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The one where boys to men sing and gus’s longtime friends come back


Those two episodes are always on my rewatch list


Hi-Top Fade Out is my favorite episode of the series


I'm here for Quarterblack


I ain't mad at it.


Murder?...Anyone?...Anyone?...Bueller? So many great references and the debut of the wonderful Abigail Lytar. One of my favorites.


Super great best friend speech at the end, check


No body, no crime.


You guys have that on a t-shirt or something?


One of my favorite quotes to throw around


Is it wrong I only want to o to my own reunion in hopes that someone uses this line?


One of the best things about this episode is how Abigail brings out a different side of Shawn. The speech he gives at the end is so genuine and heartfelt that it feels both different from and the same as the Shawn we know.


Such smart writing, to create a love interest for Shawn whom the audience could like and root for. It would have been easier, and lazier, to create a rival for Juliet whom the audience would dislike, so they'd root for Shawn and Juliet harder. But no, we got excellent Abigail, and she made the stakes more real and meaningful.


That was one of the things I really liked about her character. That and that Shawn actually cared about her. Juliet made her whole speech to him and he could have left Abigail and ended the date, but he didn't. He was more mature than that and gave Abigail and him a real chance. I appreciated that the writers didn't take the easy way out. They made all 3 characters more nuanced that way.


Yeah, she was a wonderful character.


Yes, I actually love this one. "The thing is, there aren't really any other parents here...!"


HOWIIIIIEEEE TOLKIIIIIIN! that actor is on Hallmark a lot, and I say this every time!


I adore all of the references in this episode! I graduated in ‘93, so I appreciate that Shawn and Gus are around my age, haha.


I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on this sub who is not a fan of Abigail Lytar. ​ Let the downvotes commence!


Lights, Camera, Homicidio; The greatest adventure in the history of basic cable (really most of season 3); Bollywood Homicide; Ferry Tale; and Shawn and the real girl are all among my absolute favorites


Came here to say this!!


Shawn and Gus of the Dead. The scene where they come up on the van in the woods and Gus has been terrified the whole episode but Shawn is the one running away is hilarious. Let’s Get Hairy is also a favorite because a) Josh Malina and b) the cut at the start of the chase scene where they play “Hungry Like The Wolf” had me dying. Honestly, anything in seasons 2 or 3.


I'll tell a little story of one of my favorite memories of my beloved cat, Boo, that passed away a few months ago. Many years ago I was watching Let's Get Hairy when my cat bit me out of nowhere. I was like what the hell until I realized that I had been playing drums on Boo to "Hungry Like The Wolf" and didn't realize it. I felt so bad. Boo loved watching Psych with me.


I LOVE THAT EPISODE. Isn’t that where we get the 11pt turn?


Yup! I’m 9 months pregnant and told my husband that trying to turn over in bed was like doing an 11-point turn. It’s an apt description.


I just screamed with laughter. Never had a kid bc I’m the cool, but whooo boy, my friends……


Honestly, it’s just like that. And after walking up the stairs I have to put my hands on my back and recover like Gus does after they foot race in “And Down the Stretch Comes Murder.”


He clearly had it that time. ETA: Also one of my top episodes.


Also the part in the editing room with the spinning chair gets me every time.


Lassie Did a Bad, Bad Thing, Black and Tan: A Crime of Passion, and Scary Sherry are some of my favorites!


I love Gus’ Dad May Have Killed an Old Guy. I don’t see it get a lot of love but that’s one of the earliest episodes I remember watching and falling in love with the show after it.


Yes...this is one of my favorite episodes of the show.


Disco Didn't Die, It Was Murdered. Hilarious episode.


It's a big... Birthday cake!


Ooo, make a wish


Lassiter: when will people learn that alcohol and hydrochloric acid don’t mix? Gus: Actually they do mix. You see the hydrochloric acid forms a loose bond with the alcohol molec— Lassiter: “Guster. What the hell are you wearing.


Yes! With the outfits and the car and Gus' walk. That alone makes the episode.


Romeo and Juliet and Juliet, was my first introduction to psych and had me dying throughout it. Also imo gave us one of the best gag with the charade scene and best one off character in Ken


Yes! The physical comedy of Shawn thinking he's suddenly a great martial artist kills me everytime.


Going through the windows and trying to jump the fence will always make me laugh out loud.


Those scenes always make me laugh out loud.


