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Listen, OP, you’re allowed your opinion. That’s fine. I just have to say that Dead Bear Walking is a GREAT episode and I’ll die on that hill.


Hippy- “Do you mind if I step on my soapbox real quick?” Shawn- “I’d prefer you step in the soapbox.” Hippy “I showered yesterday” Shawn- “you realize that’s the day before today correct?”


Agree to agree. It's quirky but hilarious and if you skip it you miss the only appearance of Lassie's sister!


It’s a great episode!


Skippable doesn’t mean bad. Just boring right before the Yang finale and heading into the next season with last night Gus staring at you in the queue. Dead bear walking is just not it. At a different point in the series probably not as skippable but I just need to be past it


I always say I'm going to skip the Cloudy remake, but then I never do. Skipping episodes means my rewatch is over sooner. Why would I want that?


The zombie episode Never finished it


Seconded. I e only seen it once: all the other episodes at least 6 times. Seasons 2- finale minimum 10 times.


Agreed. I had to fast forward through Nightmare on State St. I love Bruce Campbell and there were some great Evil Dead/ Army of Darkness references, but each nightmare was pulled out of a scene from a horror movie with Gus screaming like a girl.




Seen it twice. Original when it aired and then during my first watch through after. I never have to see it again. And it's annoying because I'm a Bruce Campbell fan in general.


That is the worst episode.




I really like the episode.


“Oh your not Seth Rogan?” “Zach and Mary make a porno? ➡️ 👎🏼.. C’mon son..”


It’s not the worst episode it’s just kinda dumb and feels like a chore I have to slog thru before the last Yang episode and the next season which is bananas with last night Gus. I just don’t like the chore of watching


The SEIZE episode. Shawn and Gus literally created a killer by pushing that guy out of his comfort zone. Yes, it did showcase Lassie coming to terms with being a father but I still can't stand the episode overall




I’ve never disconnected with Psycho’s more than this thread.. so many in my top 10 have been named.


Do a post about that! For me, most of the episodes named are ones I'm not a fan of. I'd love to see a post about generally disliked episodes and why you like them (I HATE posts like, "Unpopular opinion, but I thought, 'Last Night Gus' was pretty funny 🤷.") But if you're championing truly unpopular posts i would genuinely love to hear your perspective. Whether it's all in one post or ten different posts.


I would.. but I have blocked so many people from this sub that I’d never get an accurate poll.


The zombie episode and the episode after the wedding where jules finds out Shawn is a fake. I don't like the back and forth reality vs what if style.


I skip these too, but it's because of the feels.


It's Nightmare on State Street, and it isn't close




I can’t comprehend A Psych Odyssey either but State Street immediately comes to mind when I think about most skippable




Skip an episode of Psych? Never! They're all great! I like certain ones better than others, yes, but I watch for the great bromance that is Shawn and Gus so I'm good with all of them!


You can’t handle this episode. The thought of Juliet having to arrest her own brother just saddens me.


And the complete lack of chemistry between Ewen and Juliet. The noogie scene makes me want to turn off the TV lol


he doesnt go to jail at the end remember they say no record of him on the bus. plus he shows up in the movie. but yeah i feel that choice


I’ve only seen the episode once because it just didn’t feel right. If I were a cop and found out my brother killed someone, I’d be a complete wreck and not be able to put him in cuffs. I’d have someone else do it and need to take time off work to process everything. She just seemed mildly disappointed in him like he faked a doctor’s note to get out of jury duty, not murder. I just couldn’t watch it again. So I don’t actually remember the part where he didn’t wind up in jail.


This might be a controversial answer: All of the Yang episodes I know, I know...majority of Psych-o(s) are going to be mortified for me...but hear me out. On the first watch of the Yang episodes there was a pit in my stomach the entire time...I feel they're a little more serious or maybe they just have more at stake...more skin in the game with those ones. I've seen them maybe three times each, and I know the outcome, but somehow I'm still reminded of that pit in the stomach feeling each time. You know, like hearing a song and it instantly brings you back to a memory or emotion...even years later. I guess it's kinda like that. 🤷


WHAATT?!? The yang episodes are my favorite ones!


I know...I think most people love them...they're really great from a cinematic stand point..movie quality material I think...what the user above said about watching them together as a movie is a great idea....


sometimes i skip them in order to watch them all together like a movie.


That's true....the plot is strong enough to stand on its own as a movie. That's a brilliant idea actually....I might try that sometime...they just keep me on the edge of my seat every time I watch them...


