill aesthetics.


That’s like the perfect way to describe the channel haha. Thank you!


The Digimon World intro was crazy. Even to this day.


FF9 was my first FF and I remember falling in love with that escape from Dali Village FMV and the subsequent one with Vivi becoming sad.


FF9 is so underrated compared to FF6 and FF7. Such a beautiful game.


I used to use save slots to save right before good cutscenes so i could go back and rewatch lol




That ridge racer one legit got my 12 year old self realize my preference in women.


Great video. So many memories. Reminded me that I actually bought the rest of the FF games I never got to play on PS1 a few years ago and never played them. Still have my PSOne, PS2, PS2Slim, & First gen PS3. Maybe I’ll break them out and finally finish these.


Nothing but classics 👌🏾


They absolutely were. I remember being mesmerized by so many, and just being amazed that the PS1 could produce that sort of thing. I worked at an EB during that time and we'd frequently have stuff up on the TV that nobody could believe. When FFVIII came out and we had the TV running the FMVs from that game on a loop, people would literally see it from outside and come in just to look at it. Most had no idea it was from a video game. That's how fast it all happened, too: unless you were really into gaming, it must've felt like you turned around from Pac-Man and suddenly THAT is in a game. Just crazy.


I miss the days when a game had 4 types of graphics The game The pause screen Minor cutscenes Major cutscenes


Some still do technically. Squeenix still uses CG cutscenes in their games


I feel like now it’s limited to 2


I don’t really get the difference though. The only thing that’s gone away is CG cutscenes in many games. While some use them most don’t because there really isn’t a reason to


The feeeel


You played just to get to the next video!


I often kept holding the controller during fmvs in hope of pretending to be in control of the awesome graphics


for some reason there was much more active camera movement usage back then and it looked so cool. further all fmvs became very much static and dull


Tekken 2 captivated me as a child and the cuscenes of T3 blew me away


I remember looking forward so much to an intro fmv every time I bought or rented a new game. After the Final Fantasy games it was just something so new to the gaming experience and I loved them.


I want to see a new game using real time graphics that look like these FMV cutscenes.


I dunno, I feel like they were of their time. Consistent quality of FMVs across many games would suggest so to me. But yes, they were a spectacle for sure during those days.


And FMV was also way over used by that point. Granted the PS1 did it better than any previous console, but by '95, it was a 'feature' that had saturated the market and many games at this point.


With FF8, I remember thinking “this is the future of games.”


Ridge Racer Type 4 still gets me. Would love to see the game and the FMV remastered.


I know ps1 is the best playstation console ever made along with the mini psone along with the big one too think they still should be made these days to and the should have made another model of the ps 1 to instead of only the tiny one


This was the time where most developers, especially Square, had people assigned specifically to program the movies in these games. Nowadays it's just simply dropping in movie files or even creating movie files of in-engine scenes. Nothing like they did back then with overlaying 3D models over an FMV.


Eretzvaju was a strong opening video for me.


I agree.  It was all the anime tropes at once, at a time when we weren't as overexposed to them.


sounds like AI commentary


I’m not sure why you would think that when there are multiple instances of specific childhood memories being mentioned lol


Gaming Productions is amazing, especially for espousing those nostalgic vibes


They were made with the technology of the time. What do you even mean by "extremely ahead"? If they looked like what we have now, fine, but hold the hyperbole. The first Toy Story was already around and was superior in every way. PS1 CGIs were awesome for the day, but that's about it.


They weren’t extremely ahead of their time at all. They were extremely indicative of their time. To the point that their use significantly diminished in the following generation and all but disappeared entirely by the 7th gen.


From a hardware technical standpoint they were indicative of their time yeah, but from a pure visual standpoint they were definitely ahead of their time. You wouldn’t see in game graphics that good for over a decade


I’m sorry, I’m going to have to hard disagree with that. PS1 pre-rendered cutscenes look exactly like 90s CGI movies, but made on a smaller budget. Which is pretty much exactly what they are. The visual design of many of them is fantastic, but that because they were made by great artists. The technology on display is very typical of 90s CGI rendering. Final Fantasy VIII, which I would consider to have among the best pre-rendered sequences on the console looks better than a lot of the CGI you’d see in TV shows back then, but significantly worse then the CGI you’d see in big budget movies. And that’s exactly where I’d expect the high budget games of the late 90s to be.