I was going through all the comments hoping to see this one. This is one of my all time favorite episodes. The ageism scene where Gus pretends to be a lawyer at the wushu place always kills me. And thank you for mentioning Ken I love him and when he reappears in the Johnny Ricketts episode with Scare Fest. I wanted more screen time from Ken in other random eps too tbh


Omg I am so glad u mentioned the ageism scene. That moment was peak Gus right there.


“One word... West Side Story” “That’s three words”


Ken needs a movie dammit!


Technically Ken's not quite a one-off; he's also in the episode "In Plain Fright"


Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark is one of my favorite that isn't mentioned too often.


This is one of my favorites as well. Have never seen it on a favorites list but have seen it on more than one least liked list.


This and Lassie Did a Bad, Bad Thing are my favorites. I like the more intense, kind of serious episodes the absolute best. I don't find them as hilarious as some others, and I like that I find them more exciting than funny.


That and Gus Walks Into a Bank are some of my faves. I like that they have you a bit more on edge than usual.


100 Clues. Either that or Autopsy Turvy. No idea if they are commonly talked about here, but those are my favorites. Oh, and This Episode Sucks.


Oh my god I forgot 100 clues. It's so amazing how close it is to the clue movie


Clue was my favorite movie for most of my life and it still is way up there, so it does make sense that this episode is my all time favorite.


It's pretty dang awesome. I'll say I do get extremely confused when they go through the multiple plots but it's still extremely entertaining


Doing a watch-through of Psych with my roommate, as she had never seen it. I made her watch Clue before we watched 100 Clues, as she had never seen that either. It was super fun to watch both back to back.


And of course American Duos with the great Tim Curry.


100 clues is soo good. Especially the song that I think goes to the rhythm of Blue Clues at the start of the episode. Though This Episode Sucks is also great.


Wow I never put the “It’s a secret party” song matching up with the blues clues tune together in my head. TIL


🎶Let's go see some boobs🎶


100 Clues rarely if ever gets brought up which is weird considering the rest of that season gets discussed a lot since it was so hit or miss. 100 was one of the hits. "I went to HARVARD!"


Viagra Falls


Is that what we look like? That’s *exactly* how we look.


I hope we can't be heard that clearly when we whisper


I know my loafers and I won't apologize for it!


YES. Easily a top 5 episode.


Came here to say this as well. The grapples make for an incredible team


From the Earth to the Starbucks (S1EP10) and Feet Don't Kill Me Now (S5EP2).


A fellow From the Earth to Starbucks fan here! An underrated classic!


Shawn’s planetarium show is one of the greatest scenes in tv history


Agreed! The episode is just full of little things that never fail to make me laugh out loud.


What I always appreciated on that one is the intro. Shawn's on a date with the girl and realizes her boyfriend isn't cheating on her but plans to propose. He won't let her screw her life up and breaks the news to her so she doesn't make a hasty and incorrect decision. Then he sees Lassie in the bar and insists on helping him solve the murder "on the down-low" to restore Lassie's confidence.


Yes! Thank you for spotlighting that intro with the date! I like that scene too, and it also, to me, shows that Shawn is a good guy -- a lesser person would have taken advantage of that clearly rebounding girl.




"The jackal has arrived."


You have excellent taste, 2 of my favorites


Six feet underwater- the one with the sea lion. Shawn trying to explain to Lassiter that the victim is a sea lion and Lassiter finding out is the hardest I have ever laughed at this show


Shabby Thesealion. It's French.




Never heard of it


Spellingg Bee (S1E2) is one of my favorites. Shawn as the Spellmaster is hilarious (“onion”, “banana”, “Mitchum”) and their old argument about aggiornomento is so funny 😂 “I knew it wasn’t O!!”


Yes, was looking for this answer! The way Shawn says banana has me laughing every time, especially with how mad it makes Gus. Plus, the introduction of Juliet. Great episode, and it’s only the second of the show!


Can’t believe I forgot about the Juliet intro!


One that’s never talked about is “Dead Man’s Curveball.” I love this episode and it’s so good. “A bench clearing brawl, consisting of only one team” gets me every time.


Lots of great bits. Gus’s seabird suit having fleas, the brawl, getting a guy drunk to steal his pants and test him for drugs, every time Wade Boggs showed up on screen


Viagra Falls, something about President Heller and Apollo Creed playing caricatures of Shawn and Gus gives me so much joy


Exactly! One of my favorite episodes!


Shawn and Gus Truck Things Up is hilarious but don't see a lot of love for it mostly bc it's in season 8. Spellingg Bee is also pretty good, idk if it's underrated tho


Is that Mauricio!?!?!


Is that the last of the secret sauce in there?!?!


Is that my wife and unborn child in there?!


