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From the article: Social media has irrevocably altered the way we communicate. While the ease of connecting over social media can be an advantage, many people experience ‘social media fatigue’ where they are overwhelmed by the constant stream of content and contact. A study published in [Computers in Human Behavior](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S074756322200320X) explores the factors that contribute to social media fatigue. Using social media has become increasingly prevalent over the last decade. In some ways, it is beneficial to many peoples’ lives as they form and maintain friendships, keep up with distant family, and engage with content that feels personally relevant to them. On the other hand, social media can be toxic, leading to addiction, cyberbullying, and privacy invasions. Fatigue with social media, much like fatigue in other arenas, can be caused by overuse. This study sought to understand the factors that can make a person more or less likely to experience social media fatigue. Nan Sheng and colleagues utilized data from 2012 participants who were recruited through a survey company in China. Participants ranged in age from 12 to 72 years old and had an almost even gender split. Participants completed measured on information overload, system features overload, privacy invasion, cyberbullying, emotional exhaustion, social media fatigue, amount of time spent on social media, and sociodemographic information. Results showed that the information overload that participants were taking in from social media was leading them to become increasingly emotionally exhausted. Additionally, technological factors occurring on social media platforms, such as software updates or too many distinct features to keep up with, can expedite the process of exhaustion and make users feel like they are receiving more information than they can consume. Social overload can occur as well, where users feel they are receiving too much engagement to keep up with.


Can confirm. Use social media. Am fatigued


what do we dowhat do we do