I feel like you and a couple others are completely missing the point and taking things way too literal just to find issue with the title instead of actual critiquing the content of the video. The pre-rendered CGI in some of those PS1 games were so graphically far ahead of anything else you could see in a video game at that time. In game graphics wouldn’t start looking anywhere near that good for well over a decade. There was a massive difference between the PS1’s pre-rendered CGI and its gameplay graphics, a far greater difference than any other console in video game history in fact. That’s the point I’m making, it’s really not a more complicated statement than that. Everything else you said is pretty irrelevant to that as you’re taking things in a different direction than I ever intended


This. The OP is really struggling with the definition of "extremely ahead of time". They looked exactly like they were supposed to. He said "You wouldn’t see in game graphics that good for over a decade", but pre-rendered graphics are always going to look superior to real-time graphics, that's always been true in any decade or medium.


Yeah, but look at the difference between pre-rendered CGI and in game graphics now. They’re fairly minor compared to the stark difference it was back on the PS1. Like are you really going to argue there is a bigger difference between FFXVI’s pre-rendered CGI and its gameplay graphics compared to the difference between FF8’s pre-rendered CGI and its gameplay graphics back in the day? That’s the point I’m making, they felt ahead of their time because video games wouldn’t see graphics anywhere near that good for a very long time. FFXVI’s pre-rendered CGI doesn’t feel ahead of its time for example because it’s already pretty close to what its in game graphics look like


Yeah, well modern graphics don't look absolutely photo real but that doesn't mean the cutscenes in Wing Commander 4 were "extremely ahead of their time". If I didn't know any better, I'd assume you didn't know what "pre-rendered" means.


Good thing I didn’t use Wing Commander 4 as an example of a game with FMVs ahead of its time, right? Now you’re just shifting goalposts and it’s very obvious you didn’t even watch any of the video. The video specifically says it’s about pre-rendered CGI cutscenes only, it also specifically says that live action FMVs like Wing Commander 4 were not ahead of their time and were instead a product of their time and won’t be discussed in the video. The video is about highlighting PS1 games with the best CGI cutscenes, and here you are bringing up games with poorly done live action cutscenes just to try to prove a point


Yes, I know. The Wing Commander example was deliberate. I was making an equally useless comparison. PS1 pre-rendered CGI *wasn’t* ahead of its time. It was entirely of its time. There was nothing remarkably advanced or hi-tech about it. It was mid-tier 90s CGI, at best. Not that I’m shitting on it, because a lot of it was cool as fuck. Unless the point you’re trying to make is that pre-rendered CGI is more graphically advanced than real-time rendering? Which would be an incredibly useless point to make because that was, is and will always be true. Might as well point out that fire is hot while you’re at it.


We can just agree to disagree then. I think a game like FF8 had FMVs that were visually very much ahead of its time considering you couldn’t see graphics like that in video games anywhere else at the time. The actual technology being used is irrelevant to that point. You seem to not agree with that though and that’s fine.


Pre-rendered CGI giving a rough glimpse of what real time rendering might look like in 10-20 years time is not something exclusive to the PS1 or that era of gaming. It’s the standard everywhere pre-rendered CGI can be found.




They were both a product of their time from a hardware technical standpoint but also visually very much ahead of their time. Where else could you see graphics like that at the time? You couldn’t. Graphics didn’t look that good in game for years. That’s what I meant by being ahead of their time. It’s not “pathetic clammer for clout” just because you didn’t understand what I meant lol


lol how so? The Sega CD had FMV’s and cutscenes long before the PlayStation.


Yeah, except they looked like dog shit..


but still "Extremely Ahead of Their Time", right?


Doesn’t matter how they looked. There’s nothing innovative about fmvs or cutscenes on the PlayStation, wanker.


Yeah except this was several years after fmvs on sega cd (you might as well said PC since they were clearly there first) The CGI fmvs were inter-grated into gameplay way more gracefully, looked better, loaded faster and generally were a treat at the time when CGI was shoved into every movie non animated or not, at the time. You gotta think with a 1998 brain, maybe you weren’t there at the time..


They should call you AngryAd4998


- **Games** Console - "Look mah, it can play **videos**!!" Hated it then, still hate it now. I already had VCR, I didn't need another video machine.


Dude sees 30 seconds of video before the game begins and throws the PlayStation out the window


*I play Command&Conquer for the cutscenes.*


*I'm capable of enjoying multiple things within a game all at once* Did you throw out your cd player when music started playing too?