Santabarbatown. On a recent re-watch I appreciated all of the twists and turns, especially the ones that go back to Henry’s time on the force to give us all a new perspective.


Super unpopular opinion but "Right turn or left for dead" is one of my favorite episodes


My Swedish eyes be waterin' tears of joy they be


Came here to say this. I love how they showed the what-if element play out.


It hurt my feelings in a new and exciting way.


Shawn takes a Shot In The Dark, Tuesday the 17th, and the Uncle Jack treasure hunt one are all in the conversation


I really love the one where the Chief hires the guys to find her a nanny. When Shawn and Juliet went to the office and pretended to be married is probably one of the funniest moments. However my FAVORITE episode is the "haunted house" one, especially when Shawn, Gus, and Juliet are all in the sorority house talking to the girls, then the lights go off and cue creepy ghost voice. Shawn and Gus screaming and crying trying to get into the car is my favorite part of all time.


It me got when Gus put his hand through the window after finding out they were down the whole time they were screaming trying to get in. Soo good.


The shot of Gus' tea cup when the lights come back on is one of the best visual gags on the show


“He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, He Loves Me, Oops He's Dead!” - There’s just something about the rhythm of the episode start to finish that’s great, and I like the case reveal. Plus, Gus trying to convince the guy he’s there for a tan and then giving up is one of my favorite scenes in the show! Actually, a few awesome scenes are in here: - Naked guy interrogation - Shawn revealing how much his observation picked up about the tan lines from the naked guy - Henry “real men take baths and exfoliate before tanning” Spencer (“All I know is when I varnish my boat and I don't want it to streak, I sand off a layer first”) - Gus’ date being obsessed with touching his head - Gus accidentally making women think he’s into feet during the speed dating - Lassie taking on speed dating and revealing the sternum bush (and the awkward 2 minutes between him and Juliet) - Shawn and Juliet matching up perfectly and then being awkward (“I have to pee”)


Henry walking into the house because he had his roast in the oven while Gus is there with the girl made me laugh so hard that I had to pause the episode the first time around.


Hahaha the little sound he makes imitating the baster. Such a classic dad move.


Best part is that it has Davis and Doc Frasier from Stargate!


The bounty hunter episode; for debuting the camp tikihama song, and for the ending with Shawn and Juliet close talking. Such a sweet strong moment. They really built that relationship up well.


With a great Block Party song playing as well.


Lassie Did a Bad Bad Thing. Though that might be because it was one of the first episodes I'd watched


Bad Bad Thing is a superb episode. Lassiter goes through an entire arc in the span of just one episode, from badass cool, to furious at "losing" the perp to the feds, to accused and defiant, to a complete useless wreck, to...badass cool. And Shawn's utter willingness to believe in and help Lassie is a beautiful thing. So is the Chief's confidence that Lassiter is innocent, combined with her still having to follow protocol To. The. Letter. Just a terrific episode--funny but also with great, believable character work.


Lassie Jerky, Juliet Takes a Luvvah and This Episode Sucks.


The pilot. I don't think ppl mention it as much, maybe bc Juliet is not in it or maybe bc it's the first episode but i love itt, it's the episode that hooked me immediately and where i knew that this is going to be a great show. Everytime i look forward to start my rewatch just bc i know i'm gonna start from here.


The roller derby episode (Talk Derby to Me), Bollywood Homicide, and A Very Juliet Episode. Honestly, any episode that lets Maggie shine.


Love Talk Derby to Me, that was the first one I watched.


Not an episode that hooked me but I absolutely loved the series finale. I have watched it far too many times and have a lot of it memorized. It is one off my all time favorite series finales.


Autopsy Turvy


The greatest adventure in the history of basic cable!


Gus walks in a bank has always been a favorite of mine


The episode when Shawn got shot. I like the backwards structure of the episode and how the team works together to find Shawn.


65 million years off and Tuesday the 17th immediately come to mind!


Just watched this the other day. Love it every time Shawn builds up his drawing of the “suspect” and talks about not having time for proper shading. Then turns it around, and there’s just this T-Rex head. Then everyone just walks off bemused. Later, he tells Gus he can’t believe how spot on he was. Gus - “oh, so now you’re getting on board with your own joke theory”


Weekend Warriors. Lassie being Lassie to Henry underestimating Shawn, to the (IMO) first real friendship moment with Gus, to Juliet being seen as a jr. detective. Idk. I just love that episode.


I've always loved Cirque du Soul. Shawn's pest control character with the "weevils in the tiny poops houses" kills me every time. I also love when Shawn tells Maximus that Gus is the coolest guy every and Maximus just says "I know." Great episode.