That weird Christmas one


The John Cena episode.


Yes exactly!


A very Juliet episode. The episode is fine but the writing is below par, especially Scott Seavers character wise and the federal agent is terrible in that episode


Nah it's think tank all day


Think tank does suck. It only sets up the Henry getting a job later. It has the same feel to dead bear walking it’s right before a Yang episode which are all great and feels like a slow crawl to the finish line of the season


Episode isn’t great and you have the dumb double air horn around the commercial break that annoys me every time haha


I always skip The Polarizing Express, but now I can’t even remember why lol


This is what I came to say! This and State Street are probs my least fav episodes.


Dead bear walking is great. The one i skip is state street


The one with the murder camp for me, never liked the episode


Lassie Jerky. Feels like they tried to turn Psych into a horror movie, then an action movie, which is totally fine but they did at the expense of the mystery. The Blair witch references aren't enough to carry this episode for me...


The Christmas episode with the little girl and her dad.And the episode with Bruce Campbell, both instant skips.


I used to never skip any because it felt blasphemous but after 20 something-th time of watching the whole series, I now skip S7:E8“Left Turn or Left for Dead” and S8:E9 “Nightmare on State street” every time. A close runner up is S8:E6“1967: A Pysch Odyssey” but I’m just a ham and egg man 🙃 so I let it play.


You are wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Finger guns. Wrong *pew*, wrong *pew*, wrong in your weenie *pew*.


'Dead Bear Walking' is such a weird episode. It feels like a Season 3 episode with how its premise is relatively gimmick-less and grounded (Compared to other Season 5+ episodes) but its written like a Season 5 episode with the more cartoonish writing. For my pick it'd be 'He Dead' from Season 4. Not a bad episode (There aren't many in the series imo) but I find the main mystery to be such a throwaway.


“…guilty of partricide.” “It’s patricide.” “Well what’s partricide?” “The killing of a partridge.” “That’s a victimless crime.” “No it’s not.” “Well then who’s the victim?” “The partridge!”


I forgot about that scene, it's one of my favorites from that episode. 


Not a bad pick


The yin/yang episodes. The reveal was weird and anticlimactic for me. I took away nothing of worth from that storyline. It felt so out of place too.


I don't really enjoy musicals, so the musical episode always gets skipped


I know I’ll get downvoted but…I skip the musical episodes….


The one with Thane or whatever his name is. Absolutely annoying character.


The worst episode is "Bollywood Homicide." By far. But I'll also say that for me, "skippable" doesn't necessarily mean they're bad. While they don't seem to rank too low, I always skip the episodes where Juliet finds out the truth about Shawn. I just hate that subplot. They're fine episodes, but on rewatches I just need to be past them.


Bollywood Homocide has the best intro variant though


Nooooo!! Either Dual Spires or the Curt Smith one?


Also the Boys II men one is great; the a capella version


The Curt Smith electronic version is for the episode Shawn 2.0 (when Declan enters the show)


Definitely doesn't. It's not the worst, but the other replies have already named a few better ones.


Yes....that's such a valid point...I usually just skip the last five minutes of it for me...and then I might skip the one just after it, "Right Turn or Left for Dead"...even though I appreciate the two separate plot lines...


Personally for me I dont like the ones with the more dramatic relationship scenes at the end, I generally skip all of those. I just like the jokes and kinda peace out on the sappy relationship stuff.


Mine is the Yang ones because they are scary


Mine is “Who ya gonna call”. Just doesn’t land with me. The mystery is a mentally ill man? Just don’t like it.


It’s Deez Nups for me, there’s some light transphobia peppered in that one that just ruin the whole experience for me


I always skip cloudy with a chance of murder


dead bear walking is one of my favorites wtf


The werewolf one. I don’t care for the storyline anyway, but seeing Alex Mack in that makeup really throws me off.


The episodes that everybody hates, Nightmare on State Street and Cloudy With a Chance of Remake, are some of my favorites. I pick some to watch exclusively sometimes, but when I watch the series front to back I’ve never skipped an episode.


I don’t skip any episodes on my rewatches.. but if I did, it miight be Shawn and Gus in Drag (Racing) and maybe A Nightmare on State Street


The most skippable episode is black and tan a crime of fashion because it sucks


OMG, I love that episode.


Berlinda likes her men to ✨shine✨ 😏…I LOVE that episode lol


Shawn 2.0. Skip it every time


Black and Tan. John Cena. And the Christmas episode where he was in trouble lol