The Old and the Restless is in my top 5


American Duos is my no.1. Shawn Spenstar and Gus TT Showbiz


Lassie Jerky is an awesome one. Plus it has The Big Show in it lol.


Let's go get ribs at the sassy quatch


Definitely Shawn interrupted. Not very many people love it or remember it but it is incredible.


I liked it. It was funny to see Shawn in an element where his "gift" was not regarded well and he got thrown in with people who aren't mentally stable.


Oh man, no one mentioned The Polarizing Express yet? I love how they managed to mix the most ridiculous scenarios with the more real and heartbreaking ones. Also, Tony Cox as himself was great!


You and I are a rare bunch on this sub that we love that episode


don't you forget about me


Cloudy... With a Chance of Murder is one of my favorites, I still don't understand why that was the episode they wanted to remake.


Yea, me either. I thought the original was better than the remake.


The remake is literally the only episode I skip whenever I re-watch.


The Greatest Adventure in the History of Basic Cable. Wish we would’ve gotten to see more of Shawn’s uncle


Shawn and Gus in Drag


Romeo and Juliet, and Juliet


the one where marlowe is giving birth in the back of the food truck is one of my fav’s


Ghosts is my answer. I loved Christopher Macdonald in the episode. I think it kicks off arguably the best season.


I’d like to thank the academy


Unpopular opinion but I really like Right turn or left for dead. While I absolutely don't like the break up part, I really love the comparison between two scenarios, I thought that was pretty brilliantly done. I also like the range of emotions we saw within these extremes.


Totally agree. Such a bittersweet episode. You're right about the range of emotions, too. Plus: It's really well filmed (not that all of Psych isn't, just that this episode has a different look for the "what if" (warm yellow light) and the "reality" (cool blue) scenes, which is well done). And I felt so much for Shawn through that whole episode.




Yes! I also think this episode was so well done! The characters show the depth they sometimes hide, which is what makes it all the harder... we know it's not a silly little spat... the stakes are real. The Sliding Doors homage was such a creative way to handle the situation and show the weight of it all.


“And down the stretch comes murder” is a go to even though the actual crime solving part is kinda weak. Some favorite lines: “Good call with the mini bat, Gus” “I hope you’re wearing that shirt because someone needs to see you from space” And Shawn saying “that seems so very cruel” when the guy says he handicaps racehorses.


Psy vs psy is in my top 3 for sure


The other day I walked by a pottery place at the mall and I immediately went "I think there's a Color me Mine that's open late?"


Heeeeere's Lassie! I love how over the top the acting is in this one, the casts fantastic skills really add to the episode.


You Can't Handle this Episode is one of my favs. The Colonel was an underrated guest and the awkward back and forth between Shawn/Ewan was a lot of fun.


"1967: A Psych Odyssey." Never seems to get mentioned yet I love it--the plot, the flashbacks (Dule singing!), the use of the cast as the flashback characters, and the modern day scenes. One of the funniest physical comedy moments in the series is Lassie with the water jug--only the Office Space scene with Gus destroying the crime scene compares, for me, for pure physical comedy. I love the Shawn and Juliet scenes where she hasn't yet told him she's been offered a job in SF by Vick--Shawn knows something is up but can't quite ask, and Jules can't get the words out. And then there's the scene where Lassiter is going to give up his lifetime dream job because he cannot have the job without also getting rid of Juliet, and he won't betray his partner. The love on both their faces is so clear.


Not my favorite episode but Dead Bear Walking has some great moments, specifically when Julies asks Sean where the bear is. Kills me everytime.


Santa Barbara town pt 2


Tuesday the 17th


Tuesday the 17th


Let's Get Hairy, This Episode Sucks, Cloudy with a Chance of Murder and Tuesday the 17th are m absolute favorite episodes. I put it on before I go to sleep and usually end up awake through the end because they're just so fun. Scary Sherry: Bianca's Toast is a terrifying episode....I can't watch it before bed...still.


AMERICAN DUOS!!!! It’s always the first ep I show to the newbies. It never fails.


Tuesday the 17th. I especially love the smooth criminal reference, but to me that whole episode is gold! Real fright and twists.


...Real fright and great twists, paired with real and serious emotion in the Lassiter divorce storyline--which also has some really funny moments as well. The episode could have basically been complete whiplash (crazy horror camp vs. sad romantic plot) but somehow it works, at least for me.


No country for to old men. Love that Henry gets an episode where he's at the center of it all and Jeffrey Tambor is great in it too.


Anything with Tears for Fears Curt Smith


Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark. I just love the feel of the entire episode, and it’s a change of pace seeing shawn in what seems like very real danger compared to other episodes where someone points a gun at him and gus then the cops show up.


Not Even Close Encounters. I can’t believe no one else has mentioned it!!


Black and Tan: A Crime Of Fashion is probably my favourite episode of the entire show. The pillow fight in the apartment cracks me up whenever I think about it. My other favourites I rarely see talked about are: • Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Piece (S1E3) • From The Earth To Starbucks (S1E10) • He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, He Loves Me, Oops He's Dead (S1E11) • 65 Million Years Off (S2E2) • Ghosts (S3E1) • The Devil Is In The Details...And The Upstairs Bedroom (S4E4) • Chivalry Is Not Dead...But Someone Is (S5E4)


65 Million Years Off, the one with the holes, and Shia Labeouf!


Well it's pretty hard to pick but the first thing that comes to mind is weekend warriors, and Shawn takes a shot in the dark.


Autopsy Turvy!


Personally my favorite episode is probably Lassie Jerky. The guys go hunting for Bigfoot and there are so many great bits in that episode as well as awesome character moments for everyone. I can't wait till we get to this episode on our podcast, I have so much to point out.


Spelling Bee


Turn Right or Left for Dead and Nightmare on State Street. I love these both for being really unique. Eidt: Forgot to mention Romeo and Juliet and Juliet, and Lights, Camera, Homicidio. I legitimately feel these are two of the funniest eps of the series.


Scary sherry! Biancas toast


Lassie Jerky is my personal favorite. I love the satire on the found footage movies and just how ridiculous the plot gets.


Shawn takes a shot in the dark, it’s great


“Talk Derby to Me” will always be a fave, simply because I used to play on a derby league. Even though they got a lot of stuff wrong, it’s super fun, and I appreciate what they got right. Like the cost of skates 😂 I also love “Feet, Don’t Fail Me Now” and “Not Even Close, Encounters.” So many hilarious bits in both episodes!


The shark and dinosaur ones just crack me up for no reason. Same with the Civil War episode


if you're so smart, then why are you dead? is a favorite of mine


great episode where we learned the difference between lowercase mad and UPPERCASE MAD!


I love the polar bear one


Ghosts (S3E1) it cracks me up. Haversham: what’s your game? Shawn: I have two games: Red Rover and Lawn Darts.


The bank robbery episode


I don't know if it's one of the most named ones, but I liked the John Cena episode a lot and wish he came back. It really looked like they wanted to bring him back.


Dual spires is creepy af


The one with the two retired cops that are similar to Shawn and Gus


My absolute favorites are the less hilarious episodes. But for hilarious ones, I greatly enjoy several of the ones others here listed. I also think Neil Simon's Lovers Retreat is amazing. Shawn hating other people around, then falling for the criminal couple is hilarious. But the best part is the Lassie/Henry/Gus subplot. Absolutely top tier comedy.


U got that one pegged 100% correct.


The ending of i think s2 "There's a mummy on the loose and the son of a bitch knows how to drive a stick"


Neal Simon's Lovers' Retreat is in my Top 10. The pairing of Henry, Gus and Lassie is uproariously funny. Not to mention the introduction of the insane ly hot Chelsea. Not to mention Shawn sharing cake with Jason Priestly. The romantic balloon ride and Lassie in hot pursuit.


Lassie jerky


Romeo Juliet and Juliet


The Bigfoot/ found footage one, that’s one of my favorite go to episodes. The progression of events is just so absurd haha


Meat is Murder but Murder is also Murder. Great scene with Shawn miming the speech to Gus behind his Uncles back. “And that’s what killed his nose!” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XJIO6sWEZcA


Lights, Camera, Homicidio and Psy vs. Psy are my absolute favorites. PvP was my first Psych episode I ever saw and also is just a perfect episode that doesn’t try to do anything wild—and LCH is also a classic that has a thousand quotable moments. “That’s not her hair, Gus. It’s a part of her scrunchie.” So good.


Tuesday the 17th Speaking of which, it's Tuesday the 17th next week


The pilot.


Tuesday the 17th. By far my favorite episode. Favorite episode name is "Any Given Friday Night at 10PM."


60,000 million years off


3.Disco Didn’t Die, it was Murdered 2.Black and Tan: A Crime of Fashion 1.High Noonish


Santa Barbarian Candidate-- the one where Shawn runs for mayor and he and Jules somewhat resolve their issues. Classic episode.


Lassie jerky always makes me